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Las 5 diferencias entre tos seca y tos productiva

Las 5 diferencias entre tos seca y tos productivaDependiendo de si la tos va acompañada o no de mucosidad, esta puede clasificarse en productiva o seca. Veamos las diferencias clínicas y de tratamient

Los 10 tipos de tos (y sus características)

Los 10 tipos de tos (y sus características)Dependiendo de si viene acompañada o no de mucosidad y tanto de su duración como intensidad, la tos puede clasificarse en distintos tipos. Analicemos las bas

Las 10 diferencias entre neumonía y bronquitis

Las 10 diferencias entre neumonía y bronquitisLa neumonía y la bronquitis son dos enfermedades respiratorias que, si bien suelen confundirse, tienen unas causas, síntomas y formas de tratamiento disti

Los 10 tipos de neumonía (y sus características)

Los 10 tipos de neumonía (y sus características)La neumonía es una inflamación de las vías aéreas inferiores, generalmente a causa de una infección bacteriana o vírica. Este cuadro se puede clasificar

Apnea del sueño: causas, síntomas y tratamiento

Apnea del sueño: causas, síntomas y tratamientoLa apnea del sueño es un trastorno frecuente relacionado con la interrupción de la respiración durante el sueño. Puede mermar seriamente la calidad de vi

Las 6 diferencias entre Asma y Alergia (explicadas)

Las 6 diferencias entre Asma y Alergia (explicadas)El asma y la alergia son dos afecciones muy comunes que comparten muchos de sus síntomas como la dificultad para respirar. Para diferenciarlas, habla

Atelectasia: causas, síntomas y tratamiento

Atelectasia: causas, síntomas y tratamientoLa atelectasia es el colapso reversible de parte o, con menos frecuencia, de la totalidad del pulmón, cursando con pérdida de volumen del tejido pulmonar. Un
Indoor air quality in long-term care facilities during wildfires is worse than you'd think, says toxicologist

Indoor air quality in long-term care facilities during wildfires is worse than you'd think, says toxicologist

by Kylie Mohr, KFF Health NewsCredit: CC0 Public DomainEvery year, wildfires across the western U.S. and Canada send plumes of smoke into the sky. When that smoke blows into southwestern Idaho's T

Indoor air quality in long-term care facilities during wildfires is worse than you'd think, says toxicologist

by Kylie Mohr, KFF Health NewsCredit: CC0 Public DomainEvery year, wildfires across the western U.S. and Canada send plumes of smoke into the sky. When that smoke blows into southwestern Idaho's T
Sibling death in childhood, young adulthood linked to risk for CVD

Sibling death in childhood, young adulthood linked to risk for CVD

JANUARY 8, 2024 Editors' notesby Elana GotkineSibling death in childhood and early adulthood is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a study published o

Sibling death in childhood, young adulthood linked to risk for CVD

JANUARY 8, 2024 Editors' notesby Elana GotkineSibling death in childhood and early adulthood is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a study published o
When is a cough a concern?

When is a cough a concern?

by Liz Husted,Mayo ClinicCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHearing a chorus of coughs is typical at this time of year. An occasional cough is normal and healthy. A cough that persists for severa

When is a cough a concern?

by Liz Husted,Mayo ClinicCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHearing a chorus of coughs is typical at this time of year. An occasional cough is normal and healthy. A cough that persists for severa
Pulmonary expert explains importance of warm air during cold weather

Pulmonary expert explains importance of warm air during cold weather

by Aaron Nieto,Baylor College of MedicineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainColder, dry air impacts lung health, with symptoms that range from bothersome to distressing. With cold temperatures for

Pulmonary expert explains importance of warm air during cold weather

by Aaron Nieto,Baylor College of MedicineCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainColder, dry air impacts lung health, with symptoms that range from bothersome to distressing. With cold temperatures for