Facial hair has always been associated with masculinity and maturity in men. Although a thick beard and mustache have a powerful effect, some men do not have enough facial hair, mostly of genetic origin, for various reasons.

But with the development of technology, your genes or any other factor shouldn't affect you. Hair transplantation is no longer limited to the head and face, beard transplantation is also successfully performed to help men. A beard transplant includes everything in the facial area.

But before you go to a clinic, there are a few things you should know about beard transplantation. Knowing all this, will help you to have realistic expectations regarding beard transplantation.

No difference compared to hair transplantation

Beard transplantation is very similar to traditional scalp hair transplantation. The surgeon collects the healthy and resilient hair follicles from the back of the scalp and transports them to the necessary areas of your face.

You will need to have sufficient donor area

Your candidacy for beard transplantation depends mainly on the supply of donor hair. You need to provide enough donor hair for beard transplantation. If you are a hair loss patient who already has severe baldness, it is possible that your hair is not healthy enough to transplant your face.

The FUE technique is used

If you only need a few hundred grafts for transplantation, your surgeon will advise you to choose the FUE technique, as it is the least invasive, and does not leave traces of scars.

New hair doesn't grow instantly

Like a hair transplant, a face transplant is also a time-consuming process, and it takes several months to show signs of improvement. The implanted hair will be dropped initially. The new growth will become more apparent after 4 to 5 months, and it will usually take more than a year to achieve the full results.


The treatment of beard transplantation is almost painless. Most of the time, the surgeon has to take the necessary follicles using the FUE hair transplant technique. Therefore, there is no need to make large incisions as with the traditional FUT technique.

Beard transplantation can be done for different reasons

Most of the time, beard transplantation is done for aesthetic reasons. However, this may be preferred due to the lack of facial hair due to injury or surgical scarring.

No immediate shaving

It is best not to shave the implanted hair during beard transplantation for the first 10 days after surgery. Remember that two weeks after the treatment, there will be hair loss. Don't worry, this is the shock stage that leads to hair regrowth in the 3rd or 4th month after surgery. After that, you can decide when you want to shave for the new hair to grow.

It's a permanent solution

A very important feature and advantage of all types of hair transplantation is its permanent results. So you don't have to worry about losing your new beard after it's transplanted.

There is no risk

You may think that beard transplantation is not a great treatment. Of course, there's nothing to worry about, but it's still worth noting that it's a surgical procedure. Although very rare, there are complications, and risks such as infections and scarring on the face. This usually happens after poor care, or by taking a beard transplant by a surgeon who is inexperienced in hair restoration.

For this reason, you should do some research, and entrust the transplant to an experienced surgeon who has performed many beard transplant cases.