
A.Hair cannot be repaired because it is a dead cell.
However, it is possible to prevent hair damage by performing the right hair care.

Unfortunately, once the hair has been damaged, it will not grow back naturally.
This is because hair is made up of cells that are not capable of self-repair. To put it simply, cells that do not have a self-healing function are dead cells or dead cells.

So, what is self-healing?
On average, about 10,<> hairs grow per person, and each hair is so elongated that it is difficult to check with your own eyes whether it has a self-healing function or not.

So, an easy-to-understand representative example is nails and teeth. Nails and teeth, like hair, are dead cells that do not have a self-healing function, but they are relatively large and the number of nails is limited, so they can be observed visually.

Once nails and teeth are chipped or cracked, they don't grow back just because time has passed. I'm sure some of you will recognize it.

On the other hand, bones and skin are made up of living cells, cells that have a self-healing function. Even if you break a bone, after a few months, the bone will be stuck and healed back to normal.

Or cuts and abrasions heal wonderfully in a few days. Therefore, the cells that make up bones and skin are living cells that have a self-healing function. It can be said that it has natural healing power.


Now, I hope you fully understand that it is not possible to completely restore hair. So how can you prevent it?
To understand this, you must first understand the structure of the hair.

Hair is made up of three layers. The three layers, in order from the inside, are "Medulla", "Cortex", and "Cuticle".

Of these, many people may have heard of "cuticle". The indispensable things when talking about hair damage are the "cuticle" and the inner "cortex", so let's take this opportunity to remember it.

The cortex layer is thick and is said to account for about 85~90% of hair. Its main component is protein, which also contains a lot of water.

Therefore, if the cuticle that protects the cortex on the outside is damaged or peeled off, the cortex is damaged and proteins and water flow out.

The main cause of dry hair without moisture is damage to the cortex. This is exactly what hair damage is.

In addition, if the cuticle is damaged or peeled off, of course, the hair will have an irregular shape and look damaged.


So, what causes the essential cuticle to be damaged or peeled off?
The main causes are said to be ultraviolet rays, static electricity, heat, and friction.

In particular, I would like to pay attention to heat and friction. This is because there is no clear half-conflicting opinion among us, such as "hair dryer will damage / will not damage hair" and "towel drying alone will damage / not damage hair".

Towel drying creates friction, but is it really good or bad for your hair to apply heat with a hairdryer? It is indeed a difficult problem.

However, professionals in the beauty industry agree. Basically, "To prevent hair damage, you should put a hair dryer on it." It seems that there is a reason for the nature of the cuticle.

The cuticle has the property of "opening when wet".
Therefore, if you go into the futon with only towel drying after bathing, you will fall asleep with the cuticle open. This is because towel drying alone keeps a lot of moisture in the hair.

When you fall asleep in that state, your hair rubs against your pillow and clothes. This kind of behavior can cause more damage to the cuticle than you can imagine. In order to protect your hair, you should use a hairdryer to remove moisture before going to bed.

In addition, many professionals agree that "post-shampoo treatment and conditioner are essential" in order to prevent hair damage, but I will leave other prevention methods for another time.

Let's take this article as an opportunity to practice the minimum prevention by applying a hairdryer, although damage to the hair cannot be repaired!