
In ancient times, the sun and moon were the only tools to measure the passage of time. This is why the lunar calendar is among the beliefs that influence people's health and behavior. This is particularly the case with the influence of the lunar calendar on hair growth. This is because many people claim that their hair grows longer or is healthier during certain phases of the moon. That's why they choose the right time to talk to you about it.

In this article, we will answer a series of questions such as: What is the truth about the influence of the moon on how much and how our hair grows? Is there a truth or is it just a myth?

Myths and Truths About the Influence of the Moon on Hair Growth

There are many myths surrounding hair growth and its relationship to the moon. One of the most common is that if you cut your hair during the full moon phase, it grows faster, which is why this is the recommended time to act on damaged hair. According to popular culture, this is the time to grow healthier, stronger hair. Another myth is that if you do it during the waning phase of the moon, hair growth will be slower.

In reality, there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs. Lunar cycles do not directly affect hair growth, which increases by about half a centimeter to a centimeter per month, regardless of the phase of the moon. On the other hand, the moon can affect some of our biological functions, such as the menstrual cycle or sleep patterns. Any disruption to any of these senses can affect the health of the hair. Let's not forget that hormonal problems greatly affect our hair, as well as our daily habits, including sleep.

Il est possible que, comme la lune influence le temps, les cheveux soient plus hydratés et plus doux pendant les phases où l’humidité de l’atmosphère est plus importante. Mais cela n’aura aucune incidence sur la rapidité ou la lenteur de la pousse.

De quoi dépend la croissance des cheveux ?

La lune n’étant pas un allié pour stimuler la croissance des cheveux, il ne reste plus que des preuves scientifiques : la génétique, les hormones et l’âge sont les véritables responsables de la santé de nos cheveux. Le régime alimentaire joue également un rôle important : la biotine, les vitamines A, C et E, le fer et le zinc font partie des nutriments qui ne doivent pas manquer dans notre vie quotidienne. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’une alimentation saine et équilibrée est bénéfique pour notre santé générale, ce qui se reflète dans l’état de notre cuir chevelu et de nos cheveux.

Les habitudes quotidiennes et les soins capillaires peuvent faire la différence entre des cheveux sains, qui poussent fort et à un bon rythme, et des cheveux faibles et fragiles. Il convient également d’éviter une exposition excessive au soleil, de protéger les cheveux du froid, du vent et de l’humidité, de ne pas utiliser d’instruments agressifs ou de températures élevées, d’être prudent lorsque l’on se coiffe ou que l’on porte des chapeaux et des casques, et de toujours utiliser des produits capillaires.


La génétique et les hormones ont beaucoup à voir avec l’évolution de nos cheveux. Chaque personne est génétiquement unique, avec une capacité spécifique à produire des hormones et à les faire fonctionner. C’est pourquoi l’influence hormonale chez les femmes est généralement l’une des principales causes de l’alopécie féminine, avec la composante génétique, qui est également à l’origine de l’alopécie androgénétique, très courante. Il ne fait aucun doute que notre prédisposition sera déterminante pour savoir si nous souffrirons de calvitie ou si, au contraire, nous jouirons d’une crinière pleine et saine tout au long de notre vie. 

Le cycle lunaire peut provoquer des altérations de l’une des trois hormones : testostérone, œstrogène et DHT, qui sont responsables de la croissance des cheveux, et si leur équilibre est perturbé, les cheveux s’affaiblissent.

Other Reasons for Poor Hair Health

On the other hand, some diseases can hinder the proper growth of hair and even cause hair loss. This is the case with thyroid problems that cause alopecia areata. Other diseases such as diabetes, lupus, ringworm or trichotillomania have a strong influence on the health of our hair, which the lunar calendar obviously does not do.

Similarly, certain medications for depression, cancer, arthritis, heart problems, blood pressure, or gout can trigger hair loss, as can head radiation treatments or chemotherapy. Hair growth can also be influenced by physical or emotional trauma. In this regard, it is worth highlighting the role of stress in hair health: it can cause marked hair loss and weakening. This is called telogen effluvium, which disappears when the stressor is removed.

In summary, the lunar calendar does not have a direct effect on hair growth. The myths that have spread over time about the relationship between the moon and hair growth do not correspond to any scientific study. That's why you should know that hair grows an average of half a centimeter to a centimeter per month, regardless of the lunar phase we are in.

If you want to stimulate the growth of strong and healthy hair, it is best to take care of your diet, lead an active and healthy lifestyle and eliminate alcohol and tobacco as much as possible. In addition, hair treatments such as mesotherapy or photobiomodulation are very useful for improving the overall health of your hair, especially if you combine them. If you have any doubts or have noticed any changes in your hair, we will resolve them during our hair dermatology consultation.