Medical Director Dr. Hans-Georg Dauer

May 6, 2022

Hair loss: when the thyroid gland is the cause

  • Hair loss - how does it happen and what does it have to do with the thyroid?

  • Hair loss in hypothyroidism

  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland

  • Enlarged thyroid gland

  • Good to know

  • How can hypothyroidism be diagnosed?

  • Hair loss in case of hyperthyroidism (excess secretion from the thyroid gland)

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Medicaments

  • How to treat hyperthyroidism?

  • Hair loss due to thyroid disease medications

  • Thyroid hormone levels for circular hair loss

  • Hair loss due to thyroid gland dysfunction - here's how to treat it

  • Autologous Blood Treatment from HAIR & SKIN - Natural Growth Booster

  • Hair transplantation from HAIR & SKIN - a lifetime makeover

Hair loss and the thyroid gland - is there a connection between the two? Of course it is, and a lot of it. This is because when hair growth stops, it is not uncommon for a thyroid dysfunction to be the cause of this situation.

Whether it's hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, if the thyroid is not in good shape, the coat suffers. Hair becomes dull, brittle, and thin.

The road to diagnosis is often long and difficult. This is because when we lose our hair, we first think about genetics or hormones. Thyroid dysfunction only comes to mind later - wrongly. This is because hair loss has long been considered a common symptom of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Reason enough to take a closer look at this underrated suspect. What exactly is the relationship between the thyroid and our coat and how can this dysfunction be remedied? Is taking thyroid hormones really enough?

Hair loss - how does it happen and what does it have to do with the thyroid?

Did you know that the thyroid gland has a hold on our body - and more specifically on our metabolism? The reason: The thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) tell our metabolism what to do – specifically, our hair follicles.

Just imagine: Our hair follicles are the commander of our hair growth. They are constantly giving him orders. But there is someone who disrupts these orders: the thyroid. If it produces too many or too few hormones, the natural cycle of hair growth is out of balance. The result: hair loss.

Sounds complicated? That's half true. Why not see the three natural phases of hair growth together?

  • Growth phase (anagen phase): Our hair forms in the hair follicles. But this obviously doesn't happen overnight. Quite the opposite: the growth process lasts several years.

  • Transition phase (catagen phase): Every growth phase has an end - so does the growth phase of our hair follicles. And this ending even has its own name. It's called the catagen phase. When our bodies stop providing nutrients, growth stops. Within one to two weeks, growth is complete.

  • Phase de repos (télophase) : Si notre corps coupe l'approvisionnement en nutriments des follicules pileux, ceux-ci perdent de leur force et de leur élasticité. L'inévitable se produit : ils tombent. Mais cela peut prendre beaucoup de temps avant d'en arriver là. La phase de repos s'étend sur 10 à 12 semaines.

Après la phase de repos, le repos du follicule pileux ne dure cependant pas très longtemps. Il retourne immédiatement à la première phase, dite de croissance. Il est grand temps d'avoir de nouveaux cheveux.

C'est très bien. Mais quel est le rapport avec la thyroïde ? C'est très simple : les hormones de la thyroïde peuvent interférer avec le rythme naturel des follicules pileux. Si elle produit trop ou trop peu d'hormones, le cycle est rapidement déséquilibré.

Et cela se voit clairement sur les cheveux. Ils manquent de force et de stabilité. Ils sont beaucoup trop fins, ternes et fragiles. De plus, ils manquent de longueur. Le niveau habituel s'éloigne de plus en plus. Et plus un cheveu est fin, fragile et court, plus il se perd rapidement.

Tu veux découvrir la raison pour laquelle tu perds tes cheveux et ce que tu peux faire pour y remédier ? Réserve dès maintenant un rendez-vous de consultation gratuit !


Hair loss in hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism refers to a pathological dysfunction of the thyroid gland. As a result, our body does not receive enough thyroid hormones. It could definitely support more triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • Lack of motivation and decreased performance

  • Fatigue and exhaustion

  • Lack of concentration

  • Slow pulse

  • low blood pressure

  • Delayed reflexes

  • loss of appetite

  • Weight gain

  • depressed mood, panic attacks, anxiety disorders

  • Slow metabolism (often constipation)

  • Remarkable sensitivity to cold

  • menstrual cycle disorders in women

  • Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction in men

  • rough and dry skin

  • unusual rate of hair growth (faster, but less vigorous)

  • Weak hair structure (dry, brittle, dull and lackluster hair)

  • Hair loss (hair follicles enter the resting phase earlier and fall out more quickly)

And how does hypothyroidism develop?

Inflammation of the thyroid gland

In adults, hypothyroidism is usually related to chronic inflammation of the thyroid. And this in turn is caused by an autoimmune disease, also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Enlarged thyroid gland

However, it is not uncommon for hypothyroidism to be the result of an increase in the size of the thyroid. In this case, it is called goiter. This walnut-sized organ wraps around the trachea, just below the larynx. If this nut-sized element protrudes or forms nodules, it's for a very specific reason: it's trying to compensate for an iodine deficiency.

This is because if the thyroid gland receives too little iodine, it can no longer produce enough hormones. And it obviously can't be satisfied with this deficit. She immediately wants to fill the gap: Her plan: she expands.

Good to know

Hypothyroidism is known as a typically female disease. In men, they are extremely rare. They are particularly prevalent among middle-aged women.

It is especially after childbirth that many women report temporary hypothyroidism. On average, four to ten out of every 100 women are affected. The good news is that most of the time, hypothyroidism goes away on its own.

How can hypothyroidism be diagnosed?

Hormonal and blood tests are essential for diagnosing hypothyroidism. These tests provide reliable information about potential thyroid dysfunctions.

