
Troublesome "thinning hair" and "hair loss".
Are you coping in your own way, but are you worried that you can't stop the progression of your symptoms?

It may be difficult to improve your thinning hair and hair loss with self-care.

In this article, we will introduce the symptoms of thinning hair, which is difficult to improve with self-care, and the medical treatment "hair growth treatment" that can be expected to improve your problems.

This is a must-see for those who are suffering from thinning hair and hair loss and feel limited in self-care.

What do you need "hair growth"? Or "hair growth"?


When the environment for healthy hair to grow is prepared, thick, long, and firm hair grows abundantly and becomes fluffy.

On the other hand, if hair growth is inhibited by some factor, solid hair will not grow and it will fall out from the hair root. Fine hair increases, and as a result, the overall hair gradually thins.

Depending on the cause, the necessary remedies will vary. First of all, let's know the difference between "hair growth" and "hair growth".

"Hair growth"

Hair growth is to make the hair that is currently growing grow "thicker" and "longer" and to grow into firm hair that does not fall out easily.

It is a care for thinning hair and hair loss caused by narrowing of pores due to clogged pores, diet, stress, etc., and by delaying the transport of nutrients necessary for hair growth due to lack of blood flow.

The aim is to improve the current situation by approaching the factors that cause hair to grow thin.

"Hair growth"

The purpose is to grow hair from the pores that have fallen out and grow "thicker" and "longer" again. It is a method of approaching pores that have not already grown hair or pores that will grow in the future as a "treatment".

In fact, under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act, "hair growth agents" are "quasi-drugs". It is used for the purpose of preventing hair loss and is OK for anyone to use.

On the other hand, "hair growth agents" are "pharmaceuticals" that contain ingredients to promote hair growth and approach the improvement of symptoms. It is prescribed when a doctor confirms symptoms such as thinning hair or hair loss and determines that treatment is necessary.

Symptoms of hair loss and thinning hair to be treated "thinning hair" and "hair loss"

There are a variety of possible causes for thinning hair and hair loss, but there are two that require medical intervention:


Alopecia areata is said to have symptoms due to autoimmunity in recent years, and there are many cases where solid improvement is expected with early treatment. If you check your symptoms, we recommend that you consider seeing a dermatologist as soon as possible.

For more information, please refer to this article.
What causes alopecia areata? Initial symptoms and types of treatment performed by dermatologists

If symptoms of progressive alopecia are confirmed, treatment should be started as soon as possible with AGA. AGA stands for "male pattern baldness".

Under the influence of male hormones, the healthy growth of hair is inhibited, and the hair becomes thinner and does not grow firm hair, so it falls out quickly. As a result, the entire hair on the head becomes thinner, and the symptoms of thinning hair and hair loss become serious.

Symptoms progress under the influence of male hormones, so symptoms may appear as early as the teenage years.

For more information on AGA, please refer to this article.
Even if you're young, you're worried about thinning hair! How to prevent juvenile alopecia

AGA approaches with hair growth treatment! Why it's hard to improve with self-care


The cause of AGA is that the hair growth cycle is disturbed, which makes the symptoms of thinning hair more serious.

The cause is the male hormone "dihydrotestosterone (DHT)". DHT binds to the receptors of the dermal papillae that grow hair, preventing hair growth.

Recent studies have shown that the number of receptors associated with DHT is influenced by genetics. (As of July 2022)

Genetic testing is effective for the tendency to thinning hair and the selection of appropriate treatment


Some outpatient hair growth clinics and hair regrowth outpatient clinics, such as hospitals and clinics, offer "genetic testing". Genetic testing is an "androgen receptor genetic test" that examines whether or not you are susceptible to male hormones.

The test not only provides a risk of developing AGA, but also provides a reference for selecting a more appropriate treatment plan from a variety of medical interventions.

Basically, it is a self-funded medical treatment, so the examination fee will be the actual cost, but the average market price is said to be 10000,30000 yen to <>,<> yen.

What is Hair Growth Treatment? A medical approach based on a doctor's consultation


Hair growth treatment is a treatment method that has been recognized as medically effective and effective for thinning hair and hair loss.
Let's take a look at each hair growth treatment.

Hair growth treatment (1) Topical treatment of minoxidil

The first stage of hair growth treatment is the use of "topical medicines" that are applied directly to the hair on the head. Basically, topical medicines used for hair growth treatment contain an ingredient called "minoxidil".

Minoxidil is an ingredient discovered in the process of making a remedy for high blood pressure that promotes blood flow and hair growth.

Minoxidil is said to work on the hair follicles and exert the following effects.
(1) Transition the hair follicle in the telogen phase to the growth phase to promote the growth of new hair
(2) Work on the hair follicle in the growth phase, promote hair growth, grow the hair follicle larger and deeper, and maintain the hair firmly.


