
In Spain, half of all men have alopecia before the age of 50. This percentage is increasing gradually, as indicated by various recent studies that estimate that whereas approximately 60% of men are affected by this problem by the age of 60, a just over 70% at age 70 and 80% at age 80.

However, it's in adolescence that many people begin to suffer in their flesh from consequences of a disease that begins to manifest itself as a loss of hair density that later turns into a gradual fall and uncontrolled hair follicles and eventually leads to the appearance of First baldness.

Bald patches that, if they are not treated, can affect the entire surface of the scalp. He It is therefore essential to put yourself in the hands of a health specialist at the slightest sign of abnormal hair loss in our life Daily.

With that said, let's take a look at the Most common types of male alopecia in men of all ages. Currently, the medical community has identified about a hundred cases of alopecia different situations to which we are all exposed.

Androgenetic alopecia

It is most common in Men account for the vast majority of cases who travel daily in clinics that specialize in hair health. She is particularly prevalent in men and tends to develop from 30 years old. This is the time when those who suffer from it begin to realize that Their hair gets weaker and weaker, and eventually begins to grow out of the hair. fall without them regenerating.

She usually begins to develop in the crown and crown area. entrances, and then spreads to other areas of the scalp.

Diffuse alopecia

That Type of alopecia begins to develop in any part of the leather hair, from which it spreads until it affects the whole of the hair, if it is not previously treated.

Few Gradually, the hair weakens and grows more slowly, until that they stop growing where alopecia occurs.

Alopecia areata

That This type of alopecia is the second most common in men. It's also the one that appears earlier, as it is common for some teenagers or young people in their twenties go to the clinics after noticing hair loss in specific areas.

Ok that in many cases it manifests itself as a result of heredity, in the case of others, it is the result of stress or anxiety. When this happens, product, just get to the root of the problem and fix it to repopulate the affected area.

Scarring alopecia

That type of alopecia occurs as a result of illness, treatment, or wound. In these cases, the scar left by the disease damages the follicles and their growth areas on the scalp.

Fibrous alopecia

That The type of alopecia is more common in women than in men, although that it can also occur in some men. The cause of this Alopecia is the hormonal alteration and it usually begins with a loss of progressive hair, mainly in the frontal area.

It's Alopecia, which progresses the slowest and requires the use of Strengthening treatments to stop it. When that's not enough, as it's In the case of other types of alopecia, the best solution is to resort to hair transplantation.

In addition to this alopecia, it should be noted that a certain baldness appears following trauma or rare diseases. This is why, once again, we insist on the need to put ourselves in the hands of health professionals as soon as we notice that the number of hairs that fall from our scalp onto the pillow, while combing or in the shower is much higher than usual. That is, those 100-150 follicles that we lose and regenerate every day.

How to End Male Alopecia

Regardless of the alopecia of which If you have the condition, it is important to know that your problem has a solution. This, of course, will depend not only on the type of alopecia you have. suffering, but also the degree of development and the speed at which it is You will begin to put an end to it through treatments, interventions and and the care that will be indicated to you at the medical centre where you will be going seek help.

Although there are people who change medications, change their diet, reduce their level stress or anxiety or use certain home remedies to improve the truth is that the vast majority of them need to undergo regenerative treatment or transplant surgery. hair to regain the image it had before alopecia.

In this sense, it is necessary to mention the great usefulness of treatments such as those based on stem cells to regenerate hair follicles, strengthen the hair and cause the birth of follicular units that had stopped working thanks to the enrichment of blood plasma. One treatment, one in which the patient's own blood is oxygenated to promote circulation first and then the feeding of the follicles, which Combined with hair transplantation offers solutions for the rest of your life.

Because if there is a solution Fast and definitive par excellence, this is hair transplantation by grafting a follicular unit from a donor area to a recipient area where the hair had stopped growing in order to repopulate the scalp. Some something that can be achieved in a single session and with results thanks to the development of the FUE technique in the best hair health.

As you can see, Beyond your alopecia and its development, in order to no longer be bald, it is necessary to All you have to do is go to a hospital that specializes in this type of procedure to put an end to it once and for all.