
Have you ever heard of the keyword "visceral activity"?

The "organs" of visceral activity are the five organs of "liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys".

In recent years, it has become a hot topic that health and beauty can be obtained by utilizing each organ in visceral activity. In addition, visceral activity is not only effective in improving the constitution but also in improving hair quality.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the benefits of visceral activity, its relationship with hair, and easy to do.

What is "visceral activity" in the first place?

"Visceral activity" is a concept of Oriental medicine, and it is said that activating the functions of the five organs leads to the maintenance and promotion of health.

The five organs of Oriental medicine, "liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys," are different from the organs of Western medicine: "liver," "heart," "spleen," "lungs," and "kidneys." It is a well-established theory that it not only plays a role as an internal organ, but also classifies the functions necessary for life into five categories.


Organ activity based on oriental medicine

When we are not feeling well, we tend to focus on the symptoms and the area. In Western medicine, if a symptom is found in any organ, treatment is performed only in that organ.

On the other hand, in Oriental medicine, the five organs are considered to be in balance while coordinating with each other, so they aim not only to alleviate certain symptoms, but also to solve the root of the disorder.

Benefits of visceral activity

If you make good use of the organ activity that activates the functions of each of the five organs, it will not only improve all physical disorders, but also promote further health and maintain beauty and youth.

1. Increased body temperature

Do you know that the average body temperature of Japan people has been declining in recent years?

Hypothermia is said to weaken the immune system of the mind and body and cause various disorders. By raising the body temperature through visceral activity, there are various benefits such as improving immunity, relieving stress, and making it easier to lose weight due to the increase in basal metabolism.

Effects of hypothermia on the body

Body temperature begins to cause physical discomfort after only a decrease of 1 ° C.

・Immunity decreases by 30% to 40% ・Decrease in basal metabolism ・The balance of the autonomic nervous system becomes unstable

・The function of enzymes in the body decreases

There are many disorders caused by a drop in body temperature.

What happens when you raise your body temperature with visceral activity?

By raising body temperature

・ Immunity increases and you are less likely to get sick ・
It becomes difficult to gain weight ・
Blood circulation improves and nutrients are sent to every corner of the body
・ Stress tolerance is developed

It has such merits, it stabilizes the mind and body, and allows you to adjust the condition of the body.

2. Each organ is active

Each of the five organs plays a role in the health of the body. It is believed that focusing on each organ in visceral activity and activating its function leads to a fundamental solution to the body's problems.

We will introduce what the five organs are responsible for, the symptoms when they are not functioning, and the activities of the five organs to make the most of them.

The roles of each of the five organs and the activities that make the most of them


The five organs work 24 hours a day and are involved in everything related to our mind and body. Therefore, if any part of the five organs becomes unwell, the body and mind will also become unwell.

It is no exaggeration to say that health is maintained only when the five organs function properly.


The liver is responsible for facilitating the flow of qi (life energy) and blood (blood and its functions). In addition, by storing blood and controlling blood flow, it sends the necessary amount of blood and nutrients to the whole body and moisturizes the body.

Therefore, activating the function of the liver with visceral activity relieves menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome, and moisturizes the skin and hair.

Symptoms caused by liver upset

・Loss of luster on skin, hair, and nails ・Menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome

・Dry eyes, eye strain, dark circles

Organ activity that makes the most of the liver

・Get a good night's sleep ・When you wake up in the morning, take a walk and move your body
・Do not take the same posture for a long time and move frequently
. ・Do not wear clothes that constrict your body or tie your hair too tightly.

・Do not work too much and stay calm


The mind is also related to mental activities such as emotions and thoughts, as well as physiology. It also plays a role in pumping blood throughout the body like a pump.

When the mind is utilized, the ruddy color of the skin improves, the face becomes shiny, and mental stability can be expected.

Symptoms caused by heart disorders

・Mental problems such as insomnia and depression ・Diseases of the circulatory system

・Poor ruddy color and loss of luster on the skin

Organ activity that makes the most of the mind

・Don't look at your smartphone or computer too much ・Incorporate light exercise and sweat moderately ・Take a nap of 30 minutes or less

・Set aside time for alone time to relax.


The spleen has the role of taking in nutrients from food and drink and converting them into qi and blood. In addition, it also has the role of putting the internal organs in the correct position and pulling up the fat so that it does not drip.

