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Piecing the puzzle together: How different brain regions contribute to visual object memory

Piecing the puzzle together: How different brain regions contribute to visual object memory

by The National Institutes for Quantum Science and TechnologyDiagram of the ventral fronto-temporal network operations necessary for visual object memory. During perception (left), neurons in the ante

Piecing the puzzle together: How different brain regions contribute to visual object memory

by The National Institutes for Quantum Science and TechnologyDiagram of the ventral fronto-temporal network operations necessary for visual object memory. During perception (left), neurons in the ante
Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressThe two-dimensional active avoidance paradigm and recording of prefrontal population activity. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-0

Neuron populations in the medial prefrontal cortex shown to code the learning of avoidant behaviors

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical XpressThe two-dimensional active avoidance paradigm and recording of prefrontal population activity. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-0
How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

by Sophia Jahns, Max Planck Institute for Biological CyberneticsIdentification of PCs in the larval zebrafish brain. Credit:Nature(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07867-2Researchers are tur

How zebrafish map their environment: Spatial orientation mechanisms surprisingly similar to our own

by Sophia Jahns, Max Planck Institute for Biological CyberneticsIdentification of PCs in the larval zebrafish brain. Credit:Nature(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07867-2Researchers are tur
Not just a 'bad guy': Researchers discover neuroprotective function of Tau protein

Not just a 'bad guy': Researchers discover neuroprotective function of Tau protein

by Rajalaxmi Natarajan,Baylor College of MedicineOverexpression of hTau in glia disrupts LDs and glial cell morphology in response to neuronal ROS. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024).

Not just a 'bad guy': Researchers discover neuroprotective function of Tau protein

by Rajalaxmi Natarajan,Baylor College of MedicineOverexpression of hTau in glia disrupts LDs and glial cell morphology in response to neuronal ROS. Credit:Nature Neuroscience(2024).
Prioritizing the unexpected: New brain mechanism uncovered

Prioritizing the unexpected: New brain mechanism uncovered

bySainsbury Wellcome CentreNeurons in the mouse visual cortex with VIP neurons in magenta. Credit: Sainsbury Wellcome CentreResearchers have discovered how two brain areas, the neocortex and the

Prioritizing the unexpected: New brain mechanism uncovered

bySainsbury Wellcome CentreNeurons in the mouse visual cortex with VIP neurons in magenta. Credit: Sainsbury Wellcome CentreResearchers have discovered how two brain areas, the neocortex and the
Brain study suggests regions that grew the most during evolution are most susceptible to aging

Brain study suggests regions that grew the most during evolution are most susceptible to aging

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressSample, workflow, and phylogeny. Credit:Science Advances(2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado2733An international team of neuroscientists and anthropologists has fou

Brain study suggests regions that grew the most during evolution are most susceptible to aging

by Bob Yirka , Medical XpressSample, workflow, and phylogeny. Credit:Science Advances(2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado2733An international team of neuroscientists and anthropologists has fou
Tuning into transitions: How our brains cross musical boundaries

Tuning into transitions: How our brains cross musical boundaries

byUniversity of JyväskyläAn early network (A) including the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and posterior temporal cortex (PTC) responded to movement boundaries followed by a (B) network

Tuning into transitions: How our brains cross musical boundaries

byUniversity of JyväskyläAn early network (A) including the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and posterior temporal cortex (PTC) responded to movement boundaries followed by a (B) network
Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales

Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales

by Anne Trafton,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyExperimental procedure and the distribution of the implanted electrodes for Dataset 1. Credit:Nature Human Behaviour(2024). DOI:

Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales

by Anne Trafton,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyExperimental procedure and the distribution of the implanted electrodes for Dataset 1. Credit:Nature Human Behaviour(2024). DOI:
Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

byUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolThe ABCD Algorithm. (A) Example raw log-power spectra from 152 channels during a single recording session. (B) Example, mean log-power spectrum and second

Novel algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to enhance future patient care

byUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolThe ABCD Algorithm. (A) Example raw log-power spectra from 152 channels during a single recording session. (B) Example, mean log-power spectrum and second
Research reveals environmental and disease factors can speed up the brain's biological age

Research reveals environmental and disease factors can speed up the brain's biological age

byTrinity College DublinDataset characterization and analysis pipeline. Credit:Nature Medicine(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-03209-xThe pace at which the brain ages can vary signifi

Research reveals environmental and disease factors can speed up the brain's biological age

byTrinity College DublinDataset characterization and analysis pipeline. Credit:Nature Medicine(2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-03209-xThe pace at which the brain ages can vary signifi
Researchers develop new implant to power healing after spinal cord injury

Researchers develop new implant to power healing after spinal cord injury

by RCSI University of Medicine and Health SciencesGraphical abstract. Credit:Materials Today(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2024.07.015A research team at RCSI University of Medicine and Heal

Researchers develop new implant to power healing after spinal cord injury

by RCSI University of Medicine and Health SciencesGraphical abstract. Credit:Materials Today(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2024.07.015A research team at RCSI University of Medicine and Heal
Brain shows changes in regions associated with anxiety after quitting alcohol, finds study

Brain shows changes in regions associated with anxiety after quitting alcohol, finds study

byResearch Society on AlcoholismGroup × anxiety and group × sex interactions in BNST functional connectivity during unpredictable versus predictable neutral cues. Credit:Alcohol, Clinical

Brain shows changes in regions associated with anxiety after quitting alcohol, finds study

byResearch Society on AlcoholismGroup × anxiety and group × sex interactions in BNST functional connectivity during unpredictable versus predictable neutral cues. Credit:Alcohol, Clinical