
Trichoclasia is a hair problem that affects many people, but is not always given the importance it deserves. This condition is characterized by hair breakage or brittleness, resulting in a dull and unhealthy appearance. If your hair breaks frequently, you may be suffering from trichorrhexis, a scalp condition that can be more problematic than it seems.

What is trichorrhexis?

Trichoclasia is a condition that is characterized by the rupture of the hair fiber at different levels of the hair. Along the length of the hair fiber, knots or weak spots form where the hair breaks. Horses with trichoclasia therefore tend to be forked, appear brittle and very thin. However, since these symptoms are common to other hair problems, it is best to get a specialized diagnosis.

This condition does not cause health complications, but it does pose a problem of self-esteem and self-image, as the hair is very damaged.

What causes trichoclasia?

Although there are genetic factors, trichoclasia is much more common on long hair. It is linked to the misuse of harsh hair treatments, careless brushing, or the use of straighteners and blow dryers.

In addition, an unbalanced diet can also be the cause of some cases of trichoclasia. Thyroid disorders and other rare dermatological conditions can also cause trichorrhexis.

Trichorrhexis occurs when the cuticle weakens and opens, causing the hair fiber to break at different points. The causes can be summarized as follows:

  • Excessive use of chemical treatments: Dyes, bleaches, and perms can weaken hair and make it more brittle.

  • Overbrushing: Brushing too often or too hard can damage the cuticle and break the hair.

  • Use of hair straighteners and blow dryers: Frequent use of heat tools can be very damaging to the hair.

  • Lack of nutrients in the diet: A diet low in iron and biotin and poorly balanced in general can trigger this condition.

Who can be affected?

The acquired form can affect people of any age, the causes being the use of heat sources (hair dryer or straightener), aggressive brushing of the hair or the use of chemicals such as perms, dyes or straighteners.

Inherited forms can affect newborns or young children with syndromes or diseases known as capillary dysplasia, including Menkes syndrome, Netherton syndrome, or trichothiodystrophy.

In some cases, trichoclasia can be caused by an underlying disorder, including very rare disorders such as:

  • The thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).

  • A build-up of ammonia in the body

  • Iron deficiency

  • Menkes syndrome (Menkes frizzy hair syndrome)

  • A group of conditions characterized by abnormal development of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, or sweat glands (ectodermal dysplasia).

  • Trichothiodystrophy (an inherited disorder causing brittle hair, skin problems, and intellectual disability)

  • Biotin deficiency (an inherited condition in which the body cannot use biotin, a substance necessary for hair growth).

What are the treatments for trichoclasia?

In addition to eliminating the habits that cause it, there are treatments for trichoclasia that must be diagnosed by a dermatologist or scalp specialist.

However, we can give some general recommendations, such as using soft brushes to minimize the risk of breakage. Also, avoid hairstyles that are too tight. It is also advisable to avoid harsh chemical treatments such as perms, straighteners and dyes.

It is important to avoid heat sources, such as excessive use of hair straighteners and hair dryers at high temperatures. When washing hair, it is recommended to use suitable products and avoid heavy rubbing, as well as to use products that facilitate detangling.


There are advanced hair treatments to nourish, stimulate, and strengthen the hair that are highly recommended for treating trichoclasia. mesoHAIr+ hair mesotherapy is one of the most powerful formulas on the market. It contains a proprietary formulation with a high concentration of nutrients that strengthens the hair and stimulates the production of new hair. It is recommended for men and women who want to improve the health of their hair.

Other techniques

Plasma injections are also widely used as a treatment for trichoclasia. These micro-injections delay the aging of the follicular unit, which is responsible for the deterioration that causes hair thinning and loss of shine. This results in much younger and stronger hair.

Photobiomodulation is a technique that uses a low-frequency laser in short sessions several times a week to stimulate blood flow that delivers nutrients and oxygen to the hair. As a result, hair grows stronger, thicker, stronger, and denser. These three treatments can be applied individually or together to enhance the effects.

If you think you may be suffering from trichoclasia, it is best to contact a specialist in the field in order to attack the disease in time.