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Does eating ham, bacon and beef really increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Does eating ham, bacon and beef really increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

by Duane Mellor,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainThat lunchtime staple, the humble ham sandwich, has come in for a bashing in the press recently. According tomanyrep

Does eating ham, bacon and beef really increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

by Duane Mellor,The ConversationCredit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainThat lunchtime staple, the humble ham sandwich, has come in for a bashing in the press recently. According tomanyrep
Is white rice bad for me? Can I make it lower glycemic index or healthier?

Is white rice bad for me? Can I make it lower glycemic index or healthier?

by Emma Beckett,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainRice is aculinary staplein Australia and around the world.It might seem like a given thatbrown riceis hea

Is white rice bad for me? Can I make it lower glycemic index or healthier?

by Emma Beckett,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainRice is aculinary staplein Australia and around the world.It might seem like a given thatbrown riceis hea
Apple Unveils New Product to Benefit Those with Hearing Impairments!

Apple Unveils New Product to Benefit Those with Hearing Impairments!

On September 10th, Apple held its fall product launch event, where the spotlight was on the iPhone 16 series and Apple's AI system. However, for, our focus is not on smartphones or AI

Apple Unveils New Product to Benefit Those with Hearing Impairments!

On September 10th, Apple held its fall product launch event, where the spotlight was on the iPhone 16 series and Apple's AI system. However, for, our focus is not on smartphones or AI
Nutritionist offers advice on iron supplementation

Nutritionist offers advice on iron supplementation

by Alannah McKay,The ConversationTaking your supplement alongside foods rich in vitamin C, like orange juice or kiwifruit, can help your body absorb the iron. Credit:Anete Lusina/PexelsIro

Nutritionist offers advice on iron supplementation

by Alannah McKay,The ConversationTaking your supplement alongside foods rich in vitamin C, like orange juice or kiwifruit, can help your body absorb the iron. Credit:Anete Lusina/PexelsIro
Ulcers, cracks and sores—what your mouth can tell you about your health

Ulcers, cracks and sores—what your mouth can tell you about your health

by Dan Baumgardt,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe Greek philosopher Zeno of Citiumonce saidthat we have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much

Ulcers, cracks and sores—what your mouth can tell you about your health

by Dan Baumgardt,The ConversationCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe Greek philosopher Zeno of Citiumonce saidthat we have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much
Black patients less likely to receive diagnostic testing in emergency department, finds study

Black patients less likely to receive diagnostic testing in emergency department, finds study

by Elana GotkineBlack patients are less likely than White patients with a nonspecific diagnosis of interest to receive related diagnostic testing in the emergency department, according to a study&nbsp

Black patients less likely to receive diagnostic testing in emergency department, finds study

by Elana GotkineBlack patients are less likely than White patients with a nonspecific diagnosis of interest to receive related diagnostic testing in the emergency department, according to a study&nbsp
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