
"I want to grow healthy hair and make my current hair look shiny" There are always worries about hair.

It is important to approach the hair that will grow in the future from today. However, hair that has already grown is actually made of "dead cells".

If you think about "lifestyle habits that are good for your hair", you need to treat the care that makes your existing hair look beautiful and the care that promotes healthy hair growth in the future as two different things.

In this article, we will introduce methods that can be easily done in daily life, from how to grow hair that will grow in the future to self-care that does not cause further damage to the hair that has already grown.

Table of Contents [hide]

  • 1 "Good for hair" diet and nutrients

  • 2 Minimize the effects of stress

  • 3 Why is sleep important? Good sleep habits for your hair that you can do even if you are busy

  • 4 Smartphones and computers also affect thinning hair and damaged hair! The latest "smartphone thinning hair"

  • 5 Moderate exercise is also important. An exercise method that even office workers can do with an awareness of hair

  • 6 Keep the beauty of your current hair! Daily shampoo and hair care

  • 7 Conclusion

"Good for hair" diet and nutrients


If you are thinking about the healthy growth of hair that will grow in the future, you should be aware of your eating habits. Hair is produced by cell division every day.

In the future, in order to grow hair healthily and aim for glossy fluffy hair with firmness and firmness, be aware of your eating habits.

(1) Protein Protein is the source of keratin, the main component that makes up
hair. Actively consume protein and nutrients that allow hair to grow.

In addition to plant-based proteins such as tofu and natto, beef, chicken, and eggs are also sources of protein.

(2) Seaweed Seaweed
helps the thyroid gland work to promote hair growth. Typical seaweeds such as wakame, kelp, and hijiki contain a lot of iodine, which promotes hair growth.

(3) Vitamins Vitamins that affect
hair growth are "Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B". Although there are differences in the function of vitamins, it is a nutrient necessary for improving blood circulation, preventing hair loss, and cell metabolism.

Some also have antioxidant effects, so they support various cells to work energetically. Some vitamins are materials for hormones, so take them actively.

Nuts, fruits, and pork are recommended because they provide complex vitamins. If you eat fruits and vegetables fresh, you can get various vitamins.

Minerals Minerals are involved in cell division, metabolism, and hormone production. In particular, "zinc" is a nutrient necessary for cellular metabolism, so you want to actively take it. It is abundant in oysters, liver, and red meat.

(5) EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA
), which is abundant in blue fish, reduces triglycerides in the blood and promotes improvement of blood circulation. In order to deliver the necessary nutrients to the scalp, which is the end of the body, let's actively take it for the purpose of improving blood flow.

However, modern people are busy and tend to eat easily.

If you're busy and find it difficult to adjust your diet, you can take supplements, vegetable juices, and protein. Adopt measures that are easy to take in your daily life.

Minimize the effects of stress

When stress accumulates, the balance of the autonomic nervous system tends to be disturbed.

Stress increases the sympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system. When the sympathetic nerve is dominant, the blood vessels constrict. When blood vessels constrict, it becomes difficult for blood flow and nutrients to be transported to the extremities of the body, such as the scalp, which affects hair growth.

In addition, when the sympathetic nervous system is increased due to stress, the tension is maintained, making it difficult to fall asleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, it may affect the secretion of hormones, which will be described later, so it will be difficult to create an environment for healthy hair growth.

It may be difficult to completely eliminate the source of stress, but try to find a hobby and make time to relax and refresh yourself.

Why is sleep important? Good sleep habits for your hair that you can do even if you are busy


The question, "Why is sleep important for hair?"

The answer is obvious: "Because it affects the secretion of hormones." Of particular importance is growth hormone, which leads to hair growth. If you are suffering from AGA, you should be especially aware of it.

It used to be said that going to bed at 10 p.m. produces the most growth hormone. However, recently, it has been found that "secretion is highest in the 1-2 hours after falling asleep, and the secretion gradually decreases after 3 hours."

If you are a busy modern person, it should be difficult to go to bed at 10 o'clock and wake up at 6 in the morning. However, it is not important to go to bed at this time, but it is important to get at least 3 hours of deep sleep.

So, no matter how busy you are, make sure you get at least three hours of sleep to get a solid and deep sleep.

Smartphones and computers also affect thinning and damaged hair! The latest "smartphone thinning hair"

Smartphones and computers are deeply ingrained in our lives. There are many people who touch their smartphones as soon as they have free time.

However, by using smartphones and computers for long periods of time, more and more people are complaining of symptoms such as headaches and stiff shoulders. In fact, it is thought that the posture caused by excessive use of smartphones and computers may affect hair growth.

As a factor in headaches and stiff shoulders caused by excessive use of smartphones and computers, the load on the neck and shoulders and the deterioration of blood flow are a factor in pain and stiffness.

If there is poor blood circulation in the neck, it is quite possible that there is a lack of blood flow in the scalp as well. There is a good chance that blood flow is also stagnant in the capillaries that carry nutrients for hair growth.

If you are aware that you are using your smartphone or computer too much, it is important to be conscious of using it in a posture that does not slouch, or to try not to use it altogether.