One of the most common treatments is a topical drug called "Reap ®". Including overseas products approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), the content of minoxidil ingredients varies depending on the product.

Typical contents are "2%" and "5%", but there are also "7%" and "15%" products for overseas minoxidil topical medicine .

Depending on the symptoms of thinning hair and hair loss and the status of past treatments, consider selecting and using the concentration of minoxidil.

Topical minoxidil can be expected to be effective if you continue to use it. Although there are individual differences, it is said that hair growth cannot be felt unless you continue to use it for about 4 months.

It's important to be patient and keep using it.

Other typical minoxidil preparations include " Rogaine ®" and "Villartis ®".

Hair growth treatment (2) Oral treatment of finasteride and dutasteride

In many cases, internal treatment is performed at the same time as topical drug treatment.

Even if you use the active ingredient of minoxidil to promote blood flow and promote hair growth, hair growth treatment may not proceed as expected if you are under the influence of male hormones.

Therefore, in order to work to reduce the influence of "male hormones" that are the cause of thinning hair and hair loss, oral medication is often used in combination.

The active ingredients of oral medications are "finasteride" and "dutasteride". There are differences in the ingredients contained depending on the product. Let's take a look at the characteristics of both.

"Finasteride" was
used as a treatment for an enlarged prostate, but it is also an approved ingredient that has been recognized as effective in the treatment of AGA.

Finasteride suppresses the production of DHT, which is a factor in AGA, and prolongs the growing season. It is said that it can improve the situation where hair is thin and easy to fall out, leading to healthy hair growth.

A typical remedy is "Propecia ®".

Dutasteride Dutasteride
was also initially used as a treatment for an enlarged prostate. In the same way, it was found that it inhibits the conversion of testosterone, which is a male hormone, into DHT, and it has come to be used as an oral medicine for hair growth treatment.

It is said that dutasteride can be expected to have a higher hair growth effect than finasteride, and it is an ingredient that has been attracting attention in recent years.

A typical remedy is "Zagallo ®".

Hair growth treatment (3) Hair regrowth treatment

In recent years, we have heard more and more opportunities to hear the words "stem cells" and "growth factors." In Japan, we are focusing on regenerative medicine that applies these technologies, and it is also actively adopted in the field of thinning hair treatment.

As the name suggests, hair regeneration treatment is a treatment that promotes hair growth and growth by "approaching the function of hair matrix cells, which are the cause of thinning hair and hair loss".

Even if it is a hair regeneration treatment, there are established methods of injecting various ingredients. Here are some regenerative treatments that are often used to treat hair growth.

"Stem cell culture supernatant" As
the name suggests, stem cell culture supernatant is a hair regeneration treatment in which the supernatant extracted when stem cells are cultured is used as a hair treatment agent and injected into the scalp. In addition to multiple growth factors, it contains genes such as RNA, which plays a role in skipping various hair growth commands.

"Stem Cell Injection Therapy" Stem
cells are cells that are the main source of various tissues and organs in the body. It has various replication abilities, such as activating the cells that are the source of hair and applying for blood vessels. Basically, only stem cells are extracted from your own cells and injected.

"Growth Factor Injection Therapy" is
a hair regeneration treatment in which growth factors that are effective for hair growth are selected and injected. Among the multiple types of growth factors, there are many chemical solutions that contain ingredients such as "KGF", "HGF", "IGF", "bFGF", and "VEGF", which are important for hair growth.

Different clinics use a variety of medications, so it is important to choose the drug and treatment that suits you.

Hair growth treatment (4) Autologous hair transplantation (graft transplantation)

Autologous hair transplantation is a treatment in which the skin of the area where hair growth is seen is collected along with the subcutaneous tissue and replanted in the area of concern.

According to the " Male and Female Pattern Baldness Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017 Edition " of the Japan Dermatological Association , the recommendation for hair transplantation is "B", which is considered an effective treatment.

There are two patterns of hair transplantation: the FUE method and the FUSS method. Both are methods in which the hair follicle is collected along with the hair, made into a graft, and implanted in the place of concern.

"FUE method" A
method of collecting a part containing a hair follicle with a size of about 1 mm. Although the burden on the patient is small, the surgery is difficult and expensive.

"FUSS method" The
procedure is easy because the graft is collected over a wide area in the form of a band. Therefore, although it is inexpensive, the burden on the patient is high, and scars remain at the collection site

The surgical method used differs depending on the clinic, so please refer to it when considering hair transplantation.


Medical hair growth treatments have also evolved rapidly in recent years.

If you are concerned about thinning hair or hair loss, the more your symptoms progress, the more you may not be able to get the desired effect even if you receive hair growth treatment. If you are concerned, consult with us as soon as possible and consider whether or not to undergo hair growth treatment.

Sometimes self-care is difficult to improve. Rather than judging the progress of thinning hair and hair loss on your own, you can see a specialist to see what kind of condition it is and to suggest improvement methods that suit you.