Médecin examinant les cheveux d’un jeune homme dans une clinique, gros plan

Cosmedica Team

We are an international team dedicated to providing the best hair transplant applications on the market and informing and educating people around the world about hair loss and its treatments.

Many people wonder about hair loss and its treatments on a daily basis. In reality, hair loss is a natural phenomenon but can become a cause for concern when it is excessive. It can affect the quality of life of people who often lose self-confidence. To fully understand this situation and be able to deal with it, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the life cycle of the hair and the factors that influence its health.

Understanding Hair Loss and Treatments

Hair loss is a problem that many people face at some point in their lives. Very often, it turns out that the hair growth cycles are disrupted.

Phases of hair growth

Hair doesn't grow continuously. They follow a precise cycle consisting of several phases:

  • Anagen phase: This is a period of active growth that usually lasts between 1 and 5 years. During this period, each hair grows about 1 cm per month. The hair follicle is firmly anchored in the scalp, and it feeds on the nutrients supplied to it by the blood vessels.

  • Telogen phase: After the anagen phase, the hair enters a resting phase, during which it remains attached to the scalp but no longer grows. This stage lasts about 3 months. At the end of this phase, the hair will fall out naturally, pushed by a new bulb and thus give way to the new hair which will enter the anagen phase.

The anagen and telogen phases are specific to each hair and not synchronous. It is therefore quite normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. However, when this number increases significantly or regrowth is insufficient, it can lead to visible hair loss or baldness.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

  • Androgenetic alopecia: This is the most common cause of hair loss in men, but it can also affect women. It is caused by a genetically determined sensitivity of hair follicles to male hormones, or androgens. These hormones shorten the anagen phase, causing a gradual decrease in the lifespan of the hair. Over time, hair becomes thinner and has a harder time growing.

  • Telogen effluvium: This is a reactive and temporary hair loss, often caused by an emotional shock, hormonal imbalance (for example, after childbirth), iron deficiency, high fever, surgery or serious illness. Hair prematurely enters the telogen phase, which can lead to sudden, diffuse hair loss a few months after the triggering event.

  • Nutrient deficiency: Hair needs nutrients to grow. An unbalanced diet, a drastic diet, or certain medical conditions can lead to deficiencies in iron, zinc, B vitamins, protein, or other essential nutrients, thus affecting hair health and growth.

Hair Loss Solutions & Treatments

Hair loss treatments are tailored depending on the root cause. From topical solutions to surgical procedures, each treatment has its own benefits.

Local Treatments and Dietary Supplements

  • Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos: These specifically formulated shampoos contain active ingredients that stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, strengthen the hair shaft, and nourish the follicles, promoting hair growth.

  • Topical treatments: There are topical solutions, such as lotions or serums, that can be applied directly to the scalp. These treatments may contain ingredients like minoxidil, which is known to prolong the anagen phase of hair and stimulate regrowth.

  • Dietary supplements: These supplements, often in the form of capsules or tablets, provide essential nutrients for hair growth. They may contain iron, biotin, zinc, B vitamins, such as folic acid among others. By nourishing the body from within, they promote a healthy scalp and strengthen the hair.

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles from a donor area (usually the nape of the neck) and implanting them in a bald or sparse area. This hair loss treatment is particularly effective for advanced forms of baldness, where drug treatments are less effective.

Regarding the price-quality ratio, it can vary depending on the country and the clinic. Turkey is renowned for offering high-quality hair transplants at competitive prices, thus attracting many international patients.

The Cosmedica Clinic, under the wise direction of Dr. Acar Levant, is at the forefront of hair transplant techniques. But what are the real benefits of this procedure?

  • Natural Results: Thanks to a highly trained team and advanced techniques, each graft is performed in such a way as to ensure regrowth that follows the natural pattern of the patient's hair, thus guaranteeing an undetectable result.

  • Pas of visible scars: FUE and DHI techniques are revolutionary in that they avoid the linear scars typical of traditional methods. So, even with short hair, it is almost impossible to detect a procedure.

  • Long-lasting results: Once the hair is transplanted, it will continue to grow throughout the patient's life. With the proper care and guidance provided by our team, this hair will remain robust and healthy, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of their transplant for a long time.

How to prevent hair loss?

Prevention is often the best medicine. Even though some factors, such as genetics, are out of our control, there are steps you can take to promote healthy hair and reduce the risk of hair loss.

Tips for a Healthy Scalp

  • Gentle shampoos: Opt for shampoos that are free of sulfates, parabens, or other harsh chemicals. These gentle formulations cleanse the scalp without dehydrating it or disturbing its natural balance.

  • Avoid chemical treatments: Chemical coloring, bleaching, perming or straightening can weaken the hair fiber. If you must use them, space out the sessions and make sure to moisturize and nourish your hair regularly.

  • Balanced diet: Hair reflects your inner health. A diet rich in protein, vitamins (especially vitamins A, D and E) and minerals (iron, zinc) is essential. Include nuts, oily fish, green vegetables, and eggs in your diet.

  • Scalp Massage: Stimulate blood circulation to your scalp by gently massaging it for a few minutes before each shampoo. This can promote hair growth by providing more nutrients to the hair follicles.

Seasonal changes and hair loss

Many people notice an increase in their hair loss at certain times of the year, especially as fall approaches.

  • Natural Cause: Hair growth cycles can be influenced by seasonal factors. At certain times of the year, such as fall, more hair can go into the telogen phase, often resulting in significant hair loss.

  • Protection from the elements: Extreme weather conditions (intense sun, freezing cold, wind) can damage your hair. Protect them by wearing a hat in summer and winter, and using protective hair products.

  • Hydration: Just like your skin, your hair can become dry or dehydrated depending on the seasons and your water intake. Use nourishing hair masks or natural oils, such as argan or coconut oil, to hydrate them. Also, don't forget to drink at least 1.5 L of water daily.

Hair loss, although natural, can become a source of permanent stress when it affects our image or self-confidence. Fortunately, with a clear understanding of the hair's life cycle, the factors influencing its health, and hair loss treatments available, it is possible to manage and even remedy this phenomenon.