
We all know that growth hormone plays a major role in hair growth. So, why growth hormone is good for hair growth and hair growth is actually a substance called IGF-1.

In this article, we will take a closer look at IGF-1, which has recently attracted attention as a hair growth promoter.

What is IGF-1?

IGF-1, also known as insulin-like growth factor-1, is a protein with a structure similar to insulin. In order to activate the cells of organs and tissues, the secretion of growth hormone is indispensable. IGF-1 is produced by growth hormone, and the more its number increases, the more active the secretion of the hormone becomes.

Main Effects of IGF-1

When IGF-1 is increased in the body, it has a positive effect on various bodily functions. Specifically, the effects that have been confirmed are as follows.

・ Blood flow promotion ・ Suppression of blood sugar
level ・ Cell activation

・ Anti-aging
Since it dilates blood
vessels and improves blood flow, it can also be expected to have a hair growth effect.

IGF-1 is also expected to be effective in promoting hair growth

7561-00110-2-640x400 IGF-1, a type of growth hormone, is an ingredient that also promotes hair growth and growth. Since IGF-1 is produced in the dermal papillae, if growth hormone is activated and IGF-1 increases, the function of hair matrix cells becomes active, and it backs up hair growth.

Another major advantage is that the luster returns to the hair that has lost its vitality, making it thicker and less likely to fall out.

Since it has a direct effect on the hair matrix cells that grow hair, it can be said that it is an ingredient that helps prevent all kinds of hair problems such as gray hair, hair loss, and thinning hair.

Ingredients that improve the function of IGF-1

IGF-1 has an outstanding effect on hair growth and growth. The key ingredients that further bring out its function are "capsaicin" and "isoflavones" introduced below.


7561-00110-3-640x480 Capsaicin is a component that is deeply related to hormones that promote metabolism and is effective in burning fat and anti-aging. Capsaicin is found in chili peppers, which are a familiar ingredient.

Many of you have had the experience of sweating when you eat karai. This is evidence that the metabolism is working, and in the case of chili pepper-containing foods, it is due to the action of capsaicin.

Increased energy metabolism improves blood circulation and, as a result, makes it easier for nutrients to reach internal organs and hair. The symptoms of AGA are often affected by poor blood circulation in the scalp, so it is very important to take capsaicin into the body.


Isoflavones, which are abundant in soybeans, are effective in dieting and preventing obesity, and are also a component that is greatly related to the normalization of the scalp environment. Isoflavones have a structure similar to the female hormone "estrogen" and have the effect of suppressing the production of dihydrotestosterone (male hormone), which causes thinning hair.

In addition, isoflavones, which are also vegetable polyphenols, have the function of suppressing active enzymes that promote cell aging, so active intake of isoflavones is recommended to maintain a young and fresh scalp.

How to increase IGF-1?

7561-00110-4-640x427 Finally, let's take a look at how to increase IGF-1.

Regular lifestyle

IGF-1 has the property of decreasing with age. In order to prevent IGF-1 from decreasing as much as possible, it is important to lead a healthy life both physically and mentally. If your lifestyle is disturbed, your health will be impaired and the speed at which IGF-1 decreases will increase, so try to eat regularly, get good sleep, and exercise moderately.

Ingested from food

It is said that ingesting the capsaicin and isoflavones described above increases IGF-1 and activates the secretion of growth hormone. Capsaicin should be taken in moderation from chili peppers and isoflavones from soybeans, etc., within a range that does not exceed the limit.


IGF-1, which has a great effect on hair growth and hair growth, can be increased by taking capsaicin and isoflavones at the same time. In addition, if your lifestyle is disturbed, the amount of IGF-1 produced will easily decrease, so please try to live a regular life.