Hair loss in case of hyperthyroidism (excess secretion from the thyroid gland)

It's not just an unmotivated thyroid that's making our lives difficult. An over-motivated thyroid doesn't necessarily make it any easier for us. On the contrary: if it secretes the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in abundance, we suffer from hyperthyroidism, i.e. abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Here are the symptoms we should expect in case of hyperthyroidism:

  • Inner turmoil

  • tremors

  • increased heart rate: tachycardia during reduced physical activity or even in rest mode

  • Overactive metabolism with abnormally high bowel rate

  • Weight loss despite normal food intake and cravings

  • Hypersensitivity to heat

  • excessive sweating

  • goiter (enlarged thyroid)

  • Change in hair growth (faster, but less vigorous)

  • hair loss (hair becomes brittle and sheds more often)

We now know the symptoms. Now let's move on to the causes. What are the most common triggers?

Autoimmune disease

The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' autoimmune disease, also known as Graves' disease. But it's also possible that the thyroid is autoimmune. In other words, the thyroid tissue becomes autonomous, so to speak.


Sometimes medications can cause hyperthyroidism. If the patient is taking thyroid hormones, called sham thyrotoxicosis, the thyroid is often working at full capacity, often even more than we would like.

How to treat hyperthyroidism?

In most cases, the doctor suggests drug treatment for hyperfunction. Only in the event of a particularly serious development does he advise an operation.

Hair loss due to thyroid disease medications

Are you treating hyperthyroidism with medications like L-thyroxine and suddenly suffer from hair loss? This is no coincidence. This is because all preparations for thyroid dysfunction have the side effect of hair loss, whether they are thyrostatic, carbimazole, thiamazole, methylthiouracil or propylthiouracil.

Whether for the treatment of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, all medications that are involved in the metabolism of the thyroid should be taken with caution. This applies to iodides and levothyroxine as well as amiodarone and lithium.

The reason: Thyroid medication actively affects your hormonal balance. In cases of hypothyroidism, they stimulate the production of hormones. In cases of hyperthyroidism, they reduce excessive hormone production.

But both scenarios have one thing in common: they disrupt hormones. And it is precisely this confusion that is being felt on our heads. In the blink of an eye, we have to say goodbye to our thick and vigorous hair.

Thyroid hormone levels for circular hair loss

Have you ever heard of circular hair loss? Not yet? Don't worry, you're certainly not alone. Not many people are aware of this hair loss. This is not surprising, as it is a particularly rare form of hair loss.

The hallmark of circular hair loss is the formation of coin-sized bald areas in the shape of a circle. Most of the time, they appear in the hair of the head. The exact reasons for this hair loss are still a mystery to scientists. Currently, it is assumed that a disorder of the autoimmune system is behind this phenomenon.

Experts speculate that there is a particularly strong link between circle hair loss and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. If doctors make a connection between the two phenomena in a patient, they try to regulate thyroid hormone levels correctly. Indeed, if these values are unbalanced, there is a risk of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. And it can also promote hair loss.

Hair loss due to thyroid gland dysfunction - here's how to treat it

Help, something's wrong. For several days, your hair has been thinning and you don't know why. Stress is not the culprit. You also rule out hereditary hair loss. No one in your family has to deal with it. So what happens?

Have you ever thought about your thyroid? It is not uncommon for her to be the culprit. It's best to know for sure. The next time you visit the doctor, have your thyroid values checked by a professional - it's safer.

The trusted doctor gets an idea of your thyroid with the help of a blood test and an ultrasound. Hyper or hypofunctional - in a short time you will be smarter.

Indeed, is your thyroid making its way? Don't panic, most of the time it can be remedied quickly and reliably with the help of medication. Everything will be fine. Surgery is rarely necessary.

In addition to a good doctor and reliable treatment options, hair loss due to thyroid dysfunction of course requires a little patience. It takes a little time for the hair to regain its vigor and volume.

Autologous Blood Treatment from HAIR & SKIN - Natural Growth Booster

Has patience never been your strong suit? We understand this all too well. That's why we at HAIR & SKIN are happy to help your broken hair growth.

For example, can we tell you about our autologous treatment? Its secret recipe is natural. It only takes a small amount of blood to set hair growth back. A few milliliters are enough.

Because it is precisely in these few milliliters that a treasure trove of precious red blood cells is hidden. You won't find more protein and nutrients anywhere else. So it's no wonder your tired roots are eagerly clamoring for that protein packet.

Because as soon as they come into contact with these liquid treasures, they deploy unsuspected forces of growth. The roots of the hair immediately start moving. This way, you will find your beloved hair in record time.

Hair transplantation from HAIR & SKIN - a lifetime makeover

Hair is much more than just a piece of headgear. They are our personal trademark. Without them, we lose part of our identity. Hair loss is all the harder to bear. It's painful to see your own hair disappear.

But fortunately, we don't have to accept the pain without doing anything. We can do something about it. A hair transplant from HAIR & SKIN allows us to find our lost treasure - and forever. Because did you already know that freshly transplanted hair roots stay with you for life?

Great news, right? There is only one question left: how exactly does hair transplantation work at HAIR & SKIN?

It's very simple: at HAIR & SKIN, we transplant with the FUE method, Follicular Unit Extraction. The key to the success of this method is that it is particularly gentle. This technique, which is currently the most advanced on the transplant market, allows for the gentle masking of bald parts of the coat.

The procedure is as follows: Our experienced doctors start by taking a few strong hair roots from the back of the head. Then, step by step, they implant them in the sparse areas of the problem areas - until abundant, lively and shiny hair appears.