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Alzheimer's disease: Neuronal loss very limited

Alzheimer's disease: Neuronal loss very limited

by McGill UniversityPET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease. Credit: public domainFrequently encountered in the elderly, Alzheimer's is considered a neurodegenerative disease,

Alzheimer's disease: Neuronal loss very limited

by McGill UniversityPET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease. Credit: public domainFrequently encountered in the elderly, Alzheimer's is considered a neurodegenerative disease,
How Alzheimer's disease spreads through the brain

How Alzheimer's disease spreads through the brain

by Society for NeuroscienceA functioning brain cell that is expressing diseased tau. Credit: Hallinan et al.,JNeurosci2019Tau can quickly spread between neurons but is not immediately

How Alzheimer's disease spreads through the brain

by Society for NeuroscienceA functioning brain cell that is expressing diseased tau. Credit: Hallinan et al.,JNeurosci2019Tau can quickly spread between neurons but is not immediately
Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed before symptoms emerge

Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed before symptoms emerge

by Lund UniversityNIA-AA versus IWG criteria. Differences in the nomenclature of cognitively unimpaired individuals with (+) or without (−) in vivo biomarker evidence of Aβ (A) and tau (T) pathol

Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed before symptoms emerge

by Lund UniversityNIA-AA versus IWG criteria. Differences in the nomenclature of cognitively unimpaired individuals with (+) or without (−) in vivo biomarker evidence of Aβ (A) and tau (T) pathol
Alzheimer's disease destroys neurons that keep us awake

Alzheimer's disease destroys neurons that keep us awake

by University of California, San FranciscoCredit: CC0 Public DomainResearchers and caregivers have noted that excessive daytime napping can develop long before the memory problems associated with

Alzheimer's disease destroys neurons that keep us awake

by University of California, San FranciscoCredit: CC0 Public DomainResearchers and caregivers have noted that excessive daytime napping can develop long before the memory problems associated with
Specialized motor neuron region affected in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, new study finds

Specialized motor neuron region affected in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, new study finds

byKing's College LondonCredit:Cell Reports(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113509A new study,publishedinCell Reports, reports a novel mechanism behind dysregu

Specialized motor neuron region affected in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, new study finds

byKing's College LondonCredit:Cell Reports(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113509A new study,publishedinCell Reports, reports a novel mechanism behind dysregu
Are stressed-out brain cells the root cause of neurodegenerative disease?

Are stressed-out brain cells the root cause of neurodegenerative disease?

byUniversity of California - BerkeleyAn illustration of a brain cell in a person with Alzheimer's disease, showing the accumulation and clumping of tau proteins (blue squiggles) in the cytop

Are stressed-out brain cells the root cause of neurodegenerative disease?

byUniversity of California - BerkeleyAn illustration of a brain cell in a person with Alzheimer's disease, showing the accumulation and clumping of tau proteins (blue squiggles) in the cytop
Donor motor neurons could restore muscle function in ALS

Donor motor neurons could restore muscle function in ALS

byeLifeCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainScientists have detailed how a combination of grafted replacement motor neurons and optical nerve stimulation—using light to activate neurons—can improve

Donor motor neurons could restore muscle function in ALS

byeLifeCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainScientists have detailed how a combination of grafted replacement motor neurons and optical nerve stimulation—using light to activate neurons—can improve
Higher exercise volume after concussion tied to lower symptom burden in multicenter study

Higher exercise volume after concussion tied to lower symptom burden in multicenter study

by Elana GotkineFor children with concussion, higher cumulative moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (cMVPA) during the first and second weeks post-injury is associated with lower symptom burden, ac

Higher exercise volume after concussion tied to lower symptom burden in multicenter study

by Elana GotkineFor children with concussion, higher cumulative moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (cMVPA) during the first and second weeks post-injury is associated with lower symptom burden, ac
Bio-inspired neuroprosthetics: Sending signals the brain can understand

Bio-inspired neuroprosthetics: Sending signals the brain can understand

by Ori Schipper,ETH ZurichNeuroscience-driven development of a biomimetic neuroprosthetic device. The successful development of a somatosensory neuroprosthesis is based on three main pillars: (1

Bio-inspired neuroprosthetics: Sending signals the brain can understand

by Ori Schipper,ETH ZurichNeuroscience-driven development of a biomimetic neuroprosthetic device. The successful development of a somatosensory neuroprosthesis is based on three main pillars: (1
Dopamine could explain why exercise helps boost your brain

Dopamine could explain why exercise helps boost your brain

byUniversity of PortsmouthThree experiments to test how dopamine affects cognitive performance during acute exercise. Credit:The Journal of Physiology(2024). DOI: 10.1113/JP285173A s

Dopamine could explain why exercise helps boost your brain

byUniversity of PortsmouthThree experiments to test how dopamine affects cognitive performance during acute exercise. Credit:The Journal of Physiology(2024). DOI: 10.1113/JP285173A s
Discovery of a disease-specific biomarker for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Discovery of a disease-specific biomarker for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

byUniversity of TsukubaCredit: AI-generated imageSporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) accounts for 90% of all ALS cases. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba discovered that the ed

Discovery of a disease-specific biomarker for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

byUniversity of TsukubaCredit: AI-generated imageSporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) accounts for 90% of all ALS cases. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba discovered that the ed
New insights into what happens in cells in early Alzheimer's

New insights into what happens in cells in early Alzheimer's

byEuropean Synchrotron Radiation FacilityThe structure of the ACAD9-ECSIT_CTER complex (ECSIT in red). An international team of researchers, led by the ESRF, have elucidated the structure of the

New insights into what happens in cells in early Alzheimer's

byEuropean Synchrotron Radiation FacilityThe structure of the ACAD9-ECSIT_CTER complex (ECSIT in red). An international team of researchers, led by the ESRF, have elucidated the structure of the