
If there is postpartum hair loss, knowing that during pregnancy various hormonal and physical changes occur in the woman's body that can have consequences, one of them loses hair after childbirth, and this may be by noticing that her hair falls out in exponential amounts and this tends to be more alarming, Because if the situation is not controlled, it will turn out to be a risk for women, remember that the body is gradually regularized.

Bringing this earthly plane to life will require strong changes to your physique, in addition to the baby taking the nutrients that the mother's body does for her son and this is the most important reason not to let yourself and your skin weaken. Hairy

What is postpartum hair loss?

In the first months of the postpartum, it is when the hair starts to fall out, this side effect of the end of pregnancy and that lasts between six and nine months after childbirth, this process is inevitable, but if it can be alleviated by hair treatments and medications and by Of course, taking care of the diet, Hair loss is abundant after 4 weeks after giving birth, this autumn is noticeable, as the hair falls out massively leaving marks on brushes, pillows, showers and many times on clothes.

Vous n’avez pas à paniquer, c’est normal, car la sécrétion d’œstrogène garde presque tous les poils en phase de croissance, donc l’allaitement sera responsable de la perte de cheveux après l’accouchement, ce à quoi vous devez vous attendre. après l’accouchement. Qu’elle n’est pas permanente et a une solution. Cela est dû aux changements hormonaux que les femmes subissent pendant et après la grossesse.

Changements hormonaux post-partum chez la femme pouvant provoquer une alopécie post-partum

Une fois qu’une femme accouche, il y a une diminution des hormones placentaires. Parmi eux, les œstrogènes et la progestérone. Cela augmente la prolactine, déverrouillant la glande mammaire. Un arrêt de l’activité hormonale se produit généralement dans le corps également. Ces changements hormonaux doivent être combattus en prenant de la vitamine B5, qui prévient la chute des cheveux et aide à prévenir la perte de couleur des cheveux. La vitamine B6 est importante pour prévenir la chute des cheveux et produit de la mélanine, qui donne de la couleur aux cheveux et La vitamine B8 dans les études montre que sa carence est l’une des principales causes de calvitie

Ces changements hormonaux après l’accouchement entraînent également une augmentation du nombre de fois qu’une femme a besoin d’uriner, ainsi qu’une augmentation de sa transpiration, lui faisant perdre de l’eau et du sodium, compte tenu de la diminution des œstrogènes et de la progestérone. En plus d’une forte présence de prolactine, elle produit l’affaiblissement et la chute des cheveux. Si nous y ajoutons une perte de sodium, d’eau et d’autres nutriments, c’est la cause de la perte de cheveux à ce stade

Les symptômes de la perte de cheveux post-partum

Les signes sont assez remarquables et apparaîtront plus ou moins un mois après l’accouchement.

  • Perte accélérée de volume dans votre crinière.

  • Cheveux fins et fragiles.

  • Reste de cheveux abondants sur la brosse lors du peignage.

  • Cheveux sur l’oreiller et les vêtements au réveil.

  • Restes de cheveux dans la douche ou la baignoire

Comme vous pouvez le voir, il est facile de détecter la perte de cheveux post-partum, il est recommandé de masser le cuir chevelu pour stimuler la circulation, si vous découvrez que ces symptômes ne vous alarment pas, faites attention à toutes nos recommandations que nous donnerons plus tard et attendez le cycle normal. Vos cheveux cesseront de tomber et il sera facile de les récupérer à nouveau.

Les causes de la perte de cheveux post-partum

The causes of postpartum hair loss are as follows:

  • Drastic changes in hormones.

  • Stop the hair growth cycle due to low estrogen and progesterone levels.

  • During pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone increases and the hair becomes thicker and more abundant. Hair that should fall out doesn't. When giving birth, the levels of these hormones drop and the hair falls out.

  • Stress and anxiety caused by caring for the baby and fear of not doing well.

Does breastfeeding have to do with hair loss?

Hair loss can last up to two years, although among the hormonal changes that occur is the increase in prolactin, which causes hair loss. This condition in women after childbirth is not due to breastfeeding. But to the increases and decreases of certain hormones. The proof of this is that women who do not breastfeed their children after childbirth lose their hair like those who do. The amount of hair that falls out is simply equivalent to the amount that would normally fall out during the 9 months of pregnancy.

How to Slow Postpartum Hair Loss

There is normally an anagen or growth phase that lasts from 2 to 6 years. The catagen or resting phase which lasts about 3 weeks. The telogen or shedding phase, which lasts from 2 to 4 months. Being a normal process, you won't be able to avoid it. At least 50% of women suffer from postpartum alopecia. But if you can take a few precautions to make sure that the hair loss is not so excessive.

The process takes between 3 and 6 months. But if you manage to make the hair loss less abundant, you won't feel so psychologically affected, while the hair regenerates.

  • Eat well: the hair is nourished by what you eat, so it should be eaten in a balanced way, this diet should be kept healthy, eat meat, chicken, vegetables and fruits. Thus, the hair will receive these nutrients and minerals through the bloodstream. In addition, you will bring health to your body.

  • Don't forget iron: Iron mainly helps to strengthen hair follicles, deal with conditions or anemia that are very common in women after childbirth. Take an iron supplement, to avoid suffering from it. This disease is the enemy of hair and causes hair loss.

  • Avoid the blow dryer: aesthetics will always be ahead of everything, even if you still want to get it back after 9 months with a completely different body than yours. Do not overuse dryers and irons at this stage. Excessive heat will make the fall more abundant.

  • Do not use chemicals: it is recommended to wash your hair with mild shampoos, this is something you should know, as chemicals are totally forbidden during the breastfeeding period. But if you're not breastfeeding your baby and the hair falls out. Don't use temples or perms.

  • Prefer products that adapt to your hair type: Not all hair is the same, you have to learn to differentiate yourself, because if you have oily hair, do not use products for dry hair or vice versa. During this stage, he prefers a mild, pH-neutral shampoo.

  • Activates circulation: you should massage the scalp to stimulate circulation, i.e. apply gentle massages from neck to neck every evening.

  • Use vitamins: You can use ampoules that nourish and strengthen your hair. The stronger it is, the less abundant it will be.

Unfortunately, there is postpartum hair loss. It is an unavoidable condition that occurs in at least 50% of women who give birth. You don't have to worry because in about 6 months, your hair will grow back and be strong and healthy if you take good care of it.

Knowing that it's going to happen and there's no way to stop it. The recommended thing is to eat well and strengthen your hair, waiting for the moment. This way, soothe the inevitable fall