When Is The Best Time To Consider Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Do you like your smile? Is there a chance that you can improve the smile you have now? You may want to seek a cosmetic dentist today. Here are a few reasons seeing a cosmetic dentist can help you with your confidence.

Dental shade guide and matching the shade of the teeth
A cosmetic dentist can help you determine if you need a procedure. It may also help improve your oral health. If you need clarification, your cosmetic dentist will tell you when to go under a specific procedure. Here are the times when you should look into getting one.

1. You Have Teeth Stains

If you look in the mirror and smile, you may be looking at a set of stained teeth. Unfortunately, it's an issue that can no longer be solved by rigorous brushing. You should see the dentist Wanneroo for a consultation, wherein you’ll most likely hear about teeth whitening. It’s one of the most in-demand forms of cosmetic dentistry, wherein the patient will undergo a whitening procedure to brighten the natural shade of their teeth.

The dentist will also likely remove the staining that has built up on the enamel of your teeth. Coffee, dark sodas, and tea can cause staining on the teeth over time. A cosmetic dental clinic can offer you multiple methods of whitening your teeth. You can have the procedure at the clinic or get a solution that you can do at home. Clinics will also offer supervision to ensure you achieve your desired pearly white smile.

2. You Have Crooked Teeth

Misaligned teeth characterise crooked teeth. The cause could be that the jaw is more prominent or the lower jaw is smaller than usual. Cosmetic dentists specialise in the aesthetic and formation of teeth, and they can tell if your teeth are crooked enough for a procedure. Misaligned teeth also present various difficulties, such as eating and proper cleaning. A cosmetic dental procedure might help your self-esteem issues regarding your crooked teeth.

When people grow older, they might notice that the condition of their teeth worsens. A visit to the cosmetic dentist may give them a chance to correct their teeth issues. For crooked teeth, they will likely recommend getting braces. You need to realise that getting braces is doable at any age. Adult braces may have to be worn from 14 to 26 months, depending on what the specialists decide.

3. You Think The Shape Of Your Face Has Changed

There are many reasons you may think that the shape of your face has changed. If you have a missing tooth, the surroundings can shift and weaken the jawbone. When it can't support the structure of your face anymore because of teeth loss, you’ll see noticeable changes in the face. It can also be a cause of tooth infection that causes bone loss.

The muscle on the face can sag and make one look older. You may also notice that the contours of your face have shifted. It may be a result of your dental problems. You shouldn't ignore these signs, as they might get worse. Your cosmetic dentist will recommend tooth replacement options and procedures for jaw alignment to help reverse these changes.

4. You Have Uneven Teeth

Teeth formation varies from one person to another. Some people may grow uneven teeth because they have different sizes of teeth. Some will develop and extend down the gums, while others are shorter. Uneven teeth could make chewing difficult, and one's confidence could be compromised because of uneven teeth growth.

Uneven teeth don’t cause any danger to one's health, but they can affect self-confidence. If you or someone you know has such a problem, you can visit a cosmetic dentist who may offer solutions like dental veneers. Medical-grade porcelain veneers can cover the front surface of your teeth and hide cosmetic flaws such as discolouration and cracking.

5. You Have A Chipped Tooth

You may have had an accident that caused your teeth to crack and chip. It can ruin a smile; if the chip is in front, others can see it if you open your mouth. Your dentist may recommend dental bonding that’s used for white dental fillings. It’s a moldable material that the dentist can shape to fit the chipped tooth. Your cosmetic dentist may also offer veneers, a longer-lasting solution.

In Conclusion

The best time to consider cosmetic dentistry procedures is when you have stained, crooked, uneven, or chipped teeth. If you also see that there are changes to the shape of your face, it’s because of tooth loss. When you see the signs, it's best to seek the advice of a cosmetic dentist for doable solutions to your dental problems.