
In this article, we summarize the causes and countermeasures for hair loss in spring, summer, autumn, and winter for each season.

"Somehow, hair loss increases at this time of year." "I don't usually fall out, but recently I've suddenly become concerned about hair loss."

First of all, please be aware of the time when you are concerned about your own hair loss.

Seasonal hair loss problems may be improved by incorporating seasonal measures and hair care that is gentle on the hair.

Table of Contents [hide]

  • 1 Is there a time when hair loss increases?

  • 2 Autumn, when UV damage accumulates, is the season when hair loss increases the most

  • 3 "Winter" increases hair loss due to dryness

  • 4 "Spring" is prone to increased hair loss due to changes in the environment

  • 5 Hair loss increases due to dirt on the scalp "summer"

  • 6 Know the characteristics of "hair loss" by season, know your tendencies and countermeasures

  • 7 "Spring" hair loss countermeasures are "against stress"

  • 8 "Summer" hair loss countermeasures are "ultraviolet rays prevention"

  • 9 "Autumn" hair loss countermeasures are "damage care"

  • 10 "Moisturizing" is a countermeasure against hair loss in "winter" that is easy to fall out due to environmental factors

  • 11 Conclusion

Is there a time when hair loss increases?


Seasonal hair loss is rare in humans. Dogs and cats have a period of hair growth called the "hair change period", but humans do not have the fact that "hair loss increases depending on the season".

Kurt Sten is known as a world-class authority on hair research. He says this in a part of the book:

"Human hair is different from the hair follicles of other animals, and although it has a cycle, it has nothing to do with celestial events" (
Source: Easy to understand!) The Forefront of Hair Medicine|Asahi Shimbun Publishing)

In 2017, he published a book called "Mao's Human History: Why People Need a Reason" in Japan, which has attracted attention.
As a leading researcher on hair, he said, "Animals have different hair follicle growth phases depending on the season of the year."

This is why animals have a "hair change period". But apparently the case of humans is different.

Although humans have a hair cycle, it is said that it is difficult to think of a period when it is easy to fall out seasonally.

However, it is another story that there is a period when it is easy to get out due to the influence of lifestyle habits and constitution. It is quite conceivable that due to the influence of the living environment and the season, hair will fall out more than usual.

So, when do you think about the impact on people, when is the season when hair is most likely to fall out?

Autumn, when UV damage accumulates, is the season when hair loss increases the most.


In terms of the time when hair loss tends to increase, it is said that it tends to increase in "autumn", when damage tends to accumulate in the hair. (This is just a phenomenon to some extent.)

Here is some interesting research data as a reality.


(Source: Evaluation method of hair nourishing and hair growth agent "Michihiro Hattori" P596)

It's a little old literature, but according to this research data, it's around the 1th day of the year. In other words, there are reports that hair loss increases "around autumn".

In summer, the amount of ultraviolet rays increases throughout the Japan archipelago.

Ultraviolet rays damage hair and hair follicles, affecting the hair matrix cells that grow hair. Ultraviolet rays produce reactive oxygen species and inhibit cellular metabolism.

The same is true for hair cells, and if the hair matrix cells are damaged, the healthy growth of hair is inhibited. As a result, hair growth stagnates, and the telogen and regression phases come early, which may cause increased hair loss.

"Winter" increases hair loss due to dryness


Autumn isn't the only time hair falls out easily.

In winter, dryness intensifies. The same is true for the scalp, and if the dryness becomes severe, the cuticle of the hair will peel off and the damage to the hair will be serious.

This is the season when hair breakage is more likely to occur than hair loss. The fact that the hair often gets tangled when brushing is characteristic of the dry months of winter.

Also, when it gets cold, the capillaries naturally contract so that they do not lose body heat. The capillaries of the scalp are no exception.

In the cold winter, if you do not wear a hat, the capillaries in your head will constrict and your blood circulation will be poor. When this happens, sufficient nutrients are not distributed to the hair, which affects the hair growth period and causes hair loss and breakage to increase.

Winter is the season when hair loss tends to increase in winter.

"Spring" is prone to increased hair loss due to changes in the environment


Spring is the season to start a new life. Many people start their social lives in a new environment.

Even if you don't put yourself in a new environment, it is not uncommon for new stresses to arise when new people enter that environment. At least until you get used to the environment, you may unconsciously feel nervous. You may be under stress without realizing it, which can inhibit the healthy growth of your hair.

Spring is also a season with a lot of pollen. If you have hay fever to begin with, it cannot be ruled out that the autoimmune balance is disturbed by external stimuli caused by pollen, which may promote hair loss.

Hair loss increases due to dirt on the scalp "summer"


In summer, sweat secretion becomes active, and the scalp environment tends to become dirty. In addition, it is the season when you are exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time.

The direct damage of ultraviolet rays can damage the hair, causing serious hair breakage and cuticle peeling.

When the environment of the scalp deteriorates, hair growth is not promoted, causing thinning hair and hair loss. In addition, in the summer, there are more opportunities to swim and play near the water, which are prone to damage not only to sweat but also to hair.

As a result, there are many opportunities for damage to accumulate due to "ultraviolet rays, dirt, and the environment", which increases hair loss in the summer.

Know the characteristics of "hair loss" by season, know your tendencies and countermeasures


As you can see by now, there are factors that lead to hair loss in every season.

However, the susceptibility to which seasons are most likely varies from person to person. In autumn, the environmental factor of "accumulation of ultraviolet damage" is large, so it tends to increase overall.

Still, there must be factors that make you susceptible to certain seasons.

(1) "In which season does hair loss increase?" (2) "Looking at lifestyle habits, which are they more likely to be affected?" (3) "In view of your constitution, when are you most likely to be affected?"