When the spleen is activated, it is said to be effective in tightening the meat around the abdomen, improving sagging cheeks, and swelling and digestive problems.

Symptoms caused by spleen upset

・Rough skin such as pimples around the mouth ・Sluggishness of the head and body ・Diarrhea and loose stools due to decreased digestion and absorption ・Sagging of the face

・Fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen

Organ activity that makes use of the spleen

・Do not fast excessively or restrict your diet ・Eat breakfast ・Eat foods that do not burden your stomach

・Do not stay in the same position for a long time


The lungs work to exhale stale bad qi in the body and take in fresh qi by breathing. In addition to organs, the new qi is also sent to the skin and mucous membranes, and it seems to help strengthen immunity by enhancing moisture and barrier function.

Symptoms caused by lung upset

・Respiratory disorders such as cough and asthma ・Dry skin and throat ・Prone to catching colds


Organ activity that makes use of the lungs

・ Habit of deep breathing ・
Protect your lungs from dry air ・ Frequently change the air in the room

・ Moisturize your throat


The kidneys are the place where the energy that is the source of life is stored. All the energy necessary for basic human activities such as growth, growth, and reproduction is stored in the kidneys. In addition, because it has the function of warming the body, it is also related to swelling and coldness.

Symptoms caused by kidney disorders

・Thinning hair, gray hair, hair loss ・Irregular periods, infertility ・Swelling of the feet, cold lower body

・Decline of cognitive function

Organ activity that makes use of the kidneys

・ Do not cool the lower body such as bathing or stomach wrapping ・ Use the stairs or walk one station to strengthen your legs and hips

・ Sleep for a long time

Why visceral activity is also linked to hair health


So far, we have explained that visceral activity can improve mental and physical disorders and improve the constitution.

So, what are the benefits for hair health, such as improving hair quality and preventing thinning hair? Let's focus on the fact that it activates the functions of each of the five organs mentioned above.

The relationship between the liver and hair

I told you that liver disorders can make your skin, hair, and nails shine. In fact, there is a very strong connection between the liver and hair.

In addition to the aforementioned functions, the liver also has the function of converting ingested protein into proteins in the form necessary for hair. In addition, growth factors that activate hair matrix cells are also secreted, so liver disorders can cause thinning hair and hair loss.

The relationship between the kidneys and hair

In Oriental medicine, it is called "hair is a surplus of blood". In other words, if there is a lot of blood, there will be a lot of hair, and shiny and beautiful hair will grow.

The kidneys cannot produce enough blood if they do not work well. This is because you will not be able to regulate your blood pressure by controlling the amount of salt and water you excrete.

If blood circulation deteriorates and nutrients do not reach the scalp properly, it can cause hair loss and thinning. Try to improve blood circulation by eating a healthy diet and stopping lifestyle habits that weaken the kidneys, such as staying up late, overwork, and stress.

Stabilization of the autonomic nervous system and its relationship with hair

As you can see, the health of the liver and kidneys is also linked to the health of the hair.

In fact, there was another relationship between visceral activity and hair health.

At the beginning, I explained that the body temperature can be raised by visceral activity, but the autonomic nervous system is stabilized by raising the body temperature. The autonomic nervous system refers to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. These two types of nerves work alternately to keep the body healthy.

However, if only the sympathetic nerves work, vasoconstriction occurs and blood circulation deteriorates.

Then, the hair at the ends is undernourished and cannot grow, resulting in thinning hair. By raising the body temperature with visceral activity, the balance of the autonomic nervous system is maintained, and nutrients reach the hair.

 You can do it right away! Recommendations for visceral activity

We have talked about how visceral activity maintains the health of the body, and that there is a relationship between visceral activity and hair health. If you are feeling unwell or want to make your hair healthy, please try Visceral Activity once.

Visceral Yoga


Visceral yoga is based on the five elements of yin and yang thinking, and relaxes the body and mind from the internal organs by stimulating the internal organs through breathing exercises. It can revive the internal organs to life.

Since there are no difficult poses like general yoga, it is easy for anyone of any age to get started, and the aim is to approach the internal organs.

While counseling the condition of the internal organs, there are also lessons in which the instructor will think together about which internal organs to approach, so you can do organ activities according to your body.

