
Have you ever felt that your hair has somehow decreased recently? FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia), which develops mainly in menopausal women, is a hair loss disorder that is difficult to notice in the early stages.

If you feel that the volume of your hair is decreasing, you can start taking measures against FAGA by referring to the following contents. In this article, we will introduce the causes of FAGA and how to treat it.

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What is FAGA?

FAGA, an alopecia that occurs in women, is also a condition called female androgenetic alopecia. It is an acronym for "Female Male Pattern Alopecia (AGA)", so it was named FAGA.
When it comes to FAGA, each hair becomes thinner, the overall volume decreases, and furthermore, the skin can be seen through the parting of the hair.

Symptom classification of FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia)

The symptoms of FAGA are divided into three types according to the stage, from type I ~ type III. Unlike alopecia in men, it is characterized by being difficult to notice in the early stages.

・Type I This is a condition in which the hair is thinning
overall. Near the parting, you can see a part where the skin can be seen through faintly.
・Type II: The
overall volume of the hair is decreasing, and the part where the skin can be seen through is expanding.
・Type III

It is a condition in which the entire hair loss has progressed further and the skin has become more prominent. The area of hair loss will spread.

In order to receive treatment as soon as possible, check for changes in hair volume on a daily basis. However, it is also necessary to devise ways to avoid stress due to worrying about thinning hair. Knowing that FAGA can be improved with treatment is a good idea to keep your mind calm and not take it too seriously.

Difference Between FAGA and AGA


FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia) is hair loss that occurs in women, whereas AGA (male pattern baldness) occurs in adult men. One of the most obvious differences between FAGA and AGA is the way hair loss progresses.

In FAGA, there is less hair overall, whereas in AGA, the hair in the hairline and crown of the head becomes thinner. Compared to AGA, which is easy to notice symptoms by appearance, it can be said that it is difficult to notice symptoms even if FAGA progresses.

There are also differences in the treatment methods of FAGA and AGA. Some medications for the treatment of AGA are not only ineffective for women to take, but also have a negative impact on the body. For example, the drug "Propecia" for the treatment of AGA is a drug that is prohibited for women to take. Just because you have the same symptoms of hair loss, be careful not to take medicines at your own discretion.

Causes of FAGA

Here are some of the possible causes of FAGA:

Age-related decrease in female hormones


The female hormone "estrogen" has the function of promoting hair growth and sustaining the growth phase. In addition, estrogen stimulates the production of collagen in the body, which makes hair firmer and firmer. However, when the secretion of female hormones decreases due to aging, these functions are weakened.

This is one of the reasons why FAGA is more common in menopausal women. In addition, when female hormones decrease, male hormones work relatively strongly. The male hormone "testosterone" turns into a substance called "dihydrotestosterone" by combining with an enzyme called "5α-reductase".

When this dihydrotestosterone inhibits the hair growth cycle, it results in thinning hair and hair loss.

Stress and nutritional deficiencies

In general, FAGA is said to be more common in menopausal women, but when it occurs in young women, it is thought to be caused by stress or nutritional deficiencies. In particular, unbalanced diets, such as unreasonable diets, are factors that cause hair to lack the nutrients it needs.

In addition, thinning hair may be caused by the effects of stress. Pay attention not only to aging, but also to lifestyle habits that lead to thinning hair.

Lifestyle habits such as tobacco and alcohol

IMG_259Factors that make FAGA more likely to progress include lifestyle habits such as tobacco and alcohol. When you smoke, the action of nicotine, a component that constricts blood vessels, makes it difficult for nutrients to reach the hair follicles.
In addition, if you put a burden on the liver by drinking too much alcohol, it will be difficult to produce proteins that are essential for hair growth, which may lead to the progression of thinning hair.

Female-specific alopecia other than FAGA

In addition to FAGA, alopecia specific to women includes the following: Check the characteristics of each of these alopecias to see if you recognize them.

Alopecia areata

In women's alopecia areata, hair loss about the size of a coin occurs in a part of the head. In general, there are no subjective symptoms during hair removal, and there are many cases where hair loss is noticed when it suddenly touches the scalp.

As hair loss progresses, the hair loss area may spread, or multiple hair loss spots may occur. While it is caused by immune diseases such as autoimmune diseases, it is also thought to be related to mental stress and atopic dermatitis.

