
Going through this article, you are definitely looking for the best centers and clinics to perform your hair transplant. To do this, we present you the best destinations to go there if you are ready to get hair implants.


The following ranking is the result of a survey we conducted in order to save you time. Thus, an analysis based on quality criteria and prices offered by these clinics was carried out, the results of which are as follows:

3- Dr. SERKAN AYGIN Clinic

The 3Th place goes to the famous clinic of Dr. SERKAN AYGIN who is a specialist in hair transplantation. He has won so many awards for excellence in the profession and thanks to his reputation, his clinic which is located in Istanbul, Turkey has taken its well-deserved market share, and its reputation has been able to go beyond borders.

In fact, Dr. Serkan Aygin's clinic has a highly qualified and experienced medical staff, consisting of a number of practitioners who have been practicing this profession for quite some time. Their mastery of the ropes has allowed them to create a good image and keep a good impression on their patients from all different areas around the world.

For more than 10 years, this clinic has been offering the latest techniques and procedures in hair transplants and hair implants. In particular, Dr. Serkan Aygin opts for the use of both techniques, DHI and FUE, while acquiring the latest technologies to obtain optimal results, and lasting effectiveness of the treatment of his patients.


In second place is the Medical Hair Restoration clinic located in Cape Town, South Africa. It has been open since 1997, and is specialized in hair implants with more than 20 years of experience and practice in the profession.

This clinic is home to the best surgeons in South Africa and from all over the world. This is how this clinic has become very well known for the talent of its medical team and its irreproachable expertise. Such a staff with precise knowledge of the different effective techniques for hair restoration and hair transplants allows its patients to treat baldness once and for all.

Medical Hair Restoration Clinic has made it its mission to satisfy the various patients who go there to perform hair transplants by ensuring that they only leave their center after having strong natural hair that they will be proud to show off in public. This hair transplant and hair restoration clinic is committed to providing certified quality service from your first consultation, and all the way to the final phase of your treatment process.

To achieve this, Medical Hair Restoration Clinic proceeds by requiring all personal preferences to determine the optimal path of your treatment, and by taking care of the financial and well-being of the patients and even becoming a concern of all the practitioners who practice there.

1-Capilclinic Clinic

In first place, our champion of this ranking of the 3 best hair transplant clinics in the world, is Capilclinic. This clinic is considered the best choice to do hair implants for several reasons.

First of all, Capilclinic Hair Transplant Clinic has the best practitioners and specialists from all over the world. This is proven by the countless successful hair restoration operations with patients of different origins, which the highly qualified medical team has always provided. This is how this medical staff is known for the effectiveness of its hair transplant procedures.

Similarly, the second reason why we have positioned this clinic in the first rank of the top 3 hair transplant clinics in the world, is the set of hair transplant methods and techniques used by the surgeons belonging to Capilclinic. In fact, they choose their techniques based on each patient's peculiarity, including the specifics of their hair and situation. Added to this is the cause that has induced hair loss such as alopecia or baldness. And depending on the case, they use the most suitable transplantation method and that would best meet the needs of patients, offering them new natural and strong hair.

The third reason why Capilclinic is the best clinic in the world to perform hair transplants is the high quality of the services offered, both technically and well-being. In other words, Capilclinic offers its patients a lifetime guarantee on the hair transplant they have performed at this international center. In addition, a luxury stay containing accommodation in a high-end hotel, balanced food adapted to your state of health, transport to and from the clinic, and also the organization of some visits to tourist places and places of attraction to get you out of the skin of a patient, and the costs of which are covered in their entirety by the clinic.

In short, if you want to go to the best clinic in the world to do your hair transplants, we strongly recommend that you call, and from this moment, the Capilclinic clinic.


For both men and women, hair loss is a horrible and terrifying event. It can result from several causes, but in some men, baldness is seen as an inevitable fate. And as a result, they often find themselves in a state of panic that leads them to make rash decisions.

Among these decisions, making the right choice of the best clinic to perform hair transplants remains one of the most difficult to make. Likewise, there are some details that need to be learned before making the decision to embark on such an adventure. First of all, you need to know what a hair transplant consists of. Subsequently, it is necessary to try, and through in-depth documentation, to determine the specificities and peculiarities of his case and his needs in terms of hair transplantation.

This way, you can then get a general idea of which hair implant or hair transplant techniques and methods are best suited to you. Likewise, you will be able to make an estimate of the budget you will need to perform the hair transplant. Therefore, you will be well warned about what you are willing to immerse yourself in.

Finally, and after completing all the above steps, you will have to choose where you go to have your hair implants. This step is very important in this decision-making process, as the multitude of centers that operate in this sector would probably confuse you. However, thanks to your prior information, you will be better qualified to make the choice that is most optimal for you.


When making your irreversible decision to have hair implants, you are required to contact a center or clinic that specializes in the matter. However, a number of people make mistakes that have adverse repercussions and adverse effects on their health.

For this reason, we present to you some famous mistakes in which most people who suffer from baldness or alopecia, and who want to go to the best hair transplant clinic to perform hair implant operations and give themselves new natural and strong hair.

The first mistake is to choose a hair transplant center or clinic that offers the lowest prices on the market. By doing so, people who opt for low rates are always disappointed afterwards, and this is because of the poor performance they have had in these places where the bare minimum of the conditions and standards of the trade are not respected.

Added to this is a mistake that often goes unnoticed by the majority of people who perform hair restoration, and not to learn about the best practitioners who practice in the field. As a result, and because of their ignorance, they find themselves unable to distinguish between what is good for them and what is not. Something that impacts their choice of the hair transplant center or clinic best qualified to meet their specific and general needs.

Hair transplant operations are of enormous importance and any wrong intervention can induce complicated situations whose repercussions can be more or less serious on health.