Joint tapping that makes the most of the organs

If you want to start organ activity more easily, joint tapping is recommended.

Although it is not possible to directly touch the five organs, it can be adjusted by stimulating acupuncture points and joints. In particular, joints are places where evil energy (bad qi) tends to accumulate. Improve your condition by not clogging your joints.

Liver: The joints of the liver are "under the armpits".
Stretch one arm parallel to the floor and tap the armpit with the other hand about 20 times. Try it when you're frustrated or stressed.

Heart: The joint of the heart is the pinky side of the elbow (lower side).
Stretch one arm parallel to the floor with the back of your hand facing up, and tap the pinky side of your elbow with your other hand about 20 times from the bottom. It is also recommended when you are a light sleeper or emotionally unstable.

Spleen: The joints of the spleen are the "buttocks".
Stand with your legs open, pull one leg back slightly, stretch your buttocks, and tap about 20 times. Try it when your hands and feet feel heavy or sluggish.

Lungs: The joints of the lungs are the thumb side of the elbow (upper side).
Extend one arm parallel to the floor with the back of your hand facing up, and tap the thumb side of your elbow about 20 times. You can also try it when you have a bad throat or nose.

Kidneys: The joints of the kidneys are "behind the knees".
Stand with your legs apart and tap the back of one knee with the instep of the other about 20 times. If you find it difficult to stand on one leg, you can tap the back of your knee with your hand. It can also be expected to be effective for swelling and coldness in the lower body.

Visceral porridge


Even with a diet that is indispensable every day, it is possible to make the most of the five organs.

Porridge is made by simmering slowly, which makes it easier to ingest the nutrients of the ingredients. Let's combine the original power of porridge with ingredients that promote the activation of the five organs to relieve physical problems and seasonal disorders.

Here are some ingredients that are beneficial for each organ.

Liver: Green vegetables, especially those in season in spring, are recommended. Sour ingredients such as pickled plums and lemons are also ◎.
◯ Chira, Chinese choy, chrysanthemum, rape flower, broccoli, lychee, cabbage, wormwood, tomato, tuna, shijimi, bell pepper, celery, carrot, burdock, spinach, plum, loquat, shrimp, crab, squid, etc.

Heart: Foods that circulate blood throughout the body and foods such as bitter melon that reduce excess heat in the body are recommended.
◯ Rakkyo, lotus root, azuki, millet, aloe, oysters, chicken hearts, burdock, melons, watermelons, cucumbers, almonds, coconut, mung bean sprouts, winter melons, radishes, kanpyo, chili peppers, etc.

Spleen: Yellow foods such as pumpkin and naturally sweet foods are recommended to support digestion.
◯ Corn, radish, sesame, beans, turnips, asparagus, kelp, bonito, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, peanuts, komatsuna, potash flower, mainspring, eggplant, lettuce, bamboo shoots, garlic, etc.

Lungs: White foods such as tofu and white beans, spicy foods such as wasabi are recommended.
◯ Yam, Chinese cabbage, radish, ginger, kikurage, coriander, wasabi, konjac, peach, fig, persimmon, pear, basil, rakkyo, ginnan, asparagus, burdock, onion, brown sugar, etc.

Kidneys: Black foods such as black beans and salty foods such as kelp are recommended. Foods that promote water metabolism and foods that warm the body are also ◎.
◯ Walnuts, kelp, black beans, black sesame, chestnuts, wakame seaweed, shrimp, scallops, Chinese cabbage, beef, lamb, clams, yams, rice cakes, rice, etc.



"Visceral activity" is an activity inspired by the concept of Oriental medicine to activate the functions of the five organs (liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) to maintain and promote health.

It is said that it is possible to fundamentally solve physical disorders by performing visceral activity. Each of the five organs has a different function, so please take a look at your body according to your own concerns to determine which organ is best to approach.

In addition, there is a strong link between visceral activity and hair health. In particular, utilizing the "liver" and "kidneys" leads to sending enough nutrients necessary for hair, so it can be expected to be effective in improving thinning hair and hair loss, and growing shiny hair.

Visceral activity is a health method that is easy to start.

If you're wondering where to start, we've got you introduced

・Visceral yoga ・Joint tapping

・Visceral porridge

Why don't you start with?

Let's keep our minds, bodies, and hair healthy and beautiful with "visceral activity".