Oral health is often the window to your overall health. And some of your daily activities or habits can affect oral health. Therefore, it's wise to pay attention to your teeth and gums. Marc Liechtung, DDS, inventor of the Snap-on Smile™ and principal in New York-based Manhattan Dental Arts, a practice that specializes in cosmetic and restorative dentistry, provides this valuable insight into oral health.

  1. Millions  of Americans can crack a walnut with their teeth. While most adults exert  about 20 to 40 pounds of pressure when their teeth make contact, millions  of Americans exert as much as 250 pounds of pressure on their teeth—enough  to crack a walnut. These teeth grinders are known as bruxers.

  2. Kissing  can cause cavities. If you kiss someone who has bad bacteria in  his/her mouth, their saliva could pass the bacteria on to you, thereby  causing cavities. On the other hand, others believe that kissing may  actually prevent cavities since saliva is the body's natural way of  cleaning the mouth.

  3. Antidepressants  may cause tooth enamel defects.  Their common side effect is dry  mouth which can be helped by increasing your water intake.

  4. Pregnancy  can cause gum disease.  Gum disease has been linked to premature  birth.

  5. Bulimia  and acid reflux can  destroy tooth enamel. Enamel erosion is a major sign of bulimia.

  6. Soda  and citrus drink overuse can be caustic to tooth enamel.  Phosphoric  acid in soda and citric acid in citrus drinks can cause tooth enamel  corrosion and the sugar can cause cavities.

  7. Most  people don't know they have bad breath.  Test your breath by scraping  your tongue with floss or a tongue scraper and giving it a sniff. If your  mouth is clean, you won't have a telltale smell.

  8. Eighty  percent of Americans over the age of 35 have some form of gum disease.

  9. One in  four adults age 60 and older has lost all of his/her teeth.

  10. Swimming  in overly chlorinated pools can wear away the enamel in frequent  swimmers. 

Dr. Liechtung emphasizes that treatment for these oral healthcare problems can range from simple cosmetic services such as teeth-whitening to extensive full-mouth reconstruction. But remember that an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure.


Manhattan Dental Arts