Traction alopecia


One of the most common forms of alopecia that occurs in women with long hair is traction alopecia. This is alopecia caused by pulling the hair for a long time due to hairstyles such as ponytails or wearing hair extensions.

In addition, there are cases where the hair parting is not changed for a long time, which puts a strain on the scalp. Let's prevent it by trying to have a hairstyle that is as easy as possible.

Postpartum alopecia

A woman's body changes its hormonal balance significantly throughout childbirth. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a large amount of a female hormone called "progesterone" is secreted, which maintains hair growth.

However, childbirth causes the balance of female hormones to return to its original state abruptly, making it easier for hair loss to occur at once. The symptoms of such hair loss are called "postpartum alopecia", but they naturally return to their original state after six months after childbirth.

Pityriasis alopecia

One of the most common symptoms in women in their 10~20s is pityriasis alopecia. This is alopecia, in which dandruff and hair loss occur on the scalp at the same time. At the same time, itching and redness may occur on the scalp. Be careful not to do so, as this will make it even worse.

Possible causes of symptoms are sebum and Malassezia bacteria. In addition to keeping the scalp clean, it is necessary to treat it with pharmaceuticals at a dermatological medical institution. IMG_261

Seborrheic alopecia

The occurrence of "seborrheic dermatitis" on the scalp can cause symptoms such as hair loss and dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis is likely to occur in places where there is a lot of sebum secretion, such as the scalp and T-zone, and it is especially necessary to pay attention to the hot and humid periods from the rainy season to summer.

If the skin is red, itchy, and inflamed, alopecia is suspected. In order to prevent it from becoming chronic due to deterioration, seek treatment at a medical institution immediately.

How to treat FAGA

There are the following types of FAGA treatment that are generally performed at medical institutions. Depending on your symptoms, choose a treatment method in consultation with your doctor.
Please note that none of FAGA treatments are covered by health insurance. Some treatment methods are somewhat expensive, so please consider the cost carefully.

Treatment with oral medication

In the treatment of FAGA, oral medications are prescribed that are different from those for male pattern baldness. The drug used in the treatment of thinning hair in women is a remedy called "Pantogar". This oral medicine contains ingredients necessary for healthy hair, such as keratin, calcium pantothenate, cystine, and B vitamins.
It will be necessary to continue the treatment for at least 3 months, so let's continue the treatment patiently.

Treatment with external medications

IMG_262Topical medications may also be prescribed for the treatment of FAGA. In that case, it is common to apply a lotion containing an ingredient called "minoxidil".
Minoxidil helps hair growth by stimulating blood flow in the scalp and working on hair matrix cells. However, it is important to note that side effects such as itching and rashes may occur. Continue treatment by adhering to the dosage indicated by your doctor.

Hair Growth Mesotherapy


There is a treatment called "hair growth mesotherapy" in which the drug is injected into the hair follicles of the scalp. The ingredients to be injected are "minoxidil" and "hyaluronic acid", which are also used as internal and external medicines. However, it is thought that more effective effects can be expected by delivering these directly to the scalp.

It may also be used in combination with other treatments. There is also an injection method that does not use a needle, so if you are not good at pain, consider it.

HARG therapy

HARG therapy, which aims to improve the ability of hair to regenerate, works on the cells of the scalp by injecting an original drug called "HARG cocktail". The HARG cocktail contains growth factors extracted from stem cells and nutrients such as vitamins and amino acids. The ingredients of the cocktail are adjusted according to the symptoms of each person. The ability to grow hair in total balance is the merit of this treatment.

Autologous hair transplant

"Hair transplantation" is a treatment in which one's own hair is transplanted to the area where thinning hair is a concern. Unlike treatment with pharmaceuticals, it is characterized by the fact that the effect can be felt immediately. Another advantage is that since you use your own hair, it is easier to fix than using artificial hair. The hair to be transplanted is generally taken from the back or side of the head. Hair transplantation requires advanced technology, so get treatment at a specialized medical institution.


In this article, we have introduced the causes of FAGA and how to treat it.

If you're approaching menopause and feel that your hair has lost volume, it may be FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia). The cause of FAGA is said to be related to a decrease in female hormones due to aging.

There are measures that can be taken to reduce the progression of thinning hair, such as aiming to improve symptoms through self-funded treatment available at medical institutions. Please refer to the contents introduced to protect your precious hair.