
When I cut my hair, it was too short! I want to grow my hair, but I want to cut off the damaged ends. Have you ever had such an experience?

Hair does not grow suddenly, and the rate of its growth varies from person to person. However, hair care can promote vibrant hair growth by creating a hair growth environment and incorporating ingredients and habits that are said to be good for hair.

In this article, we will show you how to take care of your hair to make it grow as quickly and vigorously as possible.

How fast does hair grow?

7561-00055-2-640x427 Hair has cycles called growth phases, regression phases, and telogen phases, which are called hair cycles. This hair cycle is a cycle of about 7 years from the birth of the hair to the growth phase, regression phase, and telogen phase.

It is said that the average length of hair growing is about 1.1 ~ 0.3 mm per day, which is about 0 ~ 4.1 cm per month.
There are individual differences in how quickly hair grows, some people are slower and some people are fast. This is due to factors such as living conditions such as sleep time and eating habits, as well as age, in addition to constitutional problems.

In addition, the rate of hair growth is also related to the season, and it is said that it is easiest to grow in the summer when the body's metabolism rises.

How to care for your hair to grow it

7561-00055-3-640x341 In order to grow healthy hair quickly, it is necessary to prevent dryness of the scalp and damage to the hair, and to prepare the hair growth environment. In order to grow your hair healthily, it is a good idea to be aware of moisturizing your scalp when taking care of your hair.

When washing your hair, first brush it thoroughly before shampooing, and then rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly with hot water from the shower. It is said that by brushing and showering sufficiently, about 8% of the dirt will flow. Also, make sure that the hot water in the shower is lukewarm at around 38 degrees. If the temperature of the water is too high, it can wash away even the sebum necessary for the scalp, which may promote dryness of the scalp.

Also, when shampooing, wash it by rubbing it with the pads of your fingers without standing up your nails. By carefully massaging the scalp at this time, blood circulation in the scalp is stimulated and nutrients for hair are distributed to the scalp.

After shampooing, towel dry and then dry with a hairdryer. At this time, make good use of the cold air function of the dryer. Hair and scalp can cause dryness and damage if they are too hot, so keep the hair dryer well away from your hair and alternate between hot and cold air to prevent damage.

Different ways to grow hair

Make sure you get enough sleep

Hair grows while sleeping. Therefore, it is very important to get enough sleep. 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. is called the golden time of sleep. Sleeping during this time secretes growth hormone and promotes hair growth.
It is also important to sleep at the same time every day so as not to disrupt the growth hormone secretion cycle.

Cut damaged hair

It is recommended to cut damaged hair before growing it out. If the damaged ends are left untreated, the damage may spread to the hair in the area that is still healthy.

Drink fluids

Hydration is also important for hair growth. Hair is not able to replenish moisture from the outside. Lack of moisture causes hair to dry out, making it difficult for healthy hair to grow. Therefore, take about 1.5~2 liters of water every day. At this time, it is important to choose mineral water that contains minerals necessary for hair growth.

Don't smoke

Smoking can constrict the capillaries in the scalp and prevent it from supplying the nutrients needed for hair growth. If you want your hair to grow faster, smoking is not recommended.


In order to grow hair healthily, it is important to prevent the scalp from drying out and damaging the hair. In addition, it is said that adequate hydration and sleep are also necessary for hair to grow quickly.