
Cosmedica Team

We are an international team dedicated to providing the best hair transplant applications on the market and informing and educating people around the world about hair loss and its treatments.

Behind shiny, dense hair often hides well-thought-out and balanced eating habits. Indeed, diet plays a major role in the vitality of our hair.

Just like skin or nails, hair is appendages, structures that originate from the epidermis. They are directly influenced by the nutrients we provide to our bodies. Thus, a nutritional imbalance can result in dull, brittle hair or accentuated hair loss.


Among the vitamins that have a noticeable influence on the health of our hair, folic acid, better known as vitamin B9, occupies a prominent place. This vitamin has essential properties for the scalp and hair fiber.


What is folic acid?

Folic acid, commonly known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin, i.e. soluble in water. Its presence is crucial in our body, as it is involved in a multitude of essential biological processes.

  • Vitamin B9 plays a major role in the production of red blood cells, which are essential for transporting oxygen in the blood and thus ensuring the oxygenation of our organs and tissues.

  • Folic acid is also essential for cell division, especially during the rapid growth stages, such as during the fetal period.

  • Folic acid has a significant impact on the functioning of the nervous system. It is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that enable communication between neurons.

The Benefits of Vitamin B9 on Hair

Vitamin B9 is not limited to general functions for the body. It also holds a special place when it comes to the health of our hair.

  • Stimulation of hair growth: Folic acid has a direct beneficial action on the hair follicles, those small pockets at the base of the scalp where hair is born. By actively participating in cell regeneration, vitamin B9 ensures a continuous renewal of the cells of the follicles, thus promoting harmonious and regular hair growth.

  • Prevention of hair loss: Folic acid deficiency, in particular, is often implicated in diffuse hair loss, which affects the entire scalp. Since vitamin B9 plays a key role in cell division, its absence can slow down the life cycle of the hair, leading it to fall out prematurely.

  • Renforcement du cuir chevelu : Au-delà du cheveu lui-même, l’acide folique agit positivement sur le cuir chevelu en facilitant la production d’acides aminés, éléments constitutifs des protéines. Or, nos cheveux sont principalement composés de kératine, une protéine. Une bonne disponibilité en acides aminés grâce à la vitamine B9 permet donc de nourrir et fortifier le cuir chevelu, lui conférant souplesse, résistance et vitalité.

Daily requirements for folic acid

Our bodies don't know how to synthesize folic acid in sufficient amounts. It is therefore essential to get it directly from our diet or, if necessary, through food supplements.

  • For the average adult: The recommended daily dose for an adult is 400 micrograms of folic acid. This amount helps support the body's vital functions, including the production of red blood cells, cell division, and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

  • For pregnant women: For pregnant women, the recommendation is therefore 600 micrograms per day.

Folic acid deficiency and its consequences on hair health

A deficiency of this vitamin can have a significant impact on hair quality and growth.

  • Manifestations of vitamin B9 deficiency: A deficiency can lead to premature hair loss, decreased hair density, and general weakening of the hair fiber.

  • Link between vitamins B9 and B12: Although distinct, vitamins B9 and B12 are often combined when it comes to hair health. A deficiency in one can often indicate a deficiency in the other. Together, they participate in the production of red blood cells, thus ensuring better oxygenation of the hair follicles. Insufficient intake of these two vitamins can slow down hair growth and make it more brittle.

  • Origins of the deficiency: Vitamin B9 deficiencies can result from several factors: an unbalanced diet, certain digestive disorders that affect the absorption of nutrients, excessive alcohol consumption or the use of certain medications.

Natural Sources of Folic Acid for Hair Loss

To take full advantage of the benefits of vitamin B9, especially its benefits for hair, it is essential to choose foods naturally rich in folic acid.

  • Spinach

  • Lentils

  • Asparagus

  • Oranges

  • Nuts

B9 food supplements: a solution for hair loss?

Hair loss can be a symptom of a nutritional deficiency, and in this context, vitamin B9 or folic acid is often mentioned. If our daily diet is not enough to meet our needs, dietary supplements may be considered.

Do B9 supplements regrow hair?

In certain situations, especially in cases of proven deficiencies, vitamin B9 supplements can help restore balance. By boosting the availability of this vitamin, they can help improve hair health and reduce hair loss.

Dosing and overconsumption

While the temptation to take supplements can be great, it is crucial to remain vigilant. Overconsumption of folic acid, like other vitamins, can have adverse effects. In particular, this can mask the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, which requires specific management.

Consultation & Customization

Each individual is unique, and needs may vary from person to person. Before starting to take food supplements, it is therefore imperative to consult a health professional. A doctor, nutritionist or dermatologist will be able to assess the relevance of such an approach, suggest an appropriate dosage and monitor for possible side effects.

Hair transplantation to fight hair loss once and for all

When topical solutions, drug treatments (Minoxidil, Finasteride, etc.) or changes in diet do not work, hair transplantation appears to be an increasingly popular alternative.

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair follicles from a donor area (usually at the back of the head where the hair is stronger) and implanting them in the bald areas. Thanks to technological advances, transplant techniques have become more refined, offering natural and long-lasting results.

The Cosmedica clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Acar, has established itself as a true reference in the field. With its patient-centred approach and state-of-the-art techniques, it guarantees not only a quality intervention but also a rigorous post-operative follow-up. Dr. Acar, through his expertise, has given hope to many patients, helping them regain their self-confidence through revitalized hair.