Alcohol and tobacco have a negative effect on hair


Alcohol and tobacco actively destroy the environment in which hair grows healthily.

The reason for this is that when nicotine enters the body due to smoking, the blood vessels constrict and the blood flow to the scalp deteriorates. In addition, it consumes a large amount of vitamins and minerals to break down nicotine.

As a result, fewer nutrients are transported to the hair.

In addition, after drinking, it is metabolized by the liver to break down alcohol. For breakdown, it consumes a large amount of amino acids in the body.

Keratin inside the hair is mainly composed of amino acids. When you drink alcohol, the amino acids are reduced to break down the alcohol, and the nutrients necessary for hair growth are lost.

Moderate exercise is also important. An exercise method that even office workers can do with an awareness of hair

Exercise is also one of the factors that promotes healthy hair growth. Lack of exercise makes it difficult for blood flow to be stimulated, and the transport of oxygen and blood flow necessary for the hair is impaired.

Aerobic exercise is especially important. Jogging or walking is fine, so you want to be conscious of incorporating it in moderation in your daily life.

In today's busy world, it must be difficult to set aside time for new exercise. For example, you can get off and walk in front of one of the stations you use, or you can just change to a staircase instead of using an elevator or escalator.

Take the opportunity to consciously exercise in your daily life and actively promote blood flow to the extremities of your body.

Keep the beauty of your current hair! Daily shampoo and hair care


The scalp is the foundation for promoting healthy hair growth. Be aware of the care that leads to a healthy scalp with daily shampoo and hair care.

If the dirt on the scalp and dirt on the hair is not completely removed, the pores will become clogged and affect the growth of thick and long hair. In addition, hair care is important to reduce further damage to the existing hair.

If you don't take proper care of your hair, damage can build up on your hair, making it scruffy and dry. If there is a lot of broken or damaged hair, it will lead to hair loss, and as a result, it will be a factor in thinning hair.

[How to shampoo correctly]
When shampooing, you want to be aware of whether you can wash it thoroughly so that there is no residue after the shampoo is rinsed. We will show you how to shampoo your scalp with an awareness of the environment.

(1) Brushing before washing hair and pre-washing for at least <> minute The important process of removing dirt from
hair is "brushing and pre-washing before washing". In fact, brushing and pre-washing can remove approximate dirt from the hair, and the penetration rate of the shampoo used afterwards will also make a difference.

Before taking a bath, brush your hair thoroughly. Then, in the shower, apply hot water from both the front side and the back of the hair and pre-wash for at least 1 minute.

(2) Shampoo is massaged with the pads of your fingers After pre-washing
thoroughly, it is shampoo. The shampoo is first thoroughly lathered using the entire hair. Instead of applying it directly to the scalp, pack it with the image of using your hair to penetrate the foamed shampoo.

After that, use the pads of your fingers to perform a light massage. By applying a light massage, we also aim for the side effect of promoting blood flow to the scalp. Don't scrub your skin. It will damage the scalp, so the point is to do it gently with the pads of your fingers.

(1) Rinse thoroughly for at least <> minute. Rinse off from the front of the face and the back of the head Even if you can shampoo
so thoroughly, it will be ruined if there is any leftover rinse from the rinse.

When using the shower to rinse your hair, be sure to rinse thoroughly from two directions: the front forehead and the back of the head. Be conscious of not leaving any unwashed clothes for at least 1 minute each.

[Tips for dryers]
Let's also limit the use of hair dryers in pursuit of the beauty of the hair. Don't let your hair dry naturally.

In natural drying, wet hair causes friction between each other and damages it, causing the cuticle to peel off and promote dryness. After taking a bath, dry your hair as quickly as possible to dry it thoroughly.

(1) Use after-treatments The
hair is covered with scaly cuticles. If you want to be aware of the beauty of your hair now, be aware of the protection of your cuticles.

Use an after-treatment not only to soak the nutrients into your hair, but also to protect your cuticles so that they don't succumb to the heat of the dryer before blow drying.

(45) Be aware of the angle of the blow at <>° Even if you use an
after-treatment to adjust the flow of the cuticle, if the blow angle is bad, the cuticle will open, leading to a strange feeling of volume and dryness.

Be aware of the angle at which the dryer is applied to 45°. In addition, if you dry while brushing from top to bottom along the flow of the hair, it will be easier to keep your hair shiny without disturbing the cuticle.

(8) Don't dry too much It is important to dry it with a
hairdryer, but if you dry it too much, it will take away the moisture from your hair and make your hair dry. After drying about <>% of the time, use the cold air function of the dryer to apply cold air.

By applying cold air, the open cuticle closes, and the feeling of dryness can be avoided. Also, when drying your hair, try to dry it from the scalp and roots of your hair, as it will overdry if you dry it from the tips first.



Even if you know that it is for your hair because you are a busy modern person, there are things you can do and things you can't do. So let's go back to basics and think about the lifestyle habits you want to be aware of for your hair.

If you are conscious of your life thinking about the hair on your head, which is the end of your body, your body will inevitably lead to a healthy and healthy state.

I want to start with something that can be easily incorporated into my daily life, and I want to keep my hair youthful forever by thinking about the health of my body and hair.