Qu'est-ce que l'alopécie de traction

Did you know that regularly wearing your hair in a tight ponytail or bun can cause a condition called traction alopecia? In this article, we help you answer "What is traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is a form of hair loss caused by repeated pulling on the hair. While tying up your hair may seem convenient to keep it in place, not understanding its consequences can have a lasting effect on your hair.

What is traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is associated with hair loss. You may experience hair loss due to repeated pulls on your hair from tight ponytails, buns, and braids. Tying up the hair immediately after using chemicals for styling is another factor.

The good news is that traction alopecia can be prevented and treated easily. If you stop tightening your hair too tightly, you can save it from this form of hair loss.

At an early stage of traction alopecia, you may notice small bumps on your scalp. If the condition worsens, you will also see broken hair. The front and sides of your scalp are most likely to be affected first. However, other areas of your scalp may face similar hair loss, depending on your usual hairstyle.

How do you know if you have traction alopecia?

Including hair loss, traction alopecia can also present with symptoms such as redness of the scalp, blisters or bumps, scalp pain as well as itching

What causes traction alopecia?

You can develop traction alopecia if you often wear your hair in tight hairstyles. Pulling the hair repeatedly can damage the hair follicles on your scalp.

If you have long hair, you may develop traction alopecia due to the weight of the hair pulling on the scalp. Men can also have this condition in their beard if they twist it too hard.

Traction alopecia is frequently seen in people who need to pull their hair up in a tight bun for professional reasons such as ballerinas and gymnasts.

Age can also be a contributing factor to traction alopecia. As you age, your hair becomes prone to damage, which increases the chances of traction alopecia.


How to treat traction alopecia?

Change Your Hairstyle

Never opt for tight hairstyles if you have symptoms of traction alopecia. If you must tie your hair back, make sure to keep it as loose as possible. Let your hair rest as much as you can. This will prevent tension in your scalp.

Limit the use of chemicals

Minimize the use of chemicals on damaged hair, as this can only make the situation worse. Instead, opt for cosmetics or herbal remedies. This will not only give you visible results but will also protect your hair from harmful chemicals.

Hair Growth Products

Hair growth products can help you with this. One study suggests that nearly 40% of people use minoxidil to regrow hair. You can try this to treat traction alopecia in your scalp after consulting your doctor.

Use anti-inflammatories

Traction alopecia causes swelling of the scalp, which can be painful. The swelling may be accompanied by redness and irritation. An anti-inflammatory scalp cream can help reduce pain and swelling. However, consult a doctor before using any medication.

Seek medical help

If you don't see new hair growing after a few months of preventative measures, it's time to see a doctor. Your follicles are probably damaged, and if there are scars, your hair may not grow back.

Consult your doctor to get the right medication. Severe cases of traction alopecia may require a hair transplant.

Home Remedies for Traction Alopecia


Adding Protein to Your Diet

Your body needs protein for hair growth. Some healthy dietary proteinsources include eggs, fish, nuts, beans, lean meats, and seeds.

Not everyone needs the same amount of protein because their needs vary depending on your muscle mass and physical activity.

Increase iron intake

Iron is another vital nutrient that your body needs to grow new hair. If you're dealing with hair loss, your diet should include foods like lentils, tofu, seeds, pumpkin, spinach, and navy beans.

Many companies fortify their foods with vitamins and iron, such as in breakfast cereals, to prevent iron deficiency.


Aromatherapy can help stimulate your hair growth. Essential oils like cedarwood, thyme, lavender, tulsi, and rosemary can help treat traction alopecia.

When using essential oils on the scalp, mix only a few drops into a base oil like coconut oil.

Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp with oil can help stimulate blood flow to your follicles, promoting hair growth. You can use your fingertips to massage the scalp in a circular motion or buy a massager to get the job done.

How to prevent traction alopecia?

Keeping your hair loose is the best way to prevent traction alopecia. If it is necessary to tie your hair back, wear it in a loose hairstyle.

Is traction alopecia permanent?

Traction alopecia can be permanent if you don't intervene at an early stage. There are a few warning signs that may indicate if your traction alopecia is getting worse.

Signs of permanent traction alopecia

Typical signs of permanent traction alopecia are excessive hair loss and pain in the scalp. You may especially feel pain after loosening your hair from a tight bun or ponytail.

As the condition worsens, the signs of traction alopecia may become more prominent and severe. You may notice itching, tightness, and swelling of the scalp. Broken hair and patches of baldness will also be visible. Scars can appear if you don't do anything to prevent them.