By taking measures that are appropriate for the season, you will be able to reduce hair loss.

Measures against hair loss in "spring" are "anti-stress"

The most common cause of hair loss in spring is said to be stress.

The important thing is to take measures against stress. Identify the factors that cause you stress and try to have a lifestyle that does not accumulate stress.

If you have hay fever, it is important to take measures against pollen.

Anti-stress measures

Stress constricts the capillaries that nourish the scalp, reducing the transport of nutrients and inhibiting hair growth.
Sometimes, it can also affect your sleep, such as shortening your sleep time or not being able to sleep soundly.

When this happens, the secretion of hormones that promote hair growth is affected. As a result, it leads to a situation where hair loss increases.

Spring is a season in which stress factors are often known, such as the start of a new life or a change in the environment due to the acceptance of a new life.

If the cause is clear, it is important to solve the source of stress as soon as possible, or if it is difficult to solve, it is important to keep a reasonable distance or try to live a stress-free life by having a refreshing consciousness, and to get along well.

People with hay fever "do not bring pollen"

Spring is pollen season. If you have hay fever in the first place, your scalp may also be damaged by the influence of pollen.

Therefore, I would like to be aware that people with hay fever should be aware of "not bringing pollen in as much as possible and dropping it as soon as you get home".

When you get home, take a quick shower to remove pollen. Wearing a hat to prevent it from adhering to your hair or scalp is also recommended as one of the measures.

The countermeasure against hair loss in "summer" is "prevention of ultraviolet rays"

Prevention of ultraviolet rays is very important when considering the healthy growth of hair. The place that receives the most sunlight and ultraviolet rays is the top of the head.

It is also during this season that the scalp is easily stained by sweat and sebum. In order to prevent hair loss in summer, it is important to prevent ultraviolet rays and prepare the scalp environment.

Prevent UV rays with a hat or spray-type sunscreen

Summer is the season of the year with the highest amount of ultraviolet rays. No matter where you are in Japan, this trend is no different.

In summer, it is important to prevent UV rays for your hair. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is expected to cause excessive damage to the scalp.

When you go out, it's best to wear a hat so that the sun doesn't shine directly on your head. If you can't wear a hat at work, take sure to protect your head with a spray-type UV protection product.

Keep your scalp clean

Summer is a season when sweat and sebum stains are more likely to occur than other seasons. Japan is a hot and humid environment, so when you sweat, it is also an environment where bacteria can easily grow.

Also, because it is the hot season, there are many people who do not take a bath slowly and end up taking a quick shower.

For this reason, the scalp is more likely to get dirty than usual in the summer, but it is characterized by the fact that dirt is not removed as well as usual.

It is important to shampoo thoroughly to keep the scalp environment healthy, and to take proper hair care after taking a bath.

In addition to natural drying, which creates an environment where germs can easily grow. Be sure to blow with a hairdryer thoroughly.

The anti-hair loss countermeasure in "autumn" is "damage care"

Autumn is the season when the effects of UV damage accumulated in the summer are more likely to occur. It is important to recover from accumulated damage as soon as possible and take care of lifestyle habits and damage that does not lead to hair loss.

Be conscious of lifestyle habits that consider hair

In order to recover from the accumulated damage of summer as quickly as possible, be aware of a regular rhythm of life and prepare your body so that your hair can grow healthily.

Also, let's actively take nutrients that are said to be good for hair, such as protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, and zinc.

Take your regular hair care to the next level

In autumn, you want to think about your hair and prevent hair loss with more special hair care than usual.

Use a shampoo that does not put a burden on the hair and does not have too strong cleaning ingredients, and wash it as if gently massaging the scalp. After shampooing, use a higher quality treatment than usual for special care.

When your hair is clean and full of moisture, it's the best time to nourish it.

Don't forget to take care of your hair after getting out of the bath.

In particular, the heat of the dryer is worried about damage to the hair. Before blow drying, use a hair oil (out bath treatment) to protect your hair to reduce damage to your hair as much as possible.

The countermeasure against hair loss in winter, which is easy to fall out due to environmental factors, is "moisturizing"

Dryness is a particularly important enemy in winter. Dry scalp affects the healthy growth of hair.

If you have dry skin to begin with, your scalp should also be prone to dryness. Be careful if you say that dandruff increases especially in winter.

It is one of the signs that your scalp is dry.

Try to "moisturize the scalp" with hair oil and lotion

Like the face and body, the scalp is also a part of the skin. If you have dry skin to begin with, your scalp is even drier in winter. Therefore, moisturize not only your hands, feet, and face, but also your scalp with lotions and oils.

If you are concerned about stickiness and odor, we recommend spraying it directly on the scalp with a spray-type moisturizer.

"Scalp massage" while shampooing

In winter, blood flow to the scalp tends to stagnate due to the effects of the cold. It's also the season when the scalp tends to become stiff due to dryness and cold.

It is also recommended to soak in the bathtub slowly and warm your body, or to massage your scalp while shampooing.

Scrubbing your hair is not a good idea because it will put a burden on your hair, but just gently massaging your scalp with your fingers will help improve blood circulation in your scalp.



There are various factors that cause hair loss depending on the season.
As a result, the season in which hair loss is likely to occur changes depending on which influence you are susceptible to.

By identifying the season when your hair loss is likely to occur and incorporating measures that suit the season, you should be able to reduce hair loss as much as possible.

I would like to assess my constitution and lifestyle habits and appropriately incorporate hair care measures that suit me.

Worrying about it alone will not reduce your hair loss.
Let's start with what you can do and get shiny and bushy hair that does not suffer from "increased hair loss".