
Many patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from the side effects of hair loss. It is said that there are many people who refuse treatment for this reason, but as a result of technological advances, a substance that improves hair loss due to anticancer drug treatment has been discovered. That is α lipoic acid derivative. Research is also underway to apply this substance to help treat AGA.

In this article, we will introduce the effects of α lipoic acid derivatives and how α lipoic acid derivatives are used in anticancer drug treatment.

What is α lipoic acid?

α lipoic acid is a vitamin-like substance that can be synthesized in the body, and is also called thioctic acid. In addition to the human body, it is also found in the organs of cattle and pigs, as well as in spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli.

What are α lipoic acid derivatives?

α lipoic acid derivatives are substances that improve the stability of α lipoic acid and reduce irritation.

α lipoic acid is an unstable substance that is easily mutated by acids and heat, and is said to be irritating. In order to overcome such weaknesses, other substances such as zinc are added to α lipoic acid to stabilize it and reduce irritation α which is a lipoic acid derivative. It may be easier to understand if you think of it as a substance that makes it easier to exert the power of α lipoic acid.

The main effects of α lipoic acid derivatives

α lipoic acid derivatives are said to have a powerful antioxidant effect, and their power is said to be about 400 times that of vitamin C and vitamin E.
Excessive secretion of oxidants interferes with skin turnover and accelerates aging. A typical substance that causes oxidation is a molecule with an unstable structure called a "free radical". α lipoic acid derivatives have the function of neutralizing this free radical.

In addition, α lipoic acid derivatives are expected to improve spots and wrinkles. In addition to helping to keep skin smooth, it is also said to have the power to repair oxidized vitamin C, vitamin E, and glutathione.

Lipoic acid used for hair loss due to anticancer drug treatment α

α lipoic acid derivatives are also expected to be used as a therapeutic agent to stop hair loss in the field of anticancer drug treatment.

Side effects of anticancer drug treatment


The side effects of hair loss due to anticancer drug treatment are widely known, but the amount and duration of hair loss vary from person to person, and the degree of symptoms varies depending on the combination of treatments.

In general, hair loss caused by anticancer drugs occurs 2~3 weeks after the start of treatment. After 1~2 months of treatment, the symptoms will subside and the hair will gradually grow. Then, 3~6 months later, it almost recovers and returns to the state before the start.

In many cases, hair loss caused by anticancer drugs is temporary, but some people feel resistance due to psychological damage, and some people refuse treatment because of the side effects of hair loss. Therefore, there is a need for initiatives and care so that people can receive treatment with peace of mind without worrying about side effects.

α use of lipoic acid derivatives to improve QOL (quality of life)

In anticancer drug treatment, which has the problem of hair loss α lipoic acid derivatives are expected to be effective in suppressing side effects. A research team consisting of a medical doctor from Oita University and a researcher from Aderans conducted animal experiments using rats. When α lipoic acid derivative was administered by injection into the stomach of rats, the hair loss became mild.

If this principle is utilized, it may be useful for the lives of cancer patients suffering from the side effects of anticancer drugs. At present α hair loss suppression treatment using lipoic acid derivatives is in the research stage, but if the evidence is confirmed and it is introduced in earnest, it will help improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

Applying the power of α lipoic acid derivatives to AGA treatment

If α lipoic acid derivatives have a hair loss suppression effect, they may be used for AGA treatment. As mentioned earlier, in mouse experiments conducted by a team of experts α lipoic acid derivatives were confirmed to have a hair loss suppression effect, and α lipoic acid derivative lotion was developed using the data. This is a hair growth agent that is said to be expected to improve hair loss just by applying it to thinning hair areas.

However, it has not yet been clarified what the function of α lipoic acid derivatives on dihydrotestosterone, which is the main causative substance of AGA. We look forward to seeing the results of the team's research in the future.


For cancer patients, hair loss caused by anticancer drugs is a serious concern. In order to support daily life, it is desirable to develop therapeutic drugs that suppress hair loss.

α lipoic acid derivatives are substances with potential and may also be useful in the treatment of AGA. If that happens, thinning hair treatment will be a big step forward.