
The density of your hair largely determines the hairstyle you're going to wear on any given day. If you want to feel good about your hair, it is very important to make sure you have a high density. However, sometimes it's hard to keep thick hair, especially if you're losing it for unknown reasons. Even then, you can still recover hair density loss through modern hair loss treatment methods, such as prescription medication, laser hair removal, and many more. But that's not the best you can do. In most cases, these treatments cannot recover hair density in areas where it is lacking.

Let's take a look at how you can recover your hair density without much effort.

1. Hair transplants

This is one of the effective ways to restore hair density loss. Many people have resorted to this procedure to increase their hair density and grow hair in areas where thinning was uncontrolled. If you are considering a hair transplant, it is advisable to opt for a procedure that will give you the best results. Make sure you consult the best doctors, the most experienced in this field, to get effective results. Although hair transplantation can be expensive, it can permanently solve your hair loss problems. However, only use it if you are facing a major hair loss problem, such as baldness.

2. Use of Natural Remedies

For natural remedies, try using the following products:

Coconut oil

The organic element that makes coconut oil so effective in treating hair loss is the "long-chain triglycerides" found in the seeds of this tropical fruit. Coconut oil contains about 98% saturated fat, and this type of fat is essential for building up the structure of your hair, as the keratin part of the hair is made up of it.

Even then, the fat content of coconut oil makes the hair greasy and, as a result, damages the roots. Therefore, you should only apply coconut oil to areas that you want to thicken, such as your scalp, or areas where there is a dye.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used for many years to treat different hair loss problems. This liquid contains a lot of essential elements for the constitution of the hair, which makes it very useful for growing and recovering the lost hair density. Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid which is essential for lowering the pH of alkaline hair and, therefore, restoring its health.

Usually, hair that is brittle, dull, and frizzy tends to be alkaline. Apple cider vinegar also has antimicrobial properties that help fight bacteria and fungi that can lead to scalp problems.

Green Tea

Green tea is known to keep hair strong and healthy and to prevent hair loss. It has amazing antioxidant properties that boost your immune system and help treat problems related to hair loss. One of the most important components of green tea is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an antioxidant that works by protecting your skin and hair from free radical damage.

Egg-based treatment

Eggs are rich in protein, which makes them essential for the body to develop thick, strong hair. Practiced frequently, egg treatment can help you thicken and strengthen your hair. The procedure is very simple: beat one or two eggs, apply them to damp scalp and hair, and then wash them thoroughly in warm water with a mild shampoo. Also, you can combine the eggs with oil and water for best results. It is advisable to do this two or three times a week for best results.

Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in omega 3 and other nutrients that are essential for hair growth. Applying olive oil directly to the scalp and hair helps to promote the thickness and strength of the hair. In addition, olive oil also softens the hair and relieves dry scalp. For an olive oil treatment: Heat the oil to body temperature, apply the oil to the scalp and hair, leave it in the hair for about an hour, then rinse off the olive oil with a mild shampoo. You can also mix olive oil with honey for more effective results.

3. Proper nutrition

What you eat largely determines the growth rate and thickness of your hair. A balanced diet with the right nutrients can stimulate your hair growth and, as a result, improve its thickness and density. Eating protein-rich foods like eggs stimulates hair growth, as hair follicles are mostly made up of protein. Eggs are also rich in biotin, a component that is responsible for producing the hair protein known as keratin. In addition, consider consuming foods with antioxidant properties, such as berries. Antioxidants can help protect hair follicles from damage caused by harmful molecules called radicals. If you're not sure what to eat to grow your hair, contact your doctor or dietitian for recommendations.

We all love having thick, dense hair to maintain that natural look. It is therefore important to look for a remedy as soon as possible if you notice that you are losing your hair density. Sometimes the shampoo or cosmetic product you use is causing your hair to lose density.