Medical research
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Innovative double-layer polysaccharide hydrogel shows promise for intestine-targeted oral delivery of probiotics

Innovative double-layer polysaccharide hydrogel shows promise for intestine-targeted oral delivery of probiotics

by Engineering(a) Design rationale of the DPH; (b) mechanism of intestine-targeted delivery. Credit: Wen-Can Huang et al.A research team led by Changhu Xue and Xiangzhao Mao from the Ocean University

Innovative double-layer polysaccharide hydrogel shows promise for intestine-targeted oral delivery of probiotics

by Engineering(a) Design rationale of the DPH; (b) mechanism of intestine-targeted delivery. Credit: Wen-Can Huang et al.A research team led by Changhu Xue and Xiangzhao Mao from the Ocean University
Vitamin D supplements can keep bones strong—but they may also have other benefits to your health

Vitamin D supplements can keep bones strong—but they may also have other benefits to your health

by Martin Hewison,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMost of us don't worry about getting vitamin D when the weather's warm and the sun is shining. But as winter approaches

Vitamin D supplements can keep bones strong—but they may also have other benefits to your health

by Martin Hewison,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainMost of us don't worry about getting vitamin D when the weather's warm and the sun is shining. But as winter approaches
Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

byPohang University of Science and Technology(a) Structure and functional mechanism of an implantable brain signal amplification sensor created using inkjet printing technology. (b) Magnified li

Scientists develop tunable organic active neural probe enabling near-sensor signal processing

byPohang University of Science and Technology(a) Structure and functional mechanism of an implantable brain signal amplification sensor created using inkjet printing technology. (b) Magnified li
Researchers uncover unexpected molecular pattern in fragile X syndrome

Researchers uncover unexpected molecular pattern in fragile X syndrome

byPerelman School of Medicine at the University of PennsylvaniaCredit:Cell(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.019Researchers have found new disrupted genes and an unexpected molecula

Researchers uncover unexpected molecular pattern in fragile X syndrome

byPerelman School of Medicine at the University of PennsylvaniaCredit:Cell(2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.019Researchers have found new disrupted genes and an unexpected molecula
How bispecific antibodies could bring new hope to patients with lung cancer

How bispecific antibodies could bring new hope to patients with lung cancer

by Cactus CommunicationsMOAs of bsAbs in the treatment of lung cancer. (A) One arm of a bsAb binds to TAA/TSA, and the other to a T-cell surface receptor, and this bridging mechanism redirects cytotox

How bispecific antibodies could bring new hope to patients with lung cancer

by Cactus CommunicationsMOAs of bsAbs in the treatment of lung cancer. (A) One arm of a bsAb binds to TAA/TSA, and the other to a T-cell surface receptor, and this bridging mechanism redirects cytotox
Q&A: Building a future for testing medical products using non-animal models

Q&A: Building a future for testing medical products using non-animal models

by Cat Shine,CSIROExperimental set-up for a generic two-organ system with supporting peripheral equipment. Credit: Chak Ming Leung et al, A guide to the organ-on-a-chip,Nature Reviews Meth

Q&A: Building a future for testing medical products using non-animal models

by Cat Shine,CSIROExperimental set-up for a generic two-organ system with supporting peripheral equipment. Credit: Chak Ming Leung et al, A guide to the organ-on-a-chip,Nature Reviews Meth
Epilepsy drug shows promise in slowing joint degeneration in osteoarthritis

Epilepsy drug shows promise in slowing joint degeneration in osteoarthritis

by Yale Universitya, Safranin O and Fast Green-stained sections of knee joints of mice with the indicated genotype (n = 8). Scale bar, 50 µm.b–e, OARSI score (b), osteophyte development (c)

Epilepsy drug shows promise in slowing joint degeneration in osteoarthritis

by Yale Universitya, Safranin O and Fast Green-stained sections of knee joints of mice with the indicated genotype (n = 8). Scale bar, 50 µm.b–e, OARSI score (b), osteophyte development (c)
Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

byTexas Children's HospitalCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAn international collaborative study has recently discovered that variants in the PPFIA3 gene cause a previously unknown syndromic

Variants in synaptic scaffolding protein PPFIA3 discovered to cause new syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

byTexas Children's HospitalCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAn international collaborative study has recently discovered that variants in the PPFIA3 gene cause a previously unknown syndromic
US approves first drug for severe form of fatty liver disease

US approves first drug for severe form of fatty liver disease

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday approved the first medication for people with a severe type of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Madrigal Pharmac

US approves first drug for severe form of fatty liver disease

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday approved the first medication for people with a severe type of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Madrigal Pharmac
Dual acting drug delivers blood cancer a lethal 'one-two' punch in mice

Dual acting drug delivers blood cancer a lethal 'one-two' punch in mice

byMonash UniversityCredit: Monash UniversityMelbourne researchers have designed a single drug that delivers a lethal "one-two" punch to several types of blood cancer in preclinical stu

Dual acting drug delivers blood cancer a lethal 'one-two' punch in mice

byMonash UniversityCredit: Monash UniversityMelbourne researchers have designed a single drug that delivers a lethal "one-two" punch to several types of blood cancer in preclinical stu
Industrial societies losing healthy gut microbes, finds study

Industrial societies losing healthy gut microbes, finds study

by Ben-Gurion University of the NegevCellulose degrading gut bacteria of hominids across evolutionary time. Previously unknown human gut cellulolytic ruminococcal species are highly prevalent in

Industrial societies losing healthy gut microbes, finds study

by Ben-Gurion University of the NegevCellulose degrading gut bacteria of hominids across evolutionary time. Previously unknown human gut cellulolytic ruminococcal species are highly prevalent in