As everyone knows, sapphire is one of the most precious stones. Also it is known for its hardness, durability and shine.

In the case of FUE hair transplantation, one of the most modern and widely used methods in hair transplant techniques is sapphire hair transplantation. Once the patient is relieved by local anesthesia with the FUE sapphire hair transplant applied to ensure natural results, the hair roots are extracted one by one from the donor area with the help of a micromotor. With this method, the extracted follicles are implanted into the previously created incision area.

Small channels are opened to implant hair follicles in the area of the hair transplant. On the density, angle and direction of hair growth, which are the determinants of natural appearance, channels have a great effect. Therefore, it is the most important process to open the channels for a successful hair transplant operation. That's why using a three-bladed sapphire tool is a good choice.

During the hair transplantation process, the channels are very well opened by the sapphire method. Since the sapphire blades are small and thin, the grafts are much less in contact with the outer part. At the same time, the healing process of FUE sapphire hair transplant is much shorter.



Advantages of FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant Method

Less vibration occurs when the channel is opened. This is due to the rigidity of the sapphire blades. This minimizes the risk of tissue damage.

Provides natural hair growth.

The patient continues to live comfortably after the operation, as the level of edema is lower.

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation opens all channels on the same hair follicles. For this reason, there is no possibility of displacement or change of angular position of the follicles after hair transplantation.

The sapphire blades create very small cuts for the transplant operation. This not only allows the tissues to heal faster, but also keeps the skin's surface soft.

Sapphire hair transplantation increases hair density. When you use sapphire blades, you get denser hair, and this gives it a more natural look.

One of the most significant benefits of sapphire hair transplantation is that it reduces the risk of trauma, scalp injury, and other possible complications common to FUE hair transplantation, and other hair transplant procedures. This is related to the qualities of the sapphire blades. Sapphire blades have smooth surfaces with antibacterial properties. They are also sharp, hard, and durable. These qualities reduce vibration during the incision process, and thus eliminate the risks associated with hair transplantation.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation is a popular hair transplant method that has been used for over 12 years. In fact, FUE hair transplantation is currently the most widely accepted and widespread hair transplant technique in the world. Over the years, hair transplantation has evolved exceptionally. The technique of extracting follicular units with sapphire blades gives excellent results. If you have hair loss, and you want to have a hair transplant process that will provide you with aesthetic, natural, and pleasant results, sapphire hair transplant is the best choice for you.