
  1. What Is A Natural Hair Transplant?

  2. The Hair Transplant Method Is Another Culprit

  3. FUE And DHI Techniques For A Natural Hair Transplant

What Is A Natural Hair Transplant?

A natural-looking hair is what all of the patients would like to see after a hair transplant procedure. So your surgeon aims to create a hairline almost identical to your own, which is as important as covering bald patches. A natural hair transplant is a successful hair transplant procedure ensuring that a stranger would not guess whether you had a hair transplant or not. So your surgeon should have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform the procedure the best way possible.


The Front Hairline Is The Key to Natural-Looking Hair after Hair Transplant

The front hairline or forehead line should be well designed for a natural look. A very straight hairline gives some kind of artificial look. To prevent such unnatural-looking hair, your surgeon should be very careful about drawing a line similar to the original. A natural-looking hairline after a hair transplant should not be drawn very symmetrically and should be a little uneven and asymmetrical. There is not a single person with s completely symmetrical hairline by birth so your surgeon should take flaws into account while drawing a hairline. Sometimes perfection does not make it perfect but what is flawed is the perfection itself.

The Hair Transplant Method Is Another Culprit

There are a variety of hair transplant methods that your doctor has to choose between. Officially the oldest hair transplant method, FUE, is not a method of choice for many surgeons as it is outdated with a lot of disadvantages. Most surgeons will do the procedure using FUE or DHI techniques that allow for the best results. So when you consider your options about a hair transplant method, you do not have to worry about unnatural-looking hair thanks to these modern and advanced techniques. DHI is classified under the FUE technique but you can rest assured that both of these techniques will give you the best looking hair as long as your doctor does his job carefully.


FUE And DHI Techniques For A Natural Hair Transplant

Thanks to the advances in hair transplant, doctors can offer completely natural-looking hair with just a few possible complications. Plus these procedures are minimally invasive with no scarring after the procedure and no pain during the surgery and require short recovery time allowing you to return to your daily activities in just a few days following the surgery.

The most commonly used hair transplant technique, FUE is the modern hair transplant method that replaced the FUT technique since its discovery. It is known for its extremely natural results and short recovery time because it requires no cuts to take the grafts out. In FUE your surgeon will collect the grafts one by one and will not cut the donor area. However, in FUT, doctors have to cut a strip of skin from the donor area and then transplant the grafts in this skin to the balding areas. Your doctor can transplant these grafts all over the scalp with bald patches so your hair will look natural and fuller.


Causes unnatural-looking hair after a hair transplant

There are a variety of reasons behind unnatural results after a hair transplant. Here are a few of them:

  • Distribution of hair follicles unevenly through the scalp

  • Straight hairline

  • Badly angled grafts

  • Transplanting grafts too close to each other

All these factors can contribute to the look called grass head or pluggy hair. So it is very important to consult a doctor who has knowledge and experience in hair transplantation. Otherwise, you may end up with a look worse than baldness.

Natural Hair Transplant Before After Photos