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New brain discovery could help in the fight against obesity

New brain discovery could help in the fight against obesity

byUniversity of AberdeenCredit:Current Biology(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.02.074One of the largest threats to human health is obesity, but now researchers from the University of

New brain discovery could help in the fight against obesity

byUniversity of AberdeenCredit:Current Biology(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.02.074One of the largest threats to human health is obesity, but now researchers from the University of
The power of neighbors: Neighboring synapses shape learning and memory

The power of neighbors: Neighboring synapses shape learning and memory

by Katrin Bühler,University of BaselA mathematical model reveals how interactions between neighboring contact sites of nerve cells influence learning. Credit: University of Basel, BiozentrumA re

The power of neighbors: Neighboring synapses shape learning and memory

by Katrin Bühler,University of BaselA mathematical model reveals how interactions between neighboring contact sites of nerve cells influence learning. Credit: University of Basel, BiozentrumA re
When does the brain process reward and risk? Neuroscientists test a computational model

When does the brain process reward and risk? Neuroscientists test a computational model

by Cynthia Eller,California Institute of TechnologyNeural activity in a region of the brain called the anterior insula could utilize a representation of RePE to then decode RiPE at a later time.

When does the brain process reward and risk? Neuroscientists test a computational model

by Cynthia Eller,California Institute of TechnologyNeural activity in a region of the brain called the anterior insula could utilize a representation of RePE to then decode RiPE at a later time.
Elon Musk's brain implant company offers an intriguing glimpse of an internet connecting human minds

Elon Musk's brain implant company offers an intriguing glimpse of an internet connecting human minds

by Simon Marvin and Allan McCay,The ConversationCredit: Rice UniversityElon Musk'scompany called Neuralink, launched in 2016, aims toimplant a piece of technologyin people&

Elon Musk's brain implant company offers an intriguing glimpse of an internet connecting human minds

by Simon Marvin and Allan McCay,The ConversationCredit: Rice UniversityElon Musk'scompany called Neuralink, launched in 2016, aims toimplant a piece of technologyin people&
The construction of visual attention highlighted at the neuronal level

The construction of visual attention highlighted at the neuronal level

byParis Brain InstituteAttention being caught. Credit: Mikhail Nilov.A giant billboard flashes on the side of a country road. Why does it catch our attention more easily than other details in th

The construction of visual attention highlighted at the neuronal level

byParis Brain InstituteAttention being caught. Credit: Mikhail Nilov.A giant billboard flashes on the side of a country road. Why does it catch our attention more easily than other details in th
Scientists reveal chemical structural analysis in neural computations that allow us to identify odors

Scientists reveal chemical structural analysis in neural computations that allow us to identify odors

byChinese Academy of SciencesNostril-specific modulation of odor perception by substructure adaptation. Credit:Nature Human Behaviour(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01849-0Scents, su

Scientists reveal chemical structural analysis in neural computations that allow us to identify odors

byChinese Academy of SciencesNostril-specific modulation of odor perception by substructure adaptation. Credit:Nature Human Behaviour(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01849-0Scents, su
Unlocking Alzheimer's mysteries: A comprehensive brain connectome-based survey

Unlocking Alzheimer's mysteries: A comprehensive brain connectome-based survey

by TranSpreadStructural connectivity (SC) refers to anatomical links and is usually estimated using fiber bundles derived from diffusion MRI; Functional connectivity (FC) and effective connectivity (E

Unlocking Alzheimer's mysteries: A comprehensive brain connectome-based survey

by TranSpreadStructural connectivity (SC) refers to anatomical links and is usually estimated using fiber bundles derived from diffusion MRI; Functional connectivity (FC) and effective connectivity (E
AI decodes whole-cortex functional images to predict behavioral states

AI decodes whole-cortex functional images to predict behavioral states

byKobe UniversityA new "end-to-end" deep learning method for the prediction of behavioral states uses whole-cortex functional imaging that do not require preprocessing or pre-specified

AI decodes whole-cortex functional images to predict behavioral states

byKobe UniversityA new "end-to-end" deep learning method for the prediction of behavioral states uses whole-cortex functional imaging that do not require preprocessing or pre-specified
Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps, new study shows

Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps, new study shows

byMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyStained motor cortex tissue from a donor with ALS (right) shows reduced amounts of the protein HLA-E (green) in the vasculature. HLA-E is thought to inhibi

Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps, new study shows

byMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyStained motor cortex tissue from a donor with ALS (right) shows reduced amounts of the protein HLA-E (green) in the vasculature. HLA-E is thought to inhibi
Human brains are getting larger: That may be good news for dementia risk

Human brains are getting larger: That may be good news for dementia risk

byUC DavisHuman brain volume has increased for people born in the 1970s compared to the 1930s. Credit: UC Davis HealthA new study by researchers at UC Davis Health found human brains are getting

Human brains are getting larger: That may be good news for dementia risk

byUC DavisHuman brain volume has increased for people born in the 1970s compared to the 1930s. Credit: UC Davis HealthA new study by researchers at UC Davis Health found human brains are getting
Mitochondrial DNA fragment losses predict Parkinson's disease before symptoms appear

Mitochondrial DNA fragment losses predict Parkinson's disease before symptoms appear

byUniversity of BarcelonaImage of a fibroblast from a patient with Parkinson's disease. Mitochondria are shown in green and fragments of damaged mitochondria in red. Some of these fragments

Mitochondrial DNA fragment losses predict Parkinson's disease before symptoms appear

byUniversity of BarcelonaImage of a fibroblast from a patient with Parkinson's disease. Mitochondria are shown in green and fragments of damaged mitochondria in red. Some of these fragments
Neuralink shows quadriplegic playing chess with brain implant

Neuralink shows quadriplegic playing chess with brain implant

Elon Musk's Neuralink startup designed a surgical robot to implant devices into brains to link them to computers.Neuralink on Wednesday streamed a video of its first human patient playing computer

Neuralink shows quadriplegic playing chess with brain implant

Elon Musk's Neuralink startup designed a surgical robot to implant devices into brains to link them to computers.Neuralink on Wednesday streamed a video of its first human patient playing computer