By Yvelette Stines
Updated on June 16, 2023
Medically reviewed by Leah Ansell, MD
Fact checked by Sarah Scott
If you see flakes in your hair, you may assume that it’s dandruff, but there are actually several reasons why they can appear.
This article will go over the possible causes of flakes in your hair and when it’s important to see a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.
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Tips and Tricks for Treating Dry Scalp
Dandruff happens when there is too much oil on the scalp and the skin cells there shed faster than usual. An overgrowth of yeast can also lead to dandruff.1 Having dandruff can be normal if it’s mild, but underlying skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis can cause severe cases of dandruff.2
Other factors that can contribute to dandruff include:31
Diseases that affect the nervous system
Weakened immune system
What Causes Dandruff?
Many shampoos are available that can help reduce dandruff using different ingredients:1
Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial agent.
Tar slows down the skin cell growth on the scalp.
Salicylic acid helps reduce scaling on the scalp.
Selenium sulfide and Nizoral A-D have antifungal agents to help reduce dandruff-causing fungi.
If the over-the-counter (OTC) shampoos do not work, you might need to have your provider prescribe a special dandruff shampoo for you.
Always read the instructions and only use prescription shampoos as directed. If you have any questions, ask your provider.
Dry Skin
When you see flakes in your hair, it is often because your scalp is dry and the flakes of skin are falling off onto your hair.
Skin conditions that can cause dryness and flaking in the scalp and hair include:4
Seborrheic dermatitis
If the dryness is from a skin condition, the flakes are heavier. In some cases, itchy plaques on the scalp or powdery-type flakes can appear as well.5
Treatments for dry skin on the scalp can include:6
Shampoo that helps dandruff control
Tea tree oil
Tar shampoo
Topical steroids
If there is no change with an OTC product, your provider can prescribe shampoos and ointments to reduce the flakes.
Dandruff vs. Dry Scalp: What Are the Differences?
Hair gel is a common product that’s used to keep hair in place. It can cause flakes that can be mistaken for dandruff.
The gel in hair products is not water-soluble. The ingredients are mixed with other products in the hair, and the gel hardens and flakes. This can leave a white substance on hair strands.
When using hair gel, try not to overuse other haircare products as they can cause buildup. Make sure your hair is clean and wet enough to absorb the gel. Try not to touch your hair with your fingers after you apply hair gel.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause yellow, white powdery, or crusty flakes on the scalp. It is a lifelong condition that is usually easy to manage, though it can flare up.7
People who have oily skin or psoriasis are more likely to get seborrheic dermatitis as well. Flaky patches on the hairline are a common symptom of the condition. When the scalp is scratched, the flakes can fall off onto the hair.8
Treatment for seborrheic dermatitis includes prescription and OTC products. Your provider can give you treatment options based on your condition.
Some prescription options include:9
Calcineurin inhibitors
Topical antifungals
Shampoos (either OTC or prescription) that reduce flaking can also help with seborrheic dermatitis.
The Best Shampoos for Seborrheic Dermatitis of 2023
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes skin cells to grow too fast, leading to thick scaly patches on the skin.5
There are several types of psoriasis. The most common is plaque psoriasis, but scalp psoriasis is also common.
When a person has psoriasis, the skin cells form within three to four days instead of the usual 28 to 30 days. The faster formation of cells is caused by an overactive immune response in the body.
About 45% to 56% of people who have the condition have scalp psoriasis. It looks like crusty plaques or scales on the scalp. When scratched, scales and plaque that fall off can look like dandruff.5
If the scalp psoriasis is mild, an OTC shampoo with tar or salicylic acid can often manage symptoms. Tar reduces inflammation, scaling, and itching, and salicylic acid can help remove the scales from the skin and soften the plaques.10
If the condition is more extreme, a dermatologist may recommend medicated shampoos and phototherapy using a UV light for treating psoriasis on the scalp.2
Do Home Remedies for Psoriasis Work?
An itchy lice infestation can be mistaken for a simple case of dandruff, especially in school-aged kids.
Head lice (pediculus humanus capitis) and the eggs (nits) they lay tend to stick to the hair. In contrast, dandruff flakes are on the scalp and easily fall off.11
Lice is very contagious and has to be treated with special medicated shampoos.12
What Head Lice Look Like
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can occur on different parts of the body, including the scalp.13
A ringworm rash can start out as a bump on the scalp that’s itchy. As it starts to look scalier, the flakes can look like dandruff.
A ringworm infection is easily spread and needs to be treated with anti-fungal medications.14
Pictures of Common Skin Infections
When to See a Healthcare Provider
You might be able to handle simple causes of flakes in your hair at home. However, there are also times when you should see a healthcare provider.
Talk to your provider if:
You have flakes on your scalp and you’re not sure what’s causing them.
The flakes are not going away or they keep coming back.
You have itching.
You see plaques or scales on other areas of skin.
OTC treatments have not helped.
Having flakes in your hair can often be managed at home, but you need to figure out the cause first. A simple case of dry skin might be something you can treat at home, while a chronic condition like psoriasis is something your provider or a dermatologist can help you treat.
If you have hair flakes and OTC products are not helpful, call your provider. They can figure out why you have flakes in your hair and recommend the best treatment.
How do you get rid of flakes in your hair?
To get rid of flakes in your hair, you will have to figure out why they are there in the first place. If the flakes are dandruff caused by dryness and product buildup, a dandruff shampoo should help. If a specific skin condition is responsible for the flakes in your hair, a healthcare provider can help you with a treatment plan.
How do you get rid of flakes in your hair without washing it?
One way to get rid of flakes in your hair without washing it is to use a fine-tooth comb to get them out. Massaging jojoba oil or coconut oil into the scalp may also help, but their effectiveness can vary between people.15
What’s the best treatment for seborrheic dermatitis?
The best treatment for seborrheic dermatitis depends on the severity of the condition. If it is mild, over-the-counter products can help. For more severe conditions, a healthcare provider may prescribe medications, including corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and antifungals. A dermatologist can create a specialized treatment plan that may include dandruff shampoo, topically-applied medicine, and barrier-repair cream.16
Different Types of Itchy Skin Rashes
16 Sources
By Yvelette Stines
Yvelette Stines, MS, MEd, is an author, writer, and communications specialist specializing in health and wellness.
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