5 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Cavities

Cavities aren’t only aesthetically unpleasant; once they form, they will grow and spread, potentially leading to infections or tooth loss. Even if they aren’t painful at the moment, they will be at some point in time.
That’s why you should look for a dentist in Charlotte, NC, right away and have them treated. A dentist can pinpoint all the factors that led to the formation of your cavity based on your lifestyle and oral healthcare. If you want to prevent cavities, here are five simple things you can do.
Change Your Diet
Sugary and acidic foods and drinks erode tooth enamel and increase your risk of developing cavities. Streptococcus mutans is the bacteria mainly responsible for tooth decay, and even though it is part of your oral microbiome, certain unbalances in your diet can make it multiply and affect your teeth.
Streptococcus mutans usually feed on sugar, and if you drink or eat sugary foods or drinks often, you are actively feeding it. When streptococcus feeds on sugar, it releases acidic elements that attack your teeth. This is why one of the best things you can do to prevent cavities is to limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks.
Brush Your Teeth after Every Meal
Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day. However, if you want to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth even more efficiently, you should brush your teeth after every meal, especially if you also had dessert.
When you brush your teeth, you have to ensure that you aren’t brushing too softly or too hard, and do so for at least two minutes. Consider brushing your tongue as well and changing your toothbrush regularly every three to four months. You should also use a brush suited to your teeth.
Use Fluoride
One of the things that you can do to strengthen your tooth enamel is to use fluoride. This makes your teeth more resistant to decay. You can use fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash products that contain it but speak to your dentist first if you want to know if fluoride treatments can benefit you. In some cases, you might not need it and might benefit from other treatments.
Floss Every Day
When you brush your teeth, you might have the impression that no food particles or plaque are left between your teeth or along the gumline. However, toothbrushes can’t reach these areas. Use floss after you brush your teeth, and you will see that various food particles remain even after brushing. Because of this, you should floss daily to prevent cavities and gum diseases.
Go to the Dentist
Many people often go to the dentist when they already have a condition that needs treatment. However, you don’t need to have cavities or an infection to visit your dentist. A simple routine check-up is more than enough to ensure your oral health and prevent cavities from ever forming.