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Research shows immune cells shape lung tissue before birth, provides new avenues for treating respiratory diseases

Research shows immune cells shape lung tissue before birth, provides new avenues for treating respiratory diseases

byWellcome Trust Sanger InstituteImmunohistochemistry showing immune cells spatially and temporally in fetal lungs. Credit: Josephine L BarnesImmune cells play an active and intimate role in dir

Research shows immune cells shape lung tissue before birth, provides new avenues for treating respiratory diseases

byWellcome Trust Sanger InstituteImmunohistochemistry showing immune cells spatially and temporally in fetal lungs. Credit: Josephine L BarnesImmune cells play an active and intimate role in dir
Study shows important role gut microbes play in airway health in persons with cystic fibrosis

Study shows important role gut microbes play in airway health in persons with cystic fibrosis

by The Geisel School of Medicine at DartmouthCredit: CC0 Public DomainFindings from anew studyconducted by a team of researchers at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine and publi

Study shows important role gut microbes play in airway health in persons with cystic fibrosis

by The Geisel School of Medicine at DartmouthCredit: CC0 Public DomainFindings from anew studyconducted by a team of researchers at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine and publi
How a new drug prototype regenerates lung tissue

How a new drug prototype regenerates lung tissue

byThe Scripps Research InstituteCredit: CC0 Public DomainPulmonary diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. For many progressive lung diseases like idiopathic pulmonary

How a new drug prototype regenerates lung tissue

byThe Scripps Research InstituteCredit: CC0 Public DomainPulmonary diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. For many progressive lung diseases like idiopathic pulmonary
Experts explain why rates of RSV are surging this year

Experts explain why rates of RSV are surging this year

by Chrissie Jones and Saul Faust,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imageRespiratory syncytial virus(RSV) is a very common virus, typically causing infection in children during the

Experts explain why rates of RSV are surging this year

by Chrissie Jones and Saul Faust,The ConversationCredit: AI-generated imageRespiratory syncytial virus(RSV) is a very common virus, typically causing infection in children during the
Rapid molecular testing in emergency department leads to faster, targeted treatment for community-acquired pneumonia

Rapid molecular testing in emergency department leads to faster, targeted treatment for community-acquired pneumonia

by University of BergenVisual Abstract.Diagnostic Stewardship in Community-Acquired Pneumonia with Syndromic Molecular Testing. Credit:JAMA Network Open(2024). DOI: 10.1001/jama

Rapid molecular testing in emergency department leads to faster, targeted treatment for community-acquired pneumonia

by University of BergenVisual Abstract.Diagnostic Stewardship in Community-Acquired Pneumonia with Syndromic Molecular Testing. Credit:JAMA Network Open(2024). DOI: 10.1001/jama
Researchers study ways to prevent lung disease in dentistry professionals

Researchers study ways to prevent lung disease in dentistry professionals

byWest Virginia UniversityFotinos Panagakos, associate dean of research, WVU School of Dentistry. Credit: WVUInhaling dangerous particulates is a hazard of coal mining, mold remediation, sandbla

Researchers study ways to prevent lung disease in dentistry professionals

byWest Virginia UniversityFotinos Panagakos, associate dean of research, WVU School of Dentistry. Credit: WVUInhaling dangerous particulates is a hazard of coal mining, mold remediation, sandbla
Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

byUniversity of GenevaThe anchor points present on the surface of the airways in cystic fibrosis (left image, in red) decrease when the balance between the two cell signalling pathways is restor

Cystic fibrosis: Why infections persist despite therapy

byUniversity of GenevaThe anchor points present on the surface of the airways in cystic fibrosis (left image, in red) decrease when the balance between the two cell signalling pathways is restor
When is a cough a concern?

When is a cough a concern?

by Liz Husted,Mayo ClinicCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHearing a chorus of coughs is typical at this time of year. An occasional cough is normal and healthy. A cough that persists for severa

When is a cough a concern?

by Liz Husted,Mayo ClinicCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainHearing a chorus of coughs is typical at this time of year. An occasional cough is normal and healthy. A cough that persists for severa
Scientists take a closer look at pulmonary fibrosis genetics

Scientists take a closer look at pulmonary fibrosis genetics

byThe Translational Genomics Research InstituteMapping eQTLs across cell types in the human lung. Credit:Nature Genetics(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01702-0Regulators of gene expr

Scientists take a closer look at pulmonary fibrosis genetics

byThe Translational Genomics Research InstituteMapping eQTLs across cell types in the human lung. Credit:Nature Genetics(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01702-0Regulators of gene expr