
When I looked in the mirror as usual, I saw that some of the hair on my head was falling out. The symptoms of alopecia areata are not uncommon and can occur in any person. Once the hair has fallen out, there is no choice but to wait for the next hair to grow, and alopecia areata is not a symptom that can be cured in one or two days, so many people are wondering how to hide the head during treatment. So, in this article, we will talk about how to hide alopecia areata and how to do it.

What is alopecia areata?


Alopecia areata is a condition in which the hair suddenly falls out in a round or oval shape. Normally, hair removal is about the size of a 10-yen coin, but depending on the symptoms, the entire head, eyebrows, and body hair may fall out. Mental stress, genetics, and autoimmune diseases are thought to be the causes, but no clear cause has yet been identified. If the symptoms are mild, they often heal on their own, but if they are severe, long-term treatment is necessary.

[Types of alopecia areata]



It is the most common type of alopecia areata. Circular hair loss occurs on the head in a single shot, and the size is mainly about 2~3 cm in diameter. It may occur not only on the hair on the head but also on the eyebrows and body hair, and if it is mild, it generally heals spontaneously in about one year.



It is a type in which hair loss occurs in two or more places on the head. It rarely heals spontaneously, and it may take about half a year ~ 2 years to treat. In addition, there are cases where the hair loss area joins and expands.

Serpentine type


A symptom in which hair loss spreads like a snake from the back of the head along the temporal hairline. It is a type of alopecia that takes relatively long to completely cure and can take several years.

Full-head type


It is a type of alopecia in which hair loss spreads to the entire head and the hair on the head falls out completely. It is said to be very difficult to cure, and this treatment is often long-term.

Generalized type


It is a type that causes not only the hair on the head but also the hair on the whole body, such as eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair, to fall out. It is a severe symptom of alopecia areata, and requires long-term treatment like the whole head type.


Different ways to hide alopecia areata


In recent years, there are various ways to hide alopecia areata. In the case of a relatively small one-shot type of alopecia areata, where the hair loss part is relatively small at about the size of a 10 yen coin or a 500 yen coin coin, there is a way to hide it with a special powder or spray for thinning hair cover, which can naturally hide the hair loss while keeping your hair alive. It is a relatively easy method because you can put it on yourself every day, and it is suitable for the crown, temporal and occipital regions. Also, if you have enough hair length, it is recommended to ask a barber or beauty salon to suggest a hairstyle that hides the hair loss. If the hair removal area needs to be covered while creating a flow or silhouette of hair, such as bangs, there is a method called hair contact. This is a method of attaching artificial hair to the area where the hair has been removed, and you can wear it according to the hair color, amount of hair, head shape, etc. Since it is fixed to the scalp with a special adhesive, maintenance is required at intervals of several weeks. If the symptoms are severe, and the range of hair loss is very wide with full-head or generalized alopecia, wigs are recommended. There are a wide variety of hair removal types and can be easily purchased, and even if the range of hair removal is wide, it can be firmly hidden and the entire head can be covered.

Things to keep in mind when hiding alopecia areata

We've covered a few ways to hide alopecia areata, but there are some things you need to keep in mind when using it. First of all, sprays and powders are basically removed with shampoo, so while they are easy to clean on a daily basis, be careful not to apply strong force such as rubbing when wet with water or rain. If you sweat a lot or get wet from the rain, gently absorb the moisture with a towel and be sure to check the instructions before use. Also, wigs can make your scalp stuffy if you wear them all the time. It can also cause hair loss to progress, so it's important to keep your wig clean at all times. When using it in this way, be sure to check how to use it.



Alopecia areata is a modern disease that can happen to anyone. But in recent years, there are many ways to hide the bald area. Choose a powdered (fibrous) type called a powter, hair contacts, wigs, and other methods that are easy to use and care for according to your hair loss condition.