Le gingembre pour la perte de cheveux

Ginger is helpful in the treatment of hair problems. In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, the so-called "fire root" has been used for thousands of years for hair loss. In this article, we offer two ginger recipes for hair loss that can help you condition your hair.

Ginger is an ancient medicinal plant. In China and India, this rhizome has been used as a cooking spice and medicine since at least the 3rd millennium BCE. Long after the healing root was also recognized in the Western world, ginger has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects.

Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of oxygen radicals in the body and thus prevents cell degeneration processes.

With ginger, gastrointestinal problems, muscle pain, rheumatism or other ailments are treated. In addition, ginger root can contribute to healthy hair, eliminating certain problems and stopping the dreaded hair loss, as long as it is truly preventable.


Ginger for Hair Loss

Ginger for hair loss

Hair loss can have many causes and presents itself in different ways. But whether it is due to genetic hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), circular hair loss (alopecia areata) or diffuse hair loss (diffuse alopecia), those affected suffer a lot when their hair grows less and less and falls out more and more. .

In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is the ideal medicinal herb to overcome hair loss, as it helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp. A better blood supply to this area of the body helps stimulate the hair follicles in order to promote hair growth.

Ginger root contains high amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and riboflavin. It also contains ginger-specific phytonutrients like gingerol and zingiberol that are particularly effective. In combination with many other substances, these phytonutrients make ginger able to stop hair loss and stimulate new growth in some cases.

Ginger Oil for Hair Problems

If you have problems with hair loss, you can make ginger oil yourself in a very short time and use it easily.


The juice of a tablespoon of grated ginger (grate the ginger, place it on cheesecloth and squeeze it out with your hand).

3 tablespoons jojoba oil or extra virgin olive oil.


Mix the ingredients.

Massage the ginger oil into the scalp in circular motions, then leave to sit. The exposure time is approximately 30 minutes.

If you feel a warm sensation on your head, it's a sign that the ginger oil is starting to work.

After the exposure time, you can rinse your head with water.

If you want to use a shampoo, make sure it's gentle and alkaline.

Ginger Oil & Vinegar for Hair Problems

Ginger promotes blood circulation in the scalp, which is why it is able to control problems such as dandruff or hair loss with proper applications.

For example, if the scalp is rubbed daily with ginger oil (essential oil diluted in almond oil or olive oil in a 2:8 ratio), it can stimulate hair growth. And regular rinsing with diluted ginger vinegar (in 1:1 ratios), after each hair wash, often works wonders for hair problems.

The skin renews itself about every four weeks, so that the old dead skin cells simply come off. The scales are usually so small that they are not noticeable. However, if the skin removes the old cells too quickly and they clump together, they become visible in the form of flakes, which is when we talk about dandruff.

If the scalp is dry, fine, dry flakes may appear. Strong degreasing shampoos, air heating, and air conditioning systems are often considered the big triggers.

If the scalp is oily, oily dandruff forms. In this context, a yeast, Malassezia furfur, can cause additional problems for the scalp and hair.

Ginger has antiseptic and antifungal properties. For this reason, it can also counteract the appearance of dandruff. A homemade ginger anti-dandruff is quick and easy to make:

Ginger Anti-Dandruff


2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger

3 tablespoons cold-pressed olive or sesame oil

1 dash lemon juice


Mix all ingredients well.

Massage this mixture into your scalp in circular motions.

After 15 to 30 minutes of application, rinse the scalp thoroughly.

To get good results with anti-dandruff, you should use it at least three times a week.

Recipe ideas with ginger

Here you will find tips and ideas for incorporating ginger into your cooking, three practical recipes with ginger that are perfect for your everyday life.

Apple and ginger puree


1 kg apples of the sweet variety

100 ml lemon juice

200 ml water

1 level teaspoon ground ginger

1 level teaspoon cinnamon

1 pinch of salt


Peel the apples and core them, then cut them into cubes.

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring.

Once cooked, you can mash them or leave them as is.

Your compote is ready. You can serve it hot or cold. 

Ginger Pesto


1 handful fresh basil leaves

40 g pine nuts

80 ml virgin olive oil

1 or 2 finger-thick slices of ginger

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 garlic clove

1 pinch of salt


Clean the basil leaves.

Mash all the ingredients together, so that there is a creamy batter. If your blender can't handle that many ingredients, add the pasta cooking water in small batches each time; The pasta cooking water has its starch and helps lighten the pesto.

We keep the part we're not going to use in the fridge, in a glass jar, with a thin layer of olive oil on top.