Prevention and treatment of tumors, and caring for cancer patients.
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Serendipity reveals new method to fight cancer with T cells

Serendipity reveals new method to fight cancer with T cells

by Laura Red Eagle,University of Wisconsin-MadisonGraphical abstract. Credit:Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2024.101249A promising

Serendipity reveals new method to fight cancer with T cells

by Laura Red Eagle,University of Wisconsin-MadisonGraphical abstract. Credit:Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2024.101249A promising
New class of cancer mutations discovered in so-called 'junk' DNA

New class of cancer mutations discovered in so-called 'junk' DNA

byGarvan Institute of Medical ResearchVisualized DNA damage (green) in human breast cancer cells (blue). Credit: Garvan InstituteUsing artificial intelligence, Garvan Institute researchers have

New class of cancer mutations discovered in so-called 'junk' DNA

byGarvan Institute of Medical ResearchVisualized DNA damage (green) in human breast cancer cells (blue). Credit: Garvan InstituteUsing artificial intelligence, Garvan Institute researchers have
High fail rate for melanoma self-checks increasing cancer risk, new study finds

High fail rate for melanoma self-checks increasing cancer risk, new study finds

bySouthern Cross UniversityCredit: ROCKETMANN TEAM from PexelsAustralians are unable to recognize malignant melanomas on their own skin, calling into question the effectiveness of national self-

High fail rate for melanoma self-checks increasing cancer risk, new study finds

bySouthern Cross UniversityCredit: ROCKETMANN TEAM from PexelsAustralians are unable to recognize malignant melanomas on their own skin, calling into question the effectiveness of national self-
High ambient temperature in pregnancy associated with childhood leukemia

High ambient temperature in pregnancy associated with childhood leukemia

byYale UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAs climate change warms the planet, high ambient temperatures are expected to be more common and intense over the coming decades in the U.S. and

High ambient temperature in pregnancy associated with childhood leukemia

byYale UniversityCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAs climate change warms the planet, high ambient temperatures are expected to be more common and intense over the coming decades in the U.S. and
Research discovers how some cancers resist treatment

Research discovers how some cancers resist treatment

by Louisiana State UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainAn international team of researchers led by Lucio Miele, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair of Genetics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicin

Research discovers how some cancers resist treatment

by Louisiana State UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainAn international team of researchers led by Lucio Miele, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair of Genetics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicin
Study finds racial disparities in culturally competent cancer care

Study finds racial disparities in culturally competent cancer care

by Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBrandon A. Mahal, MD of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, co-senior author of the study published inJAMA Oncology. Credit: Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteMany non-wh

Study finds racial disparities in culturally competent cancer care

by Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteBrandon A. Mahal, MD of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, co-senior author of the study published inJAMA Oncology. Credit: Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteMany non-wh
Study finds specific microbiome tied to long-term survival of patients with pancreatic cancer

Study finds specific microbiome tied to long-term survival of patients with pancreatic cancer

by University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer CenterFlorencia McAllister, M.D. Credit: MD Anderson Cancer CenterA key difference between the few pancreatic cancer patients who survive long-term an

Study finds specific microbiome tied to long-term survival of patients with pancreatic cancer

by University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer CenterFlorencia McAllister, M.D. Credit: MD Anderson Cancer CenterA key difference between the few pancreatic cancer patients who survive long-term an
Study refines understanding of T cells' action in HIV immune response

Study refines understanding of T cells' action in HIV immune response

by Los Alamos National LaboratoryThe effect of M-T807R1 administration and RAL monotherapy on blood CD8+T cell dynamics. The effects of M-T807R1 on the dynamics of CD8 cells in individual m

Study refines understanding of T cells' action in HIV immune response

by Los Alamos National LaboratoryThe effect of M-T807R1 administration and RAL monotherapy on blood CD8+T cell dynamics. The effects of M-T807R1 on the dynamics of CD8 cells in individual m
Study finds link between Medicaid expansion and equity in cancer care

Study finds link between Medicaid expansion and equity in cancer care

by Anne Doerr,Yale UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainRacial disparities in timely cancer treatment disappeared in states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to

Study finds link between Medicaid expansion and equity in cancer care

by Anne Doerr,Yale UniversityCredit: CC0 Public DomainRacial disparities in timely cancer treatment disappeared in states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to
Study reveals why testicular cancer is so responsive to chemo

Study reveals why testicular cancer is so responsive to chemo

by Cornell UniversityA low magnification image of a germ cell tumor, called a teratocarcinoma, from a new mouse model developed to study testicular cancer. A cluster of cancer stem cells, termed

Study reveals why testicular cancer is so responsive to chemo

by Cornell UniversityA low magnification image of a germ cell tumor, called a teratocarcinoma, from a new mouse model developed to study testicular cancer. A cluster of cancer stem cells, termed
Study calculates contribution of risk factors to cancer in the US

Study calculates contribution of risk factors to cancer in the US

by American Cancer SocietyPopulation attributable fraction of cancer deaths by risk factor; men, women, and combined. Credit: American Cancer SocietyA new American Cancer Society study calculates

Study calculates contribution of risk factors to cancer in the US

by American Cancer SocietyPopulation attributable fraction of cancer deaths by risk factor; men, women, and combined. Credit: American Cancer SocietyA new American Cancer Society study calculates
Study shines light on gut microbiome in colon cancer

Study shines light on gut microbiome in colon cancer

by American Society for MicrobiologyMicroRNA and mRNA visualization in differentiating C1C12 cells. Credit: Ryan Jeffs/WikipediaResearchers have identified a correlation between gut microbial com

Study shines light on gut microbiome in colon cancer

by American Society for MicrobiologyMicroRNA and mRNA visualization in differentiating C1C12 cells. Credit: Ryan Jeffs/WikipediaResearchers have identified a correlation between gut microbial com