
"t-flavanone" is an ingredient that has been attracting attention in recent years as a hair growth ingredient.

It is said to be effective against thinning hair and hair loss, and has come to be used in various hair growth products because it is effective for both men and women.

In this article, we will explain in detail the effects and side effects of "t-flavanone".

What is t-flavanone?

t-flavanone is a revolutionary ingredient for hair growth developed by Kao.

The ingredient that is the source of this is "astilbin", which is contained in a herbal medicine called Hypericum perforicatum.
It has been scientifically confirmed that astilbin stimulates the proliferation of hair matrix cells, which is important for hair growth.

However, in order to use astilbin as it is, there were issues such as the stability of the ingredients.

Therefore, after a long process of research and verification, Kao created a new synthetic ingredient "t-flavanone" based on astilbin.

By synthesizing astilbin as t-flavanone (trans-3,4'-dimethyl-3-hydroxyflavanone), a safe and effective hair care ingredient was born.

t-flavanone is attracting attention as an epoch-making ingredient that promotes healthy hair growth and can be expected to have the effect of hair growth.

What are the effects of t-flavanone? How does it work?

Studies have also shown that t-flavanone helps maintain the hair growth cycle.

The effects of t-flavanone are introduced below.

Suppression of hair loss factor TGF-β1
t-flavanone helps maintain the growth phase of the hair cycle by suppressing TGF-β1*, which is considered to be one of the causes of male pattern baldness. By maintaining a normal hair cycle, it reduces hair loss and thinning hair, making it easier to maintain hair volume.

* TGF-β: A component that suppresses the function of dermal papillae and hair matrix cells. It is produced by the action of male hormones on hair matrix cells. When TGF-β is produced, the hair follicles characteristic of AGA regress, hair loss progresses, and thinning hair occurs.

of hair matrix cells t-flavanone activates hair matrix cells and promotes their division and proliferation. In fact, a 72-hour comparison test conducted by Kao using the addition of t-flavanone confirmed a significant difference in hair growth of 0.4 mm or more.


(Source: Hair growth ingredient t-flavanone t-flavanone from the three effects section|Kao Hair Care Site)

of hair loss resistance T-flavanone has been found to increase the number of "adhesive molecules"* that make it difficult for hair to fall out, according to Kao's research. Studies have shown that t-flavanone users needed more force to pull out their hair than those who did not use it.


(Source: Hair growth ingredient t-flavanone t-flavanone from the three effects section|Kao Hair Care Site)

* Adhesion molecules: Molecules that exist on the surface of cells and are involved in contact and adhesion between cells.

In other words, studies have shown that t-flavanone helps maintain normal hair growth and prevent hair loss.

It is noted as a promising ingredient for maintaining hair health and reducing the problem of thinning hair and hair loss.

Hair Growth Effects of t-Flavanone

"T-flavanone" has been confirmed by research to act on dermal papilla and hair matrix cells and lead to hair growth.
By using it, you can expect the following effects.

・Suppresses hair loss: Suppresses the hair loss factor TGF-β1, so the hair follicles are kept firmly and hair loss is prevented.
・ Increases the number of hairs: By normalizing the length of the growth phase, the number of hair that falls out decreases and the amount of hair can be maintained.
・Hair thickening: Promotes the growth of hair matrix cells and supports the growth of new hair. In addition, thick and firm hair grows.

T-flavanone can cover the two major elements that lead to hair loss and thinning hair: "the growth period is shortened and the speed of hair loss increases" and "hair growth becomes weaker and thin and short hair increases" in all directions.

Side Effects of t-Flavanone

As for t-flavanone, the risk of side effects is currently considered low. t-flavanone was approved as a quasi-drug active ingredient in 2002, but there were no reports of major problems associated with skin irritation. (As of September 2023)

Similarly, no reports of side effects have been confirmed so far. However, it is considered that the main premise is to observe the appropriate usage and usage. Use it appropriately to prevent problems, and in the unlikely event that an abnormality appears on your skin, consult a specialist immediately.

Expected effects of t-flavanone on AGA

t-flavanone is said to be an ingredient that can be expected to be effective against male pattern baldness. However, although the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has recognized its efficacy, it is still evaluated as having a poor usefulness on clear evidence.

Since there have been no reports of side effects, the current summary of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is limited to a recommendation that "external use is good".

In other words, the efficacy of t-flavanone is not yet definitive, and it is necessary to take into account the possibility that there may be individual differences in the effect on AGA.

In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has evaluated that there is a lack of evidence to show the effectiveness of hair removal in women. However, considering that there are almost no side effects, it is evaluated that external use can be performed as in the case of men.

(Reference: Is topical use of t-flavanone useful?) P12|Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Clinical Practice Guidelines for Male and Female Pattern Alopecia 2017 Edition)

What is the hair growth effect of t-flavanone?

The reason why t-flavanone is attracting attention is the inhibition of TGF-β activity and the proliferation of cell adhesion molecules.

