
A state of "ball knot" that is sometimes seen in the hair. It can be troublesome if you get stuck because you can't get your hands through it, or if it takes a long time to set in the morning.

So why does hair end up in a ball knot?
There are many cases where it is difficult to improve even if you take care of it on a daily basis.

In this article, we will explain in detail the causes of hair becoming a ball knot, how to prevent it, and the risks that can occur if left untreated.

What causes hair to become a ball knot?


"Ball knot" seen in the hair.

When and how can you do this?
Let's take a look at each cause.


When you are sleeping, you will unconsciously give friction to your hair by turning over and moving around.

In the process, it is said that the hair becomes tangled and a ball knot is formed. It's a part that you can't be aware of, so it's difficult to improve, but you need to be careful.

There are also large individual differences in sleeping phase and hair type, but the more violent you move while sleeping, the more likely it is to become entangled or lead to ball knots.


You should also pay attention to the dryer that dries wet hair. Wet hair is very delicate, vulnerable to friction, and easily tangled.

In particular, if you force the towel drying before the dryer, it will cause entanglement. Be careful not to get tangled in a wet state or if a ball knot is formed, as it will dry as it is.

Hair type

Some people are more susceptible to ball knots due to their hair type.
People with soft, wavy hair, and thin hair are difficult to physically improve and can only be prevented by coping methods.

Hair damage

If damage is accumulated in the hair and it is not moisturized or dry, it is easy to tie a knot. Hair can become wavy and lead to ball knots.

In addition, if the cuticle that protects the surface of the hair is about to peel off due to damage, the surface is easy to become rough and each hair is caught and entangled, resulting in a ball knot.

What to do if you can tie a ball knot?


What should you do if you have a ball knot? We'll show you how.

What you can do yourself

The way to deal with it yourself is to first gently comb it little by little with a brush.

If you comb it hard, the whole bundle of hair that is tied in a ball may fall out. When combing your hair, comb it as much as you can.

If that doesn't work, if it's within the range of what you can see, it's unavoidable to cut that part with scissors.

However, with self-care, if you fail, you will not be able to recover, so consider leaving the conspicuous parts to a professional.

If you are dealing with it yourself, it is an iron rule to never overdo it.

Patterns to ask for at the beauty salon

If you can't unravel it on your own, or if it's difficult to cut it because of the surface or noticeable parts, leave it to the professionals.

The hairdresser is also used to dealing with tangled hair, so there is a high possibility that it will untie it. Even if you can't untie it, it will cut the tangled ball knot well with pinpoint accuracy, so you can solve it without making it noticeable.

Unlike stationery scissors, it is a special scissors for hair, so the cut is clean and there is little discomfort, so it will be finished without discomfort.

If you can't deal with it yourself, don't overdo it and ask a beauty salon to do it.

Hair care to avoid ball knots


What can you do to avoid tying the knot?
Please refer to the following prevention methods to reduce the risk of tying a ball before you need to take action.

hair care

Hair care is important to prevent knots. If possible, I would like to be aware of it on a daily basis.

It is also recommended to regularly use a type of hair that repairs the inside of the hair, such as a system treatment at a beauty salon. It provides plenty of nutrition in a way that self-care can't.

It should be easy to feel the effect of the mochi on the hair.

If you care for it at home, you can repair it with a hair mask or a highly moisturizing treatment 2-3 times a week to keep the effect long. It is more effective to take care of it in conjunction with treatments at a beauty salon, so it is ideal to do both.

Before drying your hair after washing your hair, be sure to use an out-bath type treatment before drying.

The Out Bath treatment protects your hair from the heat of the dryer and minimizes friction when drying.

Out bath treatments are available in oil and milk types. If you want to mainly repair the inside of your hair, the milk type is recommended. On the other hand, if you want to protect yourself from external damage such as dryness, the oil type is suitable.

Identify the characteristics and find an out bath treatment that suits you.


If you are concerned about entanglement, please keep in mind frequent brushing. In many cases, they get tangled up when they wake up in the morning, move during the day, and get entangled when exposed to the wind, so it is safe to carry a comb so that you can brush them when you are interested.

By brushing before going to bed, the direction of the hair is aligned, so it is difficult to get into the habit of sleeping and the burden on the hair can be reduced.

When it is tangled, it is recommended to use a coarse brush or a brush suitable for combing tangles. Brushing starts at the tips of the hair and gradually works upwards to untangle the tangles, making it less burdensome.

The right dryer

Even one way to dryer can cause it to get tangled, so remember how to dryer correctly.

[How to do the dryer]
1. Towel dry to gently wipe off excess water.

2. Gently comb with a coarse comb

3. Apply the out bath treatment from the middle to the tips of the hair.

4. Dry the dryer with a strong warm breeze, mainly near the ground At
this time, keep the hair dryer about 20 to 30 cm away from your head and shake the dryer lightly.

5. When the area near the skin becomes dry, move to the middle and dry the hair in a place where the
tips of the hair are also slightly exposed to the wind.

6. When it is about 8% dry, switch to a strong cold wind and finish
with a breeze from top to bottom. The cuticle is aligned, and the cold air makes it easier to keep the current shape of the hair and make it difficult to tie a ball knot.

7. When it dries thoroughly, apply a light treatment to the ends of the hair and complete.

It is absolutely NG to leave it after taking a bath. If left untreated, the hair will dry out quickly. Try to dry it as quickly as possible.

If you leave it on after a bath, it is easy to cause swells as it dries. This can cause entanglement and ball knots.


It is quite difficult not to move while sleeping, so it is important to create an environment where friction does not occur easily even if you move or turn over.

Therefore, we recommend the "nightcap", which has become popular in recent years.

If you wear a nightcap when you go to bed, you will reduce the friction of your hair with the pillow or duvet and reduce the damage. Both fabrics and silk are on sale, so it is a revolutionary item that protects your hair from friction.

If you're not comfortable with a nightcap, just changing your pillowcase to a silk one can be quite a countermeasure.

What happens if you leave it in a ball knot?


The ball knot in the hair itself is not harmful if left untreated.

If you get caught in your life, you are more likely to lose your hair. It is better to deal with it appropriately to prevent this from happening.

In the first place, the environment of the hair itself may be a problem. If it's because of your original hair type, there are some parts that can't be helped, but be careful if you can now tie a ball knot even though you were okay until now. There must be some kind of cause.

If damage is accumulated or dryness is severe, it may adversely affect the scalp environment if left untreated. In the long run, it can be a source of various problems such as thinning hair and hair loss.

Don't take it lightly because it's just damage or a ball knot, but take good care of your hair.



The problem of "ball knotting" in hair is a surprisingly familiar problem.
It may be difficult to take countermeasures, and many people may struggle.

It may be difficult to improve all at once, but you will be able to see how to deal with it by suppressing the causes, countermeasures, and prevention. If you continue to do so, the effect will surely follow.

Let's prevent it before it gets worse than it is now, prevent tangles as much as possible, and aim for beautiful and healthy hair.