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Traumatic brain injury may up risk for developing comorbidities

Traumatic brain injury may up risk for developing comorbidities

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) of any severity is associated with increased risk of chronic cardiovascular, endocrine, and neurologic comorbidities, according to a study published online April 28 in&nbs

Traumatic brain injury may up risk for developing comorbidities

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) of any severity is associated with increased risk of chronic cardiovascular, endocrine, and neurologic comorbidities, according to a study published online April 28 in&nbs
Different autism risk genes, same effects on brain development

Different autism risk genes, same effects on brain development

by Harvard UniversityMicroscopy image of a brain organoid showing neuron precursors (magenta) and deep-layer projection neurons (green), which are one of the cell types affected by autism risk ge

Different autism risk genes, same effects on brain development

by Harvard UniversityMicroscopy image of a brain organoid showing neuron precursors (magenta) and deep-layer projection neurons (green), which are one of the cell types affected by autism risk ge
Listening to music before a competition can boost your performance

Listening to music before a competition can boost your performance

by Walter Norman Wehus, University of AgderPlot of watt-production every two seconds throughout the task, according to condition. Credit:Music & Science(2023). DOI: 10.1177/20592043231

Listening to music before a competition can boost your performance

by Walter Norman Wehus, University of AgderPlot of watt-production every two seconds throughout the task, according to condition. Credit:Music & Science(2023). DOI: 10.1177/20592043231
Boosting neuron formation restores memory in mice with Alzheimer's disease

Boosting neuron formation restores memory in mice with Alzheimer's disease

by Rockefeller University PressThe new study shows that boosting neurogenesis increases the number of newly formed neurons involved in storing and retrieving memories (arrows) in the hippocampus

Boosting neuron formation restores memory in mice with Alzheimer's disease

by Rockefeller University PressThe new study shows that boosting neurogenesis increases the number of newly formed neurons involved in storing and retrieving memories (arrows) in the hippocampus
Emergency but not elective hospital admissions linked to faster memory and thinking decline

Emergency but not elective hospital admissions linked to faster memory and thinking decline

by Alzheimer's Research UKResearchers in Chicago have investigated the link between hospital admissions and memory and thinking problems. Existing research indicates that older people are at

Emergency but not elective hospital admissions linked to faster memory and thinking decline

by Alzheimer's Research UKResearchers in Chicago have investigated the link between hospital admissions and memory and thinking problems. Existing research indicates that older people are at
Brains with Alzheimer's disease have subnormal levels of important dietary antioxidants

Brains with Alzheimer's disease have subnormal levels of important dietary antioxidants

by Josh Meyer,Virginia TechCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAlzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease estimated to affect 6 million Americans and 33 million people worl

Brains with Alzheimer's disease have subnormal levels of important dietary antioxidants

by Josh Meyer,Virginia TechCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAlzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease estimated to affect 6 million Americans and 33 million people worl
For people who speak many languages, there's something special about their native tongue

For people who speak many languages, there's something special about their native tongue

by Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study of people who speak many languages has found that there is something special about how the brain processes the

For people who speak many languages, there's something special about their native tongue

by Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study of people who speak many languages has found that there is something special about how the brain processes the
Research reveals how sleep disruption can exacerbate pain

Research reveals how sleep disruption can exacerbate pain

byMassachusetts General HospitalCSD induces hyperalgesia.aExperimental diagram of the sleep deprivation experiment and behavioral testing.bSample EEG recording using wire

Research reveals how sleep disruption can exacerbate pain

byMassachusetts General HospitalCSD induces hyperalgesia.aExperimental diagram of the sleep deprivation experiment and behavioral testing.bSample EEG recording using wire
Counting from left to right feels 'natural,' but new research shows our brains count faster from bottom to top

Counting from left to right feels 'natural,' but new research shows our brains count faster from bottom to top

by Luke Greenacre, Adrian Dyer, Jair Garcia and Scarlett Howard,The ConversationTesting how participants show preferences for either horizontal or vertical mental number lines by indicating the

Counting from left to right feels 'natural,' but new research shows our brains count faster from bottom to top

by Luke Greenacre, Adrian Dyer, Jair Garcia and Scarlett Howard,The ConversationTesting how participants show preferences for either horizontal or vertical mental number lines by indicating the
Most COVID-19 'long haulers' continue to experience symptoms 15 months after initial infection

Most COVID-19 'long haulers' continue to experience symptoms 15 months after initial infection

by Northwestern UniversityPROMIS Quality of Life domain scores for cognitive function and fatigue, by SARS-CoV-2 result. (A) T-scores from the first clinic visit (circles) and follow-up (triangle

Most COVID-19 'long haulers' continue to experience symptoms 15 months after initial infection

by Northwestern UniversityPROMIS Quality of Life domain scores for cognitive function and fatigue, by SARS-CoV-2 result. (A) T-scores from the first clinic visit (circles) and follow-up (triangle
Yeast protein could offer clues to how Alzheimer's plaques form in the brain

Yeast protein could offer clues to how Alzheimer's plaques form in the brain

by Anne Trafton,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT biologists found that the yeast protein Rim4 forms disordered clumps similar to the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s dise

Yeast protein could offer clues to how Alzheimer's plaques form in the brain

by Anne Trafton,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT biologists found that the yeast protein Rim4 forms disordered clumps similar to the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s dise
Study finds jet lag-like sleep disruptions spur Alzheimer's memory, learning loss

Study finds jet lag-like sleep disruptions spur Alzheimer's memory, learning loss

by University of California, Irvine"This study suggests that clinicians and caregivers should add good sleep habits to regular exercise and a healthy diet to maximize good memory," Greg

Study finds jet lag-like sleep disruptions spur Alzheimer's memory, learning loss

by University of California, Irvine"This study suggests that clinicians and caregivers should add good sleep habits to regular exercise and a healthy diet to maximize good memory," Greg