Activation of hair matrix cells is also recognized as one of the effects, but it is said that the former two effects can be strongly felt. From the above, it can be said that t-flavanone is an ingredient that is good at preventing existing hair from falling out and maintaining the amount of hair rather than the hair growth effect of growing hair.

Hair care with products containing t-flavanone

If you try hair care using products containing t-flavanone, we will explain what kind of symptoms you can expect to improve.

As mentioned above, t-flavanone can be said to be effective when symptoms such as thinning hair are occurring due to hair loss. In the case of depilatory type thinning hair, the keyword for hair growth is to maintain the growth phase of the hair.


Of the thinning hair cycles in which the hair growth period is shortened and leads to hair loss, it is important to maintain the growth phase firmly and create an environment where the hair is thick, long, and difficult to fall out. "t-flavanone" exerts a useful effect on the symptoms.

t-flavanone is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for use as a topical medicine. Therefore, most of the products contained in it are spray type and tonic.

It depends on the product, but it is sprayed directly on the scalp about 1 to 1 times a day and massaged to promote transdermal absorption and suppress hair loss.

I think that there are individual differences in the effect on the volume of the hair, but the normal hair cycle is
about 2-6 years for the growth phase, 2-3 weeks for
the regression phase
, and 3
months for the telogen phase. You can expect the length of this growth period to gradually increase, so you may not notice any changes immediately after you start using it.

However, as you continue to use it, you can expect it to gradually return to its original hair volume.

However, even if no side effects have been reported with T-flavanone so far, it is not "0" that skin problems and unexpected side effects may occur due to additives contained in products other than T-flavanone.

Pay attention to the scalp environment and your own allergy symptoms, and if any abnormalities occur, stop using it immediately and consider consulting a specialist.

Adopt hair growth habits that efficiently support hair growth

In order to make your hair grow thicker, longer and fuller, it may be difficult to feel the effects of just applying t-flavanone.

In order to make it easier to get the hair growth effect, it is also important to be aware of your usual lifestyle habits. Here, we will explain the lifestyle habits that lead to hair growth.

Be conscious of what you eat

The nutrients that lead to hair growth are "protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, and zinc".

If you are not aware of your usual diet, it is not uncommon for you to consume too much sugar and fat.

Excessive intake and regular intake of carbohydrates and lipids increases cholesterol in the blood and makes it easier for blood flow to stagnate. Not only does it make it difficult for nutrients necessary for hair growth to be transported, but it also makes it easier for hair matrix cells to glycate and lead to hair loss.

"Protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, and zinc" activate enzymes that work to produce hair in hair matrix cells. In addition, protein is the main component of hair. Eat a balanced diet of these nutrients to support hair growth.

Be conscious of your sleep

A good night's sleep stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, which leads to healthy hair growth. Growth hormone is secreted at its peak 2 hours after falling asleep.


(Reference: What is the golden time of sleep?) How to sleep for growth hormone secretion|Sunstar Online Shop)

If you sleep lightly or don't get enough sleep, the secretion of growth hormone is not stimulated, which is a factor that causes hair growth to stagnate.

Ideally, you should be able to keep 7 hours of sleep, but if you find it difficult to find time, focus on the quality of your sleep.

Light stimulation such as a smartphone before going to bed stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. When the sympathetic nerve becomes dominant, the function of the parasympathetic nerve is weakened, which affects the quality of sleep. Avoiding light stimuli before going to bed and relaxing will help you get a good night's sleep.

Don't let stress get to you

When stress accumulates, the body falls into a state of tension and excitement, and the sympathetic nervous system continues to dominate. When the sympathetic nerve is dominant, blood vessels constrict, making it difficult for nutrients necessary for hair growth to be transported to the extremities of the body, such as the scalp, and it is difficult to excrete waste products.

In addition, stress produces reactive oxygen species. When active oxygen increases, the function of cells decreases, which affects smooth hair growth.

It may be difficult to reduce stress to zero, but find your own way to relieve stress and refresh yourself moderately so that you don't become stressful.


In this article, we have explained the effects and side effects of "t-flavanone".

t-flavanone is a revolutionary ingredient for hair growth developed by Kao. It promotes the proliferation of hair matrix cells and supports the hair growth cycle through the suppression of the hair loss factor TGF-β1.

This is expected to improve the resistance of hair loss and increase the volume and thickness of the hair.

As for side effects, there are few reports at this time and it is generally considered safe to use, but it is necessary to pay attention to the proper usage and dosage. It should also be noted that the effects of t-flavanone vary from person to person and have not yet been shown to be of definitive utility. (As of September 2023)

Finally, in order to use products containing t-flavanone and aim for hair growth, it is important to take into account lifestyle habits such as diet, sleep, and stress management, and perform comprehensive care. Maintain your hair health with proper lifestyle habits and the use of T-flavanone to improve hair loss and